Absolutely fuck all was impressive about it and Israel could turn Tehran into a car in ten minutes.
If anyone should be sitting anything out, it’s the Islamist fanatical cunts who spend their entire time and what little money their country doesn’t have trying to fund terrorist groups to attack Israel and further destabilise the region.
Cunts vs cunts and cunts all the way down.
Do you know who I feel sorry for? Not the Israeli government, not Hamas, not the Iranian dictatorship, just every other poor **** in the region trying to work, support their family and live their lives in the 21st fucking century.
Honestly, as a species, we’ve come so far in the last 5,000 years but unfortunately, those that rise to power tend to be sociopaths with the same primitive instincts our forebears had when they first started coming from the trees to walk upright on the savannah. Humans are a cancer on the planet.