
There is a light said:
I've just read the first few pages of this thread and they are a f*cking disgrace.

Haven't people learnt their lessons about sticking the knife into players when they are simply out of form?

My point exactly. Some on here are completely brain-dead. If you're thinking 'does he mean me?' I probably do. You can make or break characters like Stevie. Players like him don't come along very often. If you knew anything about football you'd appreciate him. I'm pretty fucking angry.
I don't stick the knife into any of our players while at the game as they wear the blue shirt. But I'm on a forum now where opinions can be aired... Ireland is a good player with plenty of skill, however he is not a great player, if he can become mentally stronger he may become a great player. That does however remain to be seen, that is how I see it. And this not only goes for this season but also last season when he put in good, not great performances.
PGTips said:
I don't stick the knife into any of our players while at the game as they wear the blue shirt. But I'm on a forum now where opinions can be aired... Ireland is a good player with plenty of skill, however he is not a great player, if he can become mentally stronger he may become a great player. That does however remain to be seen, that is how I see it. And this not only goes for this season but also last season when he put in good, not great performances.

I don't think a sinlge one of our players can be called a "great" player.

We've got some very good players, and he's one of them.

He's possibly the only one we have who could become a "great" player.
Didsbury Dave said:
PGTips said:
I don't stick the knife into any of our players while at the game as they wear the blue shirt. But I'm on a forum now where opinions can be aired... Ireland is a good player with plenty of skill, however he is not a great player, if he can become mentally stronger he may become a great player. That does however remain to be seen, that is how I see it. And this not only goes for this season but also last season when he put in good, not great performances.

I don't think a sinlge one of our players can be called a "great" player.

We've got some very good players, and he's one of them.

He's possibly the only one we have who could become a "great" player.

he could become great... Right now I don't see it. Sorry, know that doesn't seem optimistic and supportive but I don't think he is up to it. I really hope he proves me wrong. I do hope that whoever is our manager next season looks to bring in additional creative help next season.
Well it's opinion mate.

I have to say that most commentators/pundits last season, when he played every week in his favoured position, had him as one of the best midfielders in the premier league.

And there is good evidence that Man United, Liverpool and Arsenal have sniffed or are sniffing around him.
hilts said:
johnny crossan said:
Ralphie Milne was a great player - before he came to City

was never in ashley grimes class lol, nice editing by the way
sorry it was actually it was Ralphie Brand I was thinking of
julio jordio said:
There is a light said:
I've just read the first few pages of this thread and they are a f*cking disgrace.

Haven't people learnt their lessons about sticking the knife into players when they are simply out of form?

My point exactly. Some on here are completely brain-dead. If you're thinking 'does he mean me?' I probably do. You can make or break characters like Stevie. Players like him don't come along very often. If you knew anything about football you'd appreciate him. I'm pretty fucking angry.

Sorry you're pretty angry, but Stephen Ireland is paid enough money to ignore criticism from fans. If he is unable to do that then I reckon he's in the wrong line of work. Part of being a complete footballer is dealing with adversity. It involves going into the lions' den and getting three points. Courage under fire and all that.

It is also my opinion that you are completely over-rating his ability. He is a good, talented footballer. He is not a one-off.

The consensus on here is that he has been out of form for the whole season thus far. That is a long time to be out of form; we're not talking a month or two. In that time he has been paid a lot of money by the club.

I don't buy any of this "he's been out of position" bollocks either. He needs to work a hell of a lot harder and he needs to be told this if he hasn't been told already. Mourinho effectively did this with Joe Cole and made him a much more complete player. Ireland is a part of a team and a part of a great club which does not, and never will, revolve around him. Ironically, it's the people making excuses for his performances that aren't actually helping Stephen Ireland.
I heard from somebody that he'd had a breakdown a while back. Dont know whether this is true or false, but its certainly an explanation.
Didsbury Dave said:
Decent post mate.There's jealousy as well as ignorance on this thread.

Jealousy. If by that you mean being envious of a 23-year-old man earning thousands and thousands of pounds-per-week, doing the job he loves and doing it badly at the moment, working a couple of hours a day and being the idol of thousands of blindly loyal fans then I admit that I am guilty. Aren't you?

Ignorance. Not sure what you mean.

To criticise Stephen Ireland for "not working hard enough" betrays total ignorance.

More than any of our players this lad works on his fitness. He was lightweight two years ago and he put that right through sheer graft. He's never been found wanting for fitness on the park either. The opposite is true - when most players tire he comes into his own.

If you are going the dumbarse "He's lazy on the park" thicko fan thing, then you're talking out of your arse again. This lad gives a shit and is desperate to get back in the frame at City.

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