Interview with Khaldoon on the OS...

Listen to that interview and then compare the content to some of the stuff that spouted on this forum, ie. people suggesting they know best what is good for MCFC. Its makes you proud to know the club is in such good hands.
Forza Khaldoun + Mancini.
Listening to that and remembering we have almost secured a 5th place finish is making remember what a special and brilliant season this one is. We've come a long way from bottom half - mid table finishes and going from 10th, 9th I think and now possibly 5th is incredible. :)
Great interview, and probably just what we needed to hear after last night. My favourite line is probably the one about not sulking, and moving forward.

Khaldoon is such a busy guy that he'll certainly never move to Manchester to run City, but as a few people have stated in this thread, it's a shame he doesn't do more media stuff. Too classy I suppose. Also, it would have been nice to hear from him a little earlier this year. Maybe in the run up to the derby at COMS.

I suppose the club have their reasons for waiting until now.

cleavers said:
One thing the club does need to rid itself of is the so called insiders who do nothing but undermine the club. The sooner they're rooted out and got rid of the better !

I'm curious, this is a genuine question. In what capacity do you think the club were undermined this season by people working for them?
The man is CLASS.From feeling down to up in the clouds in 10 minutes, always knew God/ Allah was a blue.
Sheikh Django said:
I still maintain we should chant his name at the Ham.


Khaldoon doon let me hear you say.........;-)

I love that man!
Can you imagine if Uncle Malc came out with an interview like that? Sky would be greasing his arse and man loving him all day long.

VERY BIG "if" though haha.
We're the 5th of 6th best team in England.

We've come a LONG way in the last 3 years.
BillyShears said:
I'm curious, this is a genuine question. In what capacity do you think the club were undermined this season by people working for them?

Billy, you know exactly what I mean.

For decades the club has had people, supposedly on the inside, who like to just shit stir, its something that needs to be removed. Those who tittle tattle to the press about unrest in dressing rooms, on training grounds etc. Digs at certain staff etc etc. It does the club no good whatsoever, causes unrest amongst the fans.

Its clear to me from that interview that all is actually very well at City, and that the vast majority are pulling towards one goal, we are in the safest hands we have ever been. We are going forward, nothing is going to stop it, so lets all get behind it, and bloody well enjoy it.

Our time is coming, SOON.

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