Ireland slams door shut on international return

IrishMacca said:
The brat can do what he wants. Cleary his one interest is himself and himself only. He'd rather be in the gym alone kickboxing, apparently that'll improve his game more then playing with his international team.

He would rather do that then play with a team that he clearly feels isn't good enough for him, that he obviously turns his noes up at.
To think a player, an actual top class player would rather be in the gym alone, running up and down steps and driving around in his fancy personalised cars with superman logos all over it, then possibly going to the world cup, what kind of player does that make him..clearly one only interested in the money and money alone. And the star status that comes with playing with City, Ireland clearly isn't glamourus enough for him.

Everyone here is sick to death of his childish poor attitude. There's not one inch of sympathy for him, nor was there ever, no one believed that bullshit story about the bullying, especially when you consider that this is the same child who pulled down his shorts to show the entire world his personalised boxers, sensitive soul one minute, attention seeker the next..something doesn't fall right there. An excuse, just an excuse. He couldn't be bothered wasting his time, or coming out with the truth.

Like I said, zero sympathy, the papers weren't too pleased with him either.
I mean who does he think he is, stringing everyone along, probably loved the kick off it, the power rush. To know that people are falling over themselves trying to convince him to play and he wouldn't give us the decency of an answer or an excuse. Refusing to ring people back, to get in contact with..out of line.

He just walked away with no explanation, and now he's calling it the best decision he's ever made..what kinda brat does that make him.
Just a typical modern day brat only interested in himself and the money.
To quote Shay Given from yesterday..

Given and Keane are veterans of the 2002 World Cup in Japan and South Korea, a moment the Manchester City goalkeeper regards as one of the best in his career, and the shot-stopper is eager to experience it again in South Africa.

"We are not there yet, but it's the biggest chance we have had for a number of years now of qualification, so it is getting exciting," he highlighted.

"We knew how big a game Saturday night's was for the whole country, we knew what was at stake and we were delighted to walk away with three points, and roll on the Italian game.

"It was one of the highlights of my career to represent Ireland in the World Cup finals in 2002, and it still is.

"But I would like to go back again. South Africa would be fantastic, and not too far for the fans either. It would be a great occasion if we could do it."

But no, too busy flashing around his money and working out in the gym. Like it said in the paper yesterday, but while he may wear the Superman pants, it's the rest of them were heroes.

They were out on their feet on the weekend, the heat, the frustration, they gave everything, and ya, our midfield players aren't in the same class as Ireland, but hell at least they'll try and work and fight. They were throwing themselves into tackles, putting their bodies on the line, running themselves into the ground, knowing that they could have been booked, missing the Italy game. But they did it anyway.
They worked their socks off for the team, and they'd have to work harder then Ireland does for an inch of the natural talent he has. But the difference, the rest of the team are proud to wear the jersey. Everyone on that squad, more then anything, wants to go to the WC, and you've some players killing themselves trying to get onto the team. While this guy, has people chassing him around begging him to come back, only short of going on their knees pleading with him.

We don't need him as much as he needs us. And one day he might just figure out what it's all about. But we don't need him.

What kind of player would rather work out in the gym alone, instead of playing in the WC..dead inside.
I love how you've twisted this whole situation into somehow Ireland is this arrogant, only interested in money dickhead. You see how he plays with passion, honesty and commitment for City week in week out, so surely there is something else going on for him not to play for his country. He would not miss out on the world cup because he thinks Ireland is 'beneath him'. That's honestly ridiculous mate.
Irish Macca Ireland do need Stevie in the team. Trap is bringing Ireland back to the Big Jack days of playing shit football it is scary to watch them at times under Trap. If he gets us to SA with his tatics I would shit myself against most of the teams there. The team cant pass the ball about like they have done under other managers and I would rather have O Leary as the manager instead of Trap it is how bad we have played.

The Ireland team should be built around Ireland and McGeady for years to come and you do your best to get the best players to play for Ireland. I think Ireland will come back after the World Cup but you have to look at the squad Ireland have it is the worst squad I have seen in years.
They were out on their feet on the weekend, the heat, the frustration, they gave everything, and ya, our midfield players aren't in the same class as Ireland, but hell at least they'll try and work and fight. They were throwing themselves into tackles, putting their bodies on the line, running themselves into the ground, knowing that they could have been booked, missing the Italy game. But they did it anyway.
Now look, the match the other night, and let's make no bones about this, was diabolical. Cyprus had players who play for poor teams on the continent, the Irish team was composed largely of Premier League players. Many of whom couldn't pass the ball to save their lives, but they're on tens of thousands a week, the catastrophic midfield pairing of Andrews and Whelan included. It was the "little Cypriots" who were the real heroes, running and passing their hearts out for their similarly small homeland with no little effort or skill, just lacking the know how to get the job done and win the match. Stevie Ireland would be wasted playing for Trapattoni, a negative manager just like Jack Charlton, who would make little or no use of Stevie's talents, just as Jack made little or no use of, say, Ronnie Whelan's talents back in the day. Blaming it on the heat is lame, you couldn't compare it to, say, USA 94 or Japan 2002 when we were up against quality opponents. The "frustration" was caused by the fact that they didn't capitalise on an early goal by putting the game out of sight, so the frustration was their own fault. Trap likes players like Andrews and Whelan because they perform a job with no complaint, which is commendable. They play for hoof the ball managers at club level, I'm not so sure Trap would like Stevie Ireland doing his own thing even if he did come back. I hope the Republic qualify, but I also hope Stevie Ireland realises that he's at a good club and should question whether playing for a national team who don't stand a chance of going very far in the World Cup or Euros is really worth it, even if "most people would give their right arm to"
IrishMacca said:
The brat can do what he wants. Cleary his one interest is himself and himself only. He'd rather be in the gym alone kickboxing, apparently that'll improve his game more then playing with his international team.

He would rather do that then play with a team that he clearly feels isn't good enough for him, that he obviously turns his noes up at.
To think a player, an actual top class player would rather be in the gym alone, running up and down steps and driving around in his fancy personalised cars with superman logos all over it, then possibly going to the world cup, what kind of player does that make him..clearly one only interested in the money and money alone. And the star status that comes with playing with City, Ireland clearly isn't glamourus enough for him.

Everyone here is sick to death of his childish poor attitude. There's not one inch of sympathy for him, nor was there ever, no one believed that bullshit story about the bullying, especially when you consider that this is the same child who pulled down his shorts to show the entire world his personalised boxers, sensitive soul one minute, attention seeker the next..something doesn't fall right there. An excuse, just an excuse. He couldn't be bothered wasting his time, or coming out with the truth.

Like I said, zero sympathy, the papers weren't too pleased with him either.
I mean who does he think he is, stringing everyone along, probably loved the kick off it, the power rush. To know that people are falling over themselves trying to convince him to play and he wouldn't give us the decency of an answer or an excuse. Refusing to ring people back, to get in contact with..out of line.

He just walked away with no explanation, and now he's calling it the best decision he's ever made..what kinda brat does that make him.
Just a typical modern day brat only interested in himself and the money.
To quote Shay Given from yesterday..

Given and Keane are veterans of the 2002 World Cup in Japan and South Korea, a moment the Manchester City goalkeeper regards as one of the best in his career, and the shot-stopper is eager to experience it again in South Africa.

"We are not there yet, but it's the biggest chance we have had for a number of years now of qualification, so it is getting exciting," he highlighted.

"We knew how big a game Saturday night's was for the whole country, we knew what was at stake and we were delighted to walk away with three points, and roll on the Italian game.

"It was one of the highlights of my career to represent Ireland in the World Cup finals in 2002, and it still is.

"But I would like to go back again. South Africa would be fantastic, and not too far for the fans either. It would be a great occasion if we could do it."

But no, too busy flashing around his money and working out in the gym. Like it said in the paper yesterday, but while he may wear the Superman pants, it's the rest of them were heroes.

They were out on their feet on the weekend, the heat, the frustration, they gave everything, and ya, our midfield players aren't in the same class as Ireland, but hell at least they'll try and work and fight. They were throwing themselves into tackles, putting their bodies on the line, running themselves into the ground, knowing that they could have been booked, missing the Italy game. But they did it anyway.
They worked their socks off for the team, and they'd have to work harder then Ireland does for an inch of the natural talent he has. But the difference, the rest of the team are proud to wear the jersey. Everyone on that squad, more then anything, wants to go to the WC, and you've some players killing themselves trying to get onto the team. While this guy, has people chassing him around begging him to come back, only short of going on their knees pleading with him.

We don't need him as much as he needs us. And one day he might just figure out what it's all about. But we don't need him.

What kind of player would rather work out in the gym alone, instead of playing in the WC..dead inside.

I think I just saw your dummy fly past my window!

Seriously though - send me your address and I'll post it back to you...;- )
bluedub said:
They were out on their feet on the weekend, the heat, the frustration, they gave everything, and ya, our midfield players aren't in the same class as Ireland, but hell at least they'll try and work and fight. They were throwing themselves into tackles, putting their bodies on the line, running themselves into the ground, knowing that they could have been booked, missing the Italy game. But they did it anyway.
Now look, the match the other night, and let's make no bones about this, was diabolical. Cyprus had players who play for poor teams on the continent, the Irish team was composed largely of Premier League players. Many of whom couldn't pass the ball to save their lives, but they're on tens of thousands a week, the catastrophic midfield pairing of Andrews and Whelan included. It was the "little Cypriots" who were the real heroes, running and passing their hearts out for their similarly small homeland with no little effort or skill, just lacking the know how to get the job done and win the match. Stevie Ireland would be wasted playing for Trapattoni, a negative manager just like Jack Charlton, who would make little or no use of Stevie's talents, just as Jack made little or no use of, say, Ronnie Whelan's talents back in the day. Blaming it on the heat is lame, you couldn't compare it to, say, USA 94 or Japan 2002 when we were up against quality opponents. The "frustration" was caused by the fact that they didn't capitalise on an early goal by putting the game out of sight, so the frustration was their own fault. Trap likes players like Andrews and Whelan because they perform a job with no complaint, which is commendable. They play for hoof the ball managers at club level, I'm not so sure Trap would like Stevie Ireland doing his own thing even if he did come back. I hope the Republic qualify, but I also hope Stevie Ireland realises that he's at a good club and should question whether playing for a national team who don't stand a chance of going very far in the World Cup or Euros is really worth it, even if "most people would give their right arm to"

The match on the weekend was shocking, on so many levels. But we have a serious problem when it comes to playing Cyprus, and it's not just us, everyone has struggled against them, even the Italians.
Like I said, he sees himself too good for the team, too good for the style of the football. And with Charlton we got very far in the WC. The team can't pass around because our midfield is so poor, it would be 100 times better, but apparently the lad would be "wasted" playing for Trap. Trap would take Ireland back in a heartbeat, what everyone, fans, media, players..etc would think about is is another question. But he'd be able to play any old way he wants. Instead our midfield is poor that you've players like O Shea who hoofs the ball up the pitch, he wouldn't dream of doing that at Man U. But there really is no other way to get the ball up the top.
Not having a chance, oh he's saving himself the embarasment, I see.
We never really have a chance at getting anywhere with the Irish teams, yet that didn't stop us back in 02, that didn't stop us putting up to Italy, Germany, Spain..

You can't build a team around someone who is so selfish that he doesn't want to play now can you.
Hopefully Trap will come to his sense and bring back Reid who is killing himself to get back on the team, he could pass the ball, both of the Reid's could, there are players that would love to be on the team, that would malke the team 100 times better but aren't on it. Hopefully they'll get to come back and our midfield will improve. We're steady enough in the other areas, but unfortunately we're not in the midfield.
Like I said, everyone here is sick of the child and his attitude.
Tell The King said:
IrishMacca said:
The brat can do what he wants. Cleary his one interest is himself and himself only. He'd rather be in the gym alone kickboxing, apparently that'll improve his game more then playing with his international team.

He would rather do that then play with a team that he clearly feels isn't good enough for him, that he obviously turns his noes up at.
To think a player, an actual top class player would rather be in the gym alone, running up and down steps and driving around in his fancy personalised cars with superman logos all over it, then possibly going to the world cup, what kind of player does that make him..clearly one only interested in the money and money alone. And the star status that comes with playing with City, Ireland clearly isn't glamourus enough for him.

Everyone here is sick to death of his childish poor attitude. There's not one inch of sympathy for him, nor was there ever, no one believed that bullshit story about the bullying, especially when you consider that this is the same child who pulled down his shorts to show the entire world his personalised boxers, sensitive soul one minute, attention seeker the next..something doesn't fall right there. An excuse, just an excuse. He couldn't be bothered wasting his time, or coming out with the truth.

Like I said, zero sympathy, the papers weren't too pleased with him either.
I mean who does he think he is, stringing everyone along, probably loved the kick off it, the power rush. To know that people are falling over themselves trying to convince him to play and he wouldn't give us the decency of an answer or an excuse. Refusing to ring people back, to get in contact with..out of line.

He just walked away with no explanation, and now he's calling it the best decision he's ever made..what kinda brat does that make him.
Just a typical modern day brat only interested in himself and the money.
To quote Shay Given from yesterday..

But no, too busy flashing around his money and working out in the gym. Like it said in the paper yesterday, but while he may wear the Superman pants, it's the rest of them were heroes.

They were out on their feet on the weekend, the heat, the frustration, they gave everything, and ya, our midfield players aren't in the same class as Ireland, but hell at least they'll try and work and fight. They were throwing themselves into tackles, putting their bodies on the line, running themselves into the ground, knowing that they could have been booked, missing the Italy game. But they did it anyway.
They worked their socks off for the team, and they'd have to work harder then Ireland does for an inch of the natural talent he has. But the difference, the rest of the team are proud to wear the jersey. Everyone on that squad, more then anything, wants to go to the WC, and you've some players killing themselves trying to get onto the team. While this guy, has people chassing him around begging him to come back, only short of going on their knees pleading with him.

We don't need him as much as he needs us. And one day he might just figure out what it's all about. But we don't need him.

What kind of player would rather work out in the gym alone, instead of playing in the WC..dead inside.
I love how you've twisted this whole situation into somehow Ireland is this arrogant, only interested in money dickhead. You see how he plays with passion, honesty and commitment for City week in week out, so surely there is something else going on for him not to play for his country. He would not miss out on the world cup because he thinks Ireland is 'beneath him'. That's honestly ridiculous mate.
The massive pay he has might have something to do with it. He likes playing with players he clearly thinks are up to his standard, and with tactics that are worthy of him.
And as for the other part, he has said not playing for Ireland is the best decision he has ever made. So no I don't think there is another reason.
Most players would kill to go play in the WC, but some, unfortunately would rather drive around in their cars and flash about their money. Money really has destroyed the game. It's a pity. One day Ireland will wake up, probably in his 30s and realise what it's all about and change his mind, and like when George Best was 36 and asked could he come back to the NI team before the WC, he was simply told no thank you.
IrishMacca said:
The match on the weekend was shocking, on so many levels. But we have a serious problem when it comes to playing Cyprus, and it's not just us, everyone has struggled against them, even the Italians.
Like I said, he sees himself too good for the team, too good for the style of the football. And with Charlton we got very far in the WC. The team can't pass around because our midfield is so poor, it would be 100 times better, but apparently the lad would be "wasted" playing for Trap. Trap would take Ireland back in a heartbeat, what everyone, fans, media, players..etc would think about is is another question. But he'd be able to play any old way he wants. Instead our midfield is poor that you've players like O Shea who hoofs the ball up the pitch, he wouldn't dream of doing that at Man U. But there really is no other way to get the ball up the top.
Not having a chance, oh he's saving himself the embarasment, I see.
We never really have a chance at getting anywhere with the Irish teams, yet that didn't stop us back in 02, that didn't stop us putting up to Italy, Germany, Spain..

You can't build a team around someone who is so selfish that he doesn't want to play now can you.
Hopefully Trap will come to his sense and bring back Reid who is killing himself to get back on the team, he could pass the ball, both of the Reid's could, there are players that would love to be on the team, that would malke the team 100 times better but aren't on it. Hopefully they'll get to come back and our midfield will improve. We're steady enough in the other areas, but unfortunately we're not in the midfield.
Like I said, everyone here is sick of the child and his attitude.

I think you should re-direct your ire towards the amateurs who run the FAI.

IMO Stevie will never again play for Ireland - because from top to bottom, to a man, the people in charge are idiots, clowns, amateurs, and fools. They treated the boy like SHIT for years, and now suddenly are begging for him to come back.

As he himself said recently..."You don't need me. You've Hunt still playing for ya..." LOL.
IrishMacca said:
The brat can do what he wants. Cleary his one interest is himself and himself only. He'd rather be in the gym alone kickboxing, apparently that'll improve his game more then playing with his international team.

He would rather do that then play with a team that he clearly feels isn't good enough for him, that he obviously turns his noes up at.
To think a player, an actual top class player would rather be in the gym alone, running up and down steps and driving around in his fancy personalised cars with superman logos all over it, then possibly going to the world cup, what kind of player does that make him..clearly one only interested in the money and money alone. And the star status that comes with playing with City, Ireland clearly isn't glamourus enough for him.

Everyone here is sick to death of his childish poor attitude. There's not one inch of sympathy for him, nor was there ever, no one believed that bullshit story about the bullying, especially when you consider that this is the same child who pulled down his shorts to show the entire world his personalised boxers, sensitive soul one minute, attention seeker the next..something doesn't fall right there. An excuse, just an excuse. He couldn't be bothered wasting his time, or coming out with the truth.

Like I said, zero sympathy, the papers weren't too pleased with him either.
I mean who does he think he is, stringing everyone along, probably loved the kick off it, the power rush. To know that people are falling over themselves trying to convince him to play and he wouldn't give us the decency of an answer or an excuse. Refusing to ring people back, to get in contact with..out of line.

He just walked away with no explanation, and now he's calling it the best decision he's ever made..what kinda brat does that make him.
Just a typical modern day brat only interested in himself and the money.
To quote Shay Given from yesterday..

Given and Keane are veterans of the 2002 World Cup in Japan and South Korea, a moment the Manchester City goalkeeper regards as one of the best in his career, and the shot-stopper is eager to experience it again in South Africa.

"We are not there yet, but it's the biggest chance we have had for a number of years now of qualification, so it is getting exciting," he highlighted.

"We knew how big a game Saturday night's was for the whole country, we knew what was at stake and we were delighted to walk away with three points, and roll on the Italian game.

"It was one of the highlights of my career to represent Ireland in the World Cup finals in 2002, and it still is.

"But I would like to go back again. South Africa would be fantastic, and not too far for the fans either. It would be a great occasion if we could do it."

But no, too busy flashing around his money and working out in the gym. Like it said in the paper yesterday, but while he may wear the Superman pants, it's the rest of them were heroes.

They were out on their feet on the weekend, the heat, the frustration, they gave everything, and ya, our midfield players aren't in the same class as Ireland, but hell at least they'll try and work and fight. They were throwing themselves into tackles, putting their bodies on the line, running themselves into the ground, knowing that they could have been booked, missing the Italy game. But they did it anyway.
They worked their socks off for the team, and they'd have to work harder then Ireland does for an inch of the natural talent he has. But the difference, the rest of the team are proud to wear the jersey. Everyone on that squad, more then anything, wants to go to the WC, and you've some players killing themselves trying to get onto the team. While this guy, has people chassing him around begging him to come back, only short of going on their knees pleading with him.

We don't need him as much as he needs us. And one day he might just figure out what it's all about. But we don't need him.

What kind of player would rather work out in the gym alone, instead of playing in the WC..dead inside.

mate your the brat here, ireland doesn't want your pissing sympathy, maybe he wants to be appreciated for what he does or maybe even loved,
well he gets that everytime he walks out onto that pitch at eastlands
so bollocks to ireland
I'm sure you will have a drink with the irish squad and hundreds of fans IrishMacc (as that is what you are best at, you said it yourself) over this terrible news that a top class midfielder isn't joining in with a gloryfied pub team.
IrishMacca said:
The brat can do what he wants. Cleary his one interest is himself and himself only. He'd rather be in the gym alone kickboxing, apparently that'll improve his game more then playing with his international team.

He would rather do that then play with a team that he clearly feels isn't good enough for him, that he obviously turns his noes up at.
To think a player, an actual top class player would rather be in the gym alone, running up and down steps and driving around in his fancy personalised cars with superman logos all over it, then possibly going to the world cup, what kind of player does that make him..clearly one only interested in the money and money alone. And the star status that comes with playing with City, Ireland clearly isn't glamourus enough for him.

Everyone here is sick to death of his childish poor attitude. There's not one inch of sympathy for him, nor was there ever, no one believed that bullshit story about the bullying, especially when you consider that this is the same child who pulled down his shorts to show the entire world his personalised boxers, sensitive soul one minute, attention seeker the next..something doesn't fall right there. An excuse, just an excuse. He couldn't be bothered wasting his time, or coming out with the truth.

Like I said, zero sympathy, the papers weren't too pleased with him either.
I mean who does he think he is, stringing everyone along, probably loved the kick off it, the power rush. To know that people are falling over themselves trying to convince him to play and he wouldn't give us the decency of an answer or an excuse. Refusing to ring people back, to get in contact with..out of line.

He just walked away with no explanation, and now he's calling it the best decision he's ever made..what kinda brat does that make him.
Just a typical modern day brat only interested in himself and the money.
To quote Shay Given from yesterday..

Given and Keane are veterans of the 2002 World Cup in Japan and South Korea, a moment the Manchester City goalkeeper regards as one of the best in his career, and the shot-stopper is eager to experience it again in South Africa.

"We are not there yet, but it's the biggest chance we have had for a number of years now of qualification, so it is getting exciting," he highlighted.

"We knew how big a game Saturday night's was for the whole country, we knew what was at stake and we were delighted to walk away with three points, and roll on the Italian game.

"It was one of the highlights of my career to represent Ireland in the World Cup finals in 2002, and it still is.

"But I would like to go back again. South Africa would be fantastic, and not too far for the fans either. It would be a great occasion if we could do it."

But no, too busy flashing around his money and working out in the gym. Like it said in the paper yesterday, but while he may wear the Superman pants, it's the rest of them were heroes.

They were out on their feet on the weekend, the heat, the frustration, they gave everything, and ya, our midfield players aren't in the same class as Ireland, but hell at least they'll try and work and fight. They were throwing themselves into tackles, putting their bodies on the line, running themselves into the ground, knowing that they could have been booked, missing the Italy game. But they did it anyway.
They worked their socks off for the team, and they'd have to work harder then Ireland does for an inch of the natural talent he has. But the difference, the rest of the team are proud to wear the jersey. Everyone on that squad, more then anything, wants to go to the WC, and you've some players killing themselves trying to get onto the team. While this guy, has people chassing him around begging him to come back, only short of going on their knees pleading with him.

We don't need him as much as he needs us. And one day he might just figure out what it's all about. But we don't need him.

What kind of player would rather work out in the gym alone, instead of playing in the WC..dead inside.


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