
Didsbury Dave said:

To criticise Stephen Ireland for "not working hard enough" betrays total ignorance.

More than any of our players this lad works on his fitness. He was lightweight two years ago and he put that right through sheer graft. He's never been found wanting for fitness on the park either. The opposite is true - when most players tire he comes into his own.

If you are going the dumbarse "He's lazy on the park" thicko fan thing, then you're talking out of your arse again. This lad gives a shit and is desperate to get back in the frame at City.

And you know all this because...? Do you know Stephen Ireland? You seem to be very defensive about fighting his corner.

You are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. But to call people "dumbarse", or "thicko", reflects badly on you.

But anyway, whilst we're on it..

a) I don't apologise at all for saying that Stephen Ireland is not working hard enough on the pitch. I've felt this in a number of games this season and I felt it on Sunday.

b) This is not about his level of fitness, it is about levels of effort. But I do question the notion that he comes into his own at the end of games. If anything, he starts off well and then tails off.
vbr said:
Yeah I hate the way he passes it forward most of the time, he should take a leaf out of Gareth Barry or Nigel de Jongs book and slow the game right down, take about 4 first touches to get the ball under control then pass it backwards for Vinnie or Lescott to start the attacks.

this lol!

Ireland is superman! all u plastic fans are forgetting what he has done for us! once a blue always a blue i say! Buying a player who will play good for money 34M, buying a player who loves the club and works his heartout PRICELESS
Its not the end of the world guys. SI had a bad game. Its not that he is a shit player, he just needs more and more games. Think about it, if you were out of position for such a long time then all of a sudden you are playing liverpool and in your own position that you haven't played in in such a long time, obviously it will take you a bit to adjust.

We have 2 options here

Either slag him off and say how shit of a player he is and that he should get sold


Say that he had a bag game, as a confidence boost for him, play him again and again until he gets it right. He will be frustrating at times, he will miss chances but the point is we stick by him knowing that all he needs is time.

I prefer the second option and I know all real city fans would aswell.

Plus with no Tevez for another 3 games, I would rather have the behind the striker role be given to be split between Bellers and SI.

Carry on SI we are behind for another couple of games :)
I didn't call you a thicko and a dumbarse.

But it's generally dumbarse fans who know nothing about the game who call players "lazy".

Do you really think Ireland walked out on that pitch and thought "I'm going to take it easy today. I can't be arsed with the sore thighs tomorrow"?

Did he fuck. He's desperate to impress and was delighted to be back in his favoured position. And I don't know it but I bet he's gutted to the core he didn't play well.

With regards to my knowledge of him and his motivations, let's just say I know more than you, and leave it at that.

But you carry on with your fan-talk. You're certainly not the only one.
John Wayne said:
But I do question the notion that he comes into his own at the end of games. If anything, he starts off well and then tails off.

I couldn't let this one go. This is from an Ireland interview in the telegraph earlier this season:

My routine was running in the morning and weights at night time. It was a lot of running up hills and power stuff - explosive kicking and stuff like that. At night I'd be working on all my physical stuff, body and strength.I'd be at it for five or six hours.

"I want to be really sharp over five or 10 yards and I get that benefit from kicking the bags and from the pad work. It puts fire in your belly, too, gives you aggression. I love it and it's just up to me to transfer that onto the pitch.

"You see most games get into the last 15 to20 minutes and I'm on my own - running box to box, gambling on things. For the first 75 minutes I have to be more disciplined but as soon as the 75th minute comes I'm gone, I come into my own fitness wise.

"A lot of teams switch off in the last 15 minutes and when they switch off I come into my own and score.
Didsbury Dave said:
I didn't call you a thicko and a dumbarse.

But it's generally dumbarse fans who know nothing about the game who call players "lazy".

Do you really think Ireland walked out on that pitch and thought "I'm going to take it easy today. I can't be arsed with the sore thighs tomorrow"?

Did he fuck. He's desperate to impress and was delighted to be back in his favoured position. And I don't know it but I bet he's gutted to the core he didn't play well.

With regards to my knowledge of him and his motivations, let's just say I know more than you, and leave it at that.

But you carry on with your fan-talk. You're certainly not the only one.

What makes you believe that it is generally "dumbarse" fans who think that players are sometimes guilty of being "lazy"? And for thinking this, we know nothing about football?

I hate it when people cast aspersions about a group of fans whose opinions are different from their own. That these fans are somehow less knowledgeable or just too plain stupid to even be real football fans - "Nah, football's not a game for people who call players' commitment into question. These people will never be suitable to be in the company of footballing connoisseurs, us students of the game. We're just too damn intelligent for these types. 'Fan-talk' is for the peasants, it's a real shame we have to put up with their interminable ramblings. How dare they demand more effort and application from life's chosen ones!!!! Who do they think they bloody well are?"

I may have plenty of company with fellow "dumbarses" on this matter. But I bow to your superiority.

Ireland needs to sort himself out - fast.
Didsbury Dave said:
John Wayne said:
But I do question the notion that he comes into his own at the end of games. If anything, he starts off well and then tails off.

I couldn't let this one go. This is from an Ireland interview in the telegraph earlier this season:

My routine was running in the morning and weights at night time. It was a lot of running up hills and power stuff - explosive kicking and stuff like that. At night I'd be working on all my physical stuff, body and strength.I'd be at it for five or six hours.

"I want to be really sharp over five or 10 yards and I get that benefit from kicking the bags and from the pad work. It puts fire in your belly, too, gives you aggression. I love it and it's just up to me to transfer that onto the pitch.

"You see most games get into the last 15 to20 minutes and I'm on my own - running box to box, gambling on things. For the first 75 minutes I have to be more disciplined but as soon as the 75th minute comes I'm gone, I come into my own fitness wise.

"A lot of teams switch off in the last 15 minutes and when they switch off I come into my own and score.

Must be true then! All is forgiven, Stephen. You just carry on as you are, I'll close the door as I leave.

Kind of reminds me of Fred Trueman working a 12-hour shift in the pits before turning up and taking 15 wickets for Yorkshire for a cost of 7 runs.
Eeh, I remember the good old days when people were lining upon here to accuse Elano, Robinho, Jo and Petrov of being "lazy" and we couldn't get enough of it!
Soulboy said:
Eeh, I remember the good old days when people were lining upon here to accuse Elano, Robinho, Jo and Petrov of being "lazy" and we couldn't get enough of it!

The dream is to have 11 hard working grafters mate. Just picture the vision, no skill, no finishing just 11 men running and sweating and working hard for each other. We'd be 7th in Division 1 and the world would be a great place to be.

Pisses me off when pricks like Robinho score or Adebayor with his great attacking play. It's all lost on me, I just want to see men running and sweating and trying hard. I'd rather have 11 brick layers who sweat then 11 world class players who might have the cheek to smile or stop running at some point.

Either that or most people have no knowledge of modern football.

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