Is A Conscripted Army Needed Given The Growing Security Threat From China, Russia, Iran & N Korea?

Weird how you didn't pull someone up for mentioning the home guard (Dads army) and your use of the term "Flag shaggers" isn't great considering the topic.
Why not? Does it offend you? Did Dad's Army offend you? After all, they were taking the piss out of the home guard long before the poster who referenced them. The way I read that post was someone joking about a situation where a serious military professional is having to babysit some kid who doesn't want to be there, so naturally I didn't feel the need to feign offence like you.

We have had national service in this country before and if we face attack from another country we will have it again
Literally what I said. Have you had your eyes checked lately?
Why not? Does it offend you? Did Dad's Army offend you? After all, they were taking the piss out of the home guard long before the poster who referenced them. The way I read that post was someone joking about a situation where a serious military professional is having to babysit some kid who doesn't want to be there, so naturally I didn't feel the need to feign offence like you.

Literally what I said. Have you had your eyes checked lately?

It genuinely is like bingo in here sometimes. When you referenced flag shaggers and thought the home guard was somehow lesser than then the die was pretty much cast.

Dismissing the 2nd world war conscription and of course national service because some "Bad things" might happen like suicide or IDF shit can't be a real train of thought surely?

Don't join a South Korean pop band you never fuckin' know just how dangerous it is.
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Historically the UK has very rarely used conscripted forces. And has been wary of doing so. 1916-1920 and 1939-1960 have been the exceptions rather than rule. Hence, there has normally been a reliance on a small highly trained elite force bolstered by volunteers when there was a military need (Crimea, Boer war, 1914-16) being the conflicts that come to mind. I think the Forces view is that they would rather have people there that want to be there and have the ability to act in the ways they want/need them to act than people who are reluctant or whose fear will cause them to run or freeze. I note that the current radio adverts recruiting for the army play on that sense of looking for people who are prepared to get stuck into a situation rather than find a way out.

I suspect that if we are heading towards a general conflict, the first step is to recruit a part time volunteer force (Territorials) who can be called up if necessary. I doubt that general conscription will be considered until the threat is overwhelming and like in 1916 the pool of willing volunteers is drying up.
This will all end round a negotiation table.

The west doesn't want a hot conflict with Russia, and Russia doesn't want one with the west.

There's a lot of dick waving going on by all sides which ultimately is all about bargaining chips when everyone gets round a table.

I want Russia to fuck off out of Ukraine and Crimea as well but it's realistically not going to happen.

There will be territorial concessions in the end, Ukraine will get some cash for rebuilding, Putin can spin it as some sort of 'victory' domestically, and everyone kicks the can down the road until next time he fancies having a go.

It's sad but sooner or later that's how this will end, it's just a question of the details.
It genuinely is like bingo in here sometimes. When you referenced flag shaggers and thought the home guard was somehow lesser than then the die was pretty much cast.

Dismissing the 2nd world war conscription and of course national service because some "Bad things" might happen like suicide or IDF shit can't be a real train of thought surely?

Don't join a South Korean pop band you never fuckin' know just how dangerous it is.
Flag shagger.

(joking. I don't like that term either).
These flag shagging pensioners didn’t fight two world wars to ensure our freedoms. That freedom includes choosing to play soldier or not.

Conscription will never happen here ever again.
It genuinely is like bingo in here sometimes. When you referenced flag shaggers and thought the home guard was somehow lesser than then the die was pretty much cast.

Dismissing the 2nd world war conscription and of course national service because some "Bad things" might happen like suicide or IDF shit can't be a real train of thought surely?

Don't join a South Korean pop band you never fuckin' know just how dangerous it is.
And that's after you edited it. I'd hate to see how incoherent it was before your proofreading. Love how you're doubling down on your misunderstanding though.
This will all end round a negotiation table.

The west doesn't want a hot conflict with Russia, and Russia doesn't want one with the west.

There's a lot of dick waving going on by all sides which ultimately is all about bargaining chips when everyone gets round a table.

I want Russia to fuck off out of Ukraine and Crimea as well but it's realistically not going to happen.

There will be territorial concessions in the end, Ukraine will get some cash for rebuilding, Putin can spin it as some sort of 'victory' domestically, and everyone kicks the can down the road until next time he fancies having a go.

It's sad but sooner or later that's how this will end, it's just a question of the details.
Of course it will. It always does. The fact is that Stalin repopulated Crimea when he deported the Crim Tartars. He replaced them with 100% ethnic Russians, similarly there are solid pockets of ethnic Russians in some border Regions. Those areas will eventually be ceded to Russia. A good friend of mine was very active in the UK Ukrainian community and believe me, he fucking despised Russians - long before this conflict - I’m going back 25years. No way are Russians and Ukrainians ever going to coexist in a multi-culti paradise - especially now. It will end up as swapping land for peace. It’s not fair or just & Putin is a murderous **** - but it is most likely outcome.
These flag shagging pensioners didn’t fight two world wars to ensure our freedoms. That freedom includes choosing to play soldier or not.

Conscription will never happen here ever again.

I know you were only joking but it's important to note that only a tiniest fraction of our current pensioners have ever been near a war. Can generation(s) who've probably had it easier in this respect than any previous, really expect the younger generations to fight ? Yet another reason why it'll never happen.
I know you were only joking but it's important to note that only a tiniest fraction of our current pensioners have ever been near a war. Can generation(s) who've probably had it easier in this respect than any previous, really expect the younger generations to fight ? Yet another reason why it'll never happen.
Exactly. From my experience, those that have experienced war never really volunteer their experience of war.

The “boomer” generation are partially shaped by the emotional damage of their parents and grandparents though.

The likelihood of us ever invading or being invaded is minimal, so chat about conscription is moot.
I’m not sure that conscripts are really the answer these days - beyond cannon fodder :(
I remember the Falklands War and the severe fucking that a small professional army gave to the Argentine conscripts and I’ve no doubt that would happen again.
Lots are referring the WW1 & WW2 forces being conscripts, but that’s massively discounting the huge numbers of volunteers especially in WW1. I’ve relatives who didn’t wait to be called-up in WW2 and volunteered at the first opportunity. It’s worth saying not one of them went to fight Nazis or facism or defend Poland etc. They went to fight Germans and defend their families and Country from attack.

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