Is A Conscripted Army Needed Given The Growing Security Threat From China, Russia, Iran & N Korea?

Saw a 100 year old flag shagger on tv this morning who lied about her age to join the RAF just to get a free ride in a Spitfire 79 years later the freeloading woman.

Patriotic bastards will be the ruination of this country
And that's after you edited it. I'd hate to see how incoherent it was before your proofreading. Love how you're doubling down on your misunderstanding though.

I added to it, I didn't proof read it. I'm not suggesting that South Korean military has 60% of it's deaths recorded as suicide or that conscription can cause the conscripts to act like they are in the IDF.

Flag shaggers
Has a pop at the home guard
Slips in the IDF

It doesn't take a genius to tell which way you're pointing.
Flag shagger.

(joking. I don't like that term either).

It's when people mix all the terms up you can see how they are thinking, the masterminds suggesting there will NEVER be conscription again in the history of this country haven't got a clue mate.

I get that people can have opinions on it but to be that stupid they say it will never happen :)
Standing armies aren't useless but their public reputation has far outstripped their utility.

Having a standing army of 3 million is not effective if some kids with a laptop can bring down your entire power network.

We will always need a standing army for a variety of reasons but if we're going to spend money then I'd rather it be kept for weapons that are more cost effective. When you think about how much it costs to train, feed, pay, outfit, equip and support 1 solider in their service history then they're fairly expensive. Not aircraft carrier expensive but not cheap either.

Conscripted armies outside of total war situations, which will never happen in a nuclear equipped country, are always a really bad idea and arguably steeping into authoritarianism.
I added to it, I didn't proof read it. I'm not suggesting that South Korean military has 60% of it's deaths recorded as suicide or that conscription can cause the conscripts to act like they are in the IDF.

Flag shaggers
Has a pop at the home guard
Slips in the IDF

It doesn't take a genius to tell which way you're pointing.
Jesus Christ, you really do have reading comprehension issues, don't you? Unable to follow the basic thread of an argument. Mixing in things that other people have said and thinking that I said them. Literally not understanding the IDF point at all. I think I'll leave it there mate. It's like talking to a brick wall.
Jesus Christ, you really do have reading comprehension issues, don't you? Unable to follow the basic thread of an argument. Mixing in things that other people have said and thinking that I said them. Literally not understanding the IDF point at all. I think I'll leave it there mate. It's like talking to a brick wall.

You ranted on about the IDF and it's my comprehension skills that are lacking? If you don't want to be reminded of what you posted stop posting it.

But as you state we should leave it there.

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