Interesting YT Conversations...

. Every man and his dog knows about fascism and communism


Reading this forum, I get the distinct impression every man and his dog think they know about fascism and communism but few actually do. They conflate both with only historical regimes. Neo-liberalism is too readily accepted such is the power of those behind it and in my opinion it goes unquestioned and that in my mind is dangerous. I would also like a mixed economy with regulated capitalism and decent social provision. It seems nowadays though that any unacceptance of neo-liberalism opens you up to accusations of being a Marxist or a Fascist dependent on who the accuser may be.
I watched this utterly brilliant podcast yesterday, featuring the waffling, mad, but brilliant (& I mean brilliant) Dr Cornel West on 'The Joe Rogan Experience'.

If you don't know Dr West, he has the most amazing respect for everyone he speaks to, or about, by declaring them his 'Brother' or 'Sister', regardless of their politics.

It's an amazing trait that immediately disarms the other speaker and brings them to his level, whether they agree with him or not.

Quite often, though, he's never allowed to get his thoughts out as he's constrained by time; not with Rogan.

It was a long chat (or listen for Rogan!) and, if you have the time, you will hear the jazz in Dr West's thoughts; back and forth, dipping his toes in all sorts of subjects as he orchestrate his mind, lost within the music of his flow.

If you like listening to great minds, you'll enjoy this:

I couldn't throw this in any of the US political threads as this transcends it, so I present 4 lionesses known as 'The Squad' in a rare collective interview...

I note Omar sounds slow and draggy, but she's searching for words that are not her native tongue, but Tlaib is STRAIGHT FIRE, putting AOC in the shade for me!!
I thought I'd post a summarised version of the 'Rogan Experience' podcast by David Doel, who agrees with my assessment:

I’ve just watched this Doel shorter version. I agree with a lot of what Dr West says but Doel’s hysterical sycophantic portrayal, of lines that pretty much every anti-neoliberal commentator says, is cringeworthy.

Dr West is mostly right here but he’s not reinventing the political wheel, he’s saying stuff many on the left in America say.

There also needs to be a clear distinction between neoliberalists and conservatives, everyone just lumps them in the same boat and it’s wildly inaccurate.
I’ve just watched this Doel shorter version. I agree with a lot of what Dr West says but Doel’s hysterical sycophantic portrayal, of lines that pretty much every anti-neoliberal commentator says, is cringeworthy.

Dr West is mostly right here but he’s not reinventing the political wheel, he’s saying stuff many on the left in America say.

There also needs to be a clear distinction between neoliberalists and conservatives, everyone just lumps them in the same boat and it’s wildly inaccurate.

They 'lump them together' because that's the way Blair made it; by mixing ideologies together. You're talking classic conservatism, which doesn't really exist now. In fact, BloJo has taken a leaf more out of Blair's book (or trying to) more than Cameron ever did.

It's doomed to failure because the conditions aren't remotely the same to succeed in.
They 'lump them together' because that's the way Blair made it; by mixing ideologies together. You're talking classic conservatism, which doesn't really exist now. In fact, BloJo has taken a leaf more out of Blair's book (or trying to) more than Cameron ever did.

It's doomed to failure because the conditions aren't remotely the same to succeed in.

You’re absolutely right on the mixture of ideologies but it doesn’t make them conservative and I believe in keeping definitions to actually what they mean, whether they’re here or not.

Social and moral conservatism does exist, when people such as myself are living and the ideology of Edmund Burke is still read. In actual fact there are two movements - the Social Democrat Party and Blue Labour, who are actually conservative in their social approach. Unfortunately the former has no chance of power and the latter is fighting an uphill battle against the Blairites and Corbynites in the Labour movement.

The Conservative party isn’t and hasn’t been for many years, socially and morally conservative. Blairism was very liberal, in many aspects and whilst he put on a front pretending to be a conservative, he was nothing of the sort. The Tories then stole Blairism off him but had absolutely no idea what to do with it and the added austerity measures.

Johnson definitely isn’t conservative, he’s the first Prime Minister in British history to take office, living in Downing St. with someone he isn’t married to. Whether or not you agree with that or support it, it’s not conservatism. Nothing he nor Cummings stand for suggests to me that their will be the kind of social change that traditional social conservatives would want. The only thing so far is Priti Patel being seemingly tougher on criminals but the actual policies are not different.

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