Interview with Khaldoon on the OS...

Del_Bosque said:
Expect signings before the world cup
He didn't give the impression that he thought much transfer activity was required.

He mentioned the accelerated spending of last summer again and said we now had strength and depth in almost every position.
The best thing to me was the bit about not forgetting last night, that we (club) must remember last night for every game next season, we don't want that to be us again.

Great to know he went to the dressing room and told them all right after the game. You all have a future here if you want it.

ADUG only want "winners" at this club, and for everyone to have the winning mentality, players, staff, AND FANS. We're getting there with the players, but there are a lot of fans who are a long way off just yet. WE also have to believe, and that means not expecting too much too quickly, but giving support all the time.

One thing the club does need to rid itself of is the so called insiders who do nothing but undermine the club. The sooner they're rooted out and got rid of the better !

I think we need to hear more from Khaldoon, from that interview alone, he should be more pro-active in the PR stakes.

It also seemed to put to bed the suggestion that Khaldoon may leave us this summer, he sounded to me like he is in this for the long term.
I so happy that Mansour put Khaldoon in charge instead of that fat twat Sullamian Al Fahim
Brilliant interview, body language right, he was relaxed, truthful, no half measures, no humming and hahing just said it like it is. We are a business but we are also Manchester City and we don't sulk we just get back in there.

Thank you Mr Kahldoon, Thank you Sheikh Mansour. Loved the fact that the Sheikh had rung him immediately after the match to tell him to get into the dressing room and thank everyone.

Can't wait for next season already and this one isn't even over!
I'm listening to this with a warm heart and tears in my eyes (again). The Blue moon is rising and will continue to do so. Thanks Khaldoon for showing you care deeply for our club.
I look at some of the moaners posting on here and it makes me feel down.
I listen to mr Khaldoon and it brings me straight back up.
As the man says you dont get from A to Z in one leap it takes time.

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