Ireland slams door shut on international return

mcfc83 said:
Can anyone enlighten me on this 'bullying' rumour?

I thought it was because his girlfriend had a miscarriage but he covered it up by saying his gran had died??
When he had his daft hair plugs, a few players pinned him down at training and tired to pull them out/cut them off.
MCFC-alan88 said:
dw7 said:
i dont know why he wont and neither do you your just making accusations si should of just came out with this story if it was the truth then people would understand why he wont pay or the players that were involved be gone but until he does come out all stories are just that stories

And again in legible English?

i dont know why he wont and neither do you
Translation: I do not know why Mr Stephen Ireland will not represent the Republic Of Ireland national football team, and apparantly, you do not know either, my good man.

your just making accusations si should of just came out with this story
Translation: My good man, it seems you are making unfounded accusations concerning Mr Stephen Ireland. I believe Mr Stephen Ireland should have just come out with this story, regarding Mr Stephen Hunt, and his fellow brother, Mr Noel Hunt, who are allegedly preventing Mr Stephen Ireland from representing the Republic Of Ireland national football team.

if it was the truth then people would understand why he wont pay or the players that were involved be gone
Translation: If this story regarding these two individuals of Mr Stephen Hunt, and his fellow brother Mr Noel Hunt, who allegedly viciously insulted Mr Stephen Ireland, regarding his focally challenged concerns, happened to be the truth, then the honest working person, would understand why Mr Stephen Ireland, chooses not to represent the Republic Of Ireland national football team, for fear of further provocation, or that the said individuals involved in Mr Stephen Ireland's mockery, would remove themselves, or be removed, from the Republic of Ireland national football team.

but until he does come out all stories are just that stories
Translation: Until that day does come, when Mr Stephen Ireland, reveals the truth of what happened on that fateful day, then all stories we may hear, will just have to be considered as works of fiction.
NQT said:
dw7 said:
this story is just a rumour and to get rid of hunt etc if the story is true you need s.i. to come out with the truth rather than some stupid lies about grannies dying and miscarraiges

He explained "Grannygate" and has since apologised. But he's never publicly said anything about bullying. Can you imagine what would happen, as in taunts from opposition players and supporters, if he did.

true true..... but he has come out and explained why he wont play by saying he wants to concentrate on city and his famiy etc so why do people think this is lies why not execpt that ths is the reason people just want to belive the bullying story

its the same if the paper print a bad story about city its all bollox and the paper is shit but if the same paper prints a good story its all true
This thing about Stevie Ireland not playing for Ireland has become a bit of a drag. The guy himself must be peed off with the way everyone's always talking about it. The fact is that to many people, international football plays second fiddle to club football now, and indeed has done for a long time. I fully understand why. Clubs pay their players, not their countries. You'll always hear, as I have living in Dublin, people going on about how Stevie "should be glad to pull on the green jersey", "Most people would give their right arm, blah de blah", but the truth is that it is just not that important anymore, either to many of the players or many of the fans. What makes me laugh is that a lot of these clowns are the same people (rags) who were bemoaning the FAI and Mick McCarthy in 2002, when their ire should have been directed at a truly selfish player, Roy Keane, but no, Roy did no wrong by having a pop at the manager and getting himself sent home. But when Stevie Ireland pulls out for what I understand to be solid reasons, these same rags are rubbishing him, which I can only assume is because he plays for City. Well fuck them, stay well away Stevie, you're well rid of this crap
mcfc83 said:
Can anyone enlighten me on this 'bullying' rumour?

I thought it was because his girlfriend had a miscarriage but he covered it up by saying his gran had died??

These are two totally different incidents.
"Grannygate" happened because he was trying to keep a secret that his girlfriend had miscarried. He was away on international duty and instead of telling the management in confidence he said his Gran had died. The Irish FA flew him home on a privately chartered plane and then it became public knowledge that neither of his Grans had died and it all became a bit embarrasing.
The alleged bullying happened on an international week. Remember when he suddenly had a full head of hair, well in a bar he was held down by a couple of Irish players whilst a couple more were tugging at his hair. Apparently our former captain was in the bar and looked on laughing.
dw7 said:
NQT said:
I reckon that the reason he's not going to return to international football is the fact that the "bullies" are still there and they'll never let it go. He's just going to prove what he can do playing for City.
What will be interesting is to see what happens between him and Hunt when we play Hull.

this story is just a rumour and to get rid of hunt etc if the story is true you need s.i. to come out with the truth rather than some stupid lies about grannies dying and miscarraiges

Fuck off nobhead - you ever had someone you love suffer a miscarriage?

He wasn't lying about that.
The way I see it.

If Stevie doesn't want to play for RoI then he shouldn't at the end of the day, he's come on leaps and bounds since he 'retired' from international football. I believe he's very happy at City, and he doesn't 'need' to be playing international football.
dw7 said:
NQT said:
He explained "Grannygate" and has since apologised. But he's never publicly said anything about bullying. Can you imagine what would happen, as in taunts from opposition players and supporters, if he did.

true true..... but he has come out and explained why he wont play by saying he wants to concentrate on city and his famiy etc so why do people think this is lies why not execpt that ths is the reason people just want to belive the bullying story

its the same if the paper print a bad story about city its all bollox and the paper is shit but if the same paper prints a good story its all true

The season before last Ric and Josh (Blue2112) interviewed Richard Dunne at Carrington for the site. They asked RD if he thought SI would ever play for Ireland again and Dunne said no.
Read into that what you will.
SWP's back said:
dw7 said:
this story is just a rumour and to get rid of hunt etc if the story is true you need s.i. to come out with the truth rather than some stupid lies about grannies dying and miscarraiges

Fuck off nobhead - you ever had someone you love suffer a miscarriage?

He wasn't lying about that.

how do you know if it is the truth well im sorry to si not you knob head
whats your problem dw7?? all you seem to be doing is defending C*nt slagging of City fans and saying Ireland is a liar? a Man City forum aint the best place to do either...

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