Is Cook leaving?

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
aphex said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I think aphex was being ironic Dave,although he is from Oldham so its hard to tell.
I was thinking more M33 myself,as it sounds uncannily like BB2...

i wasn't actually

i don't read pap culture, so i couldn't care less about a homophobic article about a mildly talent boyband member

are you saying i'm racist because i'm from oldham?

Nobody,least of all me,has suggested that you are racist.
So we can put that insinuation to bed straight away.
I would,however,suggest that if you think the Daily Fail is a quality newspaper you may well be mad.

i sometimes buy the express too, that's mildly racist as well

perhaps i should get the sun? i could have collected tokens for alton towers.
aphex said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Didsbury Dave said:

Everything that's wrong with that paper in one article.

I've got to admit I'd like to know where Kiev actually does live (unless it's the obvious)

Nazi Germany by the sounds of it.

I think aphex was being ironic Dave,although he is from Oldham so its hard to tell.
I was thinking more M33 myself,as it sounds uncannily like BB2...

i wasn't actually

i don't read pap culture, so i couldn't care less about a homophobic article about a mildly talent boyband member

are you saying i'm racist because i'm from oldham?

I don't read any paper (apart from industry relevant at work) but read all my sport/football online and have to say that the Mail do have some of the best sports journalists (imo).

I can seperate politics and football quite happily.

ps - Dave, was Gately gay also? I presume it was AIDS?
aphex said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
aphex said:
i wasn't actually

i don't read pap culture, so i couldn't care less about a homophobic article about a mildly talent boyband member

are you saying i'm racist because i'm from oldham?

Nobody,least of all me,has suggested that you are racist.
So we can put that insinuation to bed straight away.
I would,however,suggest that if you think the Daily Fail is a quality newspaper you may well be mad.

i sometimes buy the express too, that's mildly racist as well

perhaps i should get the sun? i could have collected tokens for alton towers.

I definitely think you need to get some sun.
The thrills and spills of Nemesis,Air and Oblivion would undoubtedly be too much for an Oldham lad.
Do you think this Cook bloke should stay or not?
I'm not entirely sure,so i'm waiting for BB2 to give his opinion,so that I can choose the opposite.
Its not a bad rule to follow.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
aphex said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Nobody,least of all me,has suggested that you are racist.
So we can put that insinuation to bed straight away.
I would,however,suggest that if you think the Daily Fail is a quality newspaper you may well be mad.

i sometimes buy the express too, that's mildly racist as well

perhaps i should get the sun? i could have collected tokens for alton towers.

I definitely think you need to get some sun.
The thrills and spills of Nemesis,Air and Oblivion would undoubtedly be too much for an Oldham lad.
Do you think this Cook bloke should stay or not?
I'm not entirely sure,so i'm waiting for BB2 to give his opinion,so that I can choose the opposite.
Its not a bad rule to follow.

lol.. ;)

i queued for oblivion once, and your right, i shit out

i met cook at the city party the other year, he shook my hand and said 'hi, i'm gary cook' but he didn't buy me a pint

so it's out for me.<br /><br />-- Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:31 pm --<br /><br />
SWP's back said:
aphex said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
I think aphex was being ironic Dave,although he is from Oldham so its hard to tell.
I was thinking more M33 myself,as it sounds uncannily like BB2...

i wasn't actually

i don't read pap culture, so i couldn't care less about a homophobic article about a mildly talent boyband member

are you saying i'm racist because i'm from oldham?

I don't read any paper (apart from industry relevant at work) but read all my sport/football online and have to say that the Mail do have some of the best sports journalists (imo).

I can seperate politics and football quite happily.

ps - Dave, was Gately gay also? I presume it was AIDS?

exactly. the sport is great

player profiles are about players, their history, how they grew up (the dzeko one when he signed was particularly good)

i skip the middle england bits.
lets hope he doesnt do a kenyon and let us miss and on all the best players then go and work for another club.
aphex said:
Didsbury Dave said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Very rarely,but occasionally, I stumble across a post on Bluemoon that is so comprehensively lacking in anything remotely resembling common sense that it renders any attempt at a rational response impossible.
The above is one such post.
That this utter buffoon has access to a computer I find worrying.
That he supports the same football club as myself I find depressing beyond reason.

I hadn't noticed that before but I've just read it.

It contains pretty much every bigotted, small minded "opinion" which I detest. The problem is he isn't alone, or the Daily Mail wouldn't exist.

what's wrong with the daily mail? it's a good paper

it does smack of hypocrisy that he supports a club in a country he hates, though.

good paper -if you're MR&MRS safe from the home counties............<br /><br />-- Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:56 pm --<br /><br />
SJT said:
The Future's Blue said:
I like Garry Cook.

Well said.
Cook is quality, we are in the Champions League and have won the FA Cup, the man rocks.
I hope for all our sakes that he decides to stay on. I really do.

Havin' his babies?
Perhaps those ( clearly in the minority ) on this thread, including the few depressing bigots, who want to see the back of Garry Cook, also want to see the demise of Khaldoun. It is generally recognised that none of us know everything that goes on behind the scenes but surely Khaldoun does. In his most recent interview he clearly stated that Cook " was doing a phenomenal job ".

That, I would have thought, should have been enough for every fan but clearly there are those amongst us who have some sort of agenda.
maineroadman said:
Perhaps those ( clearly in the minority ) on this thread, including the few depressing bigots, who want to see the back of Garry Cook, also want to see the demise of Khaldoun. It is generally recognised that none of us know everything that goes on behind the scenes but surely Khaldoun does. In his most recent interview he clearly stated that Cook " was doing a phenomenal job ".

That, I would have thought, should have been enough for every fan but clearly there are those amongst us who have some sort of agenda.

Hang-friggin' -on mate - How are any of the things you've said connected? Why are the 'cook outers' neccessarily depressed bigots? Or want to see the demise of the owner? Have a rethink, then come back and edit it please, so we're not left thinking you're as daft as it seems from this.

Nonsensical post, clearly not thought through. Obviously a Mirror reader!

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