Iranian General killed by US Drone.

You know full well what I mean, the bloke has made president of the USA. Unless you put that down to vast swathes of Americans being thick having voted for him.

I doubt he will go down in history as a genius, but I do think his fervent haters do somewhat wrongly have him down as some sort of epic dunce.

It's a great legacy for Trump

The odd person didn't think he was an epic dunce
Truly worrying situation.

His BFF Putin will be getting sleepiness nights trying to reign in Iran from doing something silly.

I predict a tooth for a tooth. Iran will take out a high ranking US official.
They are not that stupid
You seem to have confused being a useful figurehead for intelligence.

It's pretty much impossible to make an argument that Trump is intelligent. First and foremost just listen to him, he's incoherent, has the vocabulary of a 9 year old and cannot express any sort of complex thought.

Then there's the fact he's used legal coercion to suppress his school records because he's so ashamed of them, or that at the university his dad paid through the teeth for him to get into, his professor would regularly lament that he was the dumbest student he'd ever had the misfortune to teach.

We know he's lost his 9 figure inheritance, we know he's bankruptedalmost every business he's tried, we know he lost more money than any other American between 1984 and 1995, and we know that he's been living off 10 figure loans from Deutsche Bank guaranteed by Russian Billionaires who've most likely been using him and his name to launder money for 15 years.

The idea that he's intelligent because he got elected holds about as much weight as him being a genius businessman and self-made billionaire because that's what The Apprentice made him out to be. The program that used to film around things like his helicopter getting repossessed or buildings they were supposed to film in getting shut down because he couldn't pay his bills.

His entire life he's been a bullshitter, and one day TV executives realised that they could sell the bullshit to TV audiences. Then political advisers realised that the single most important factor in a US election is name recognition and he had tons of it, so they picked him up and sold him. Twice they failed, because democratic voters didn't take him seriously, so they had him swap to being a far right republican and found that their voter base was far more receptive of racist populism.

He's a puppet, not a genius.

But apart from that, what is there to suggest he's not the sharpest?
The Iranian leaders have pledged to "wipe Israel off the map" and proclaimed "Death to America" for years before this recent incident with Soleimani. Is that not evil enough for you? What level of "evil" are we talking then? Do we have a "scale of evil" to go off, an 'evilometer' so to speak?

Are we also just going to ignore pre-1500 history? ALL nations have done cunty things, there's no "top trumps" in which one has been the more cunty.That is an everlasting argument and one thats often descends into ignorance and bias.

But right now, and the topic of debate, the cuntiest nation, in respect to it's current actions, are those who currently claim to be the leaders of the nation of Iran.

I beg to differ ,there are no no cunty nations and the only ones that come close are the US , Israel, Germany ,britian ,fran ce ,russia and whoever else profits from war. i have been to Iran lovely people lovely culture. you talking about them as evil is seriously cuntish and an insult to anyone with a free thinking mind.
Just learn your history. Got nothing to do with self loathing. Guessing you're the sort of person that would have supported slavery, ethnic cleansing of aboriginals purely on the grounds that Britain never gets it wrong, and by extension neither do our allies the US.
Britain was the first country to utilise its navy to halt slavery, and instigated its ban, so I'll take no history
lessons from you. Your guess that I supported it and ethnic cleansing is understandable, as this sort of pejorative
projection is typical of your type. This country was involved in colonialism, as were many others, France, Belgium Holland,
Spain, Portugal, to name a few European countries, many Arab nations were instigators of it, I suggest you learn some history.
I think his point (which is not without considerable merit) is that if the US (in particular) had not interfered previously in promoting and subsequently propping up the Shah, then the Iranian Revolution may not have taken a hold.
If's and buts about events 40 years ago do not address the current situation, the fact is, Iranian society was undoubtedly
better then, compared to now, which was my original point.
Horse-shit mate,you re spouting total horse-shit!

You genuinely think the opinion that this General was a **** and got what he deserved is “horse shit”?

What the fuck is wrong with you?

LBC had a bloke on who’s family had been murdered on this guy’s orders and there’s thousands upon thousands more in the same boat.

The Iranian leadership are cretins, not the people.
I beg to differ ,there are no no cunty nations and the only ones that come close are the US , Israel, Germany ,britian ,fran ce ,russia and whoever else profits from war. i have been to Iran lovely people lovely culture. you talking about them as evil is seriously cuntish and an insult to anyone with a free thinking mind.

Where have you been for the last half century or even the last year? Iran and many other countries in the region have been engaged in war and proxy war within the region for decades.

This isn't about the plight of a lovely peaceful country vs the big bad US, it is about whose side are you on and there is no good side unless you consider war a good thing.

Irrespective of future plans, the general the US killed was responsible for the deaths of thousands and one of those deaths included an American last week.

There are repercussions for actions and Iran has paid the price.

If they go on from this to cause more trouble then the potentially equally damaging reaction will only be their own fault.

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