Is Cook leaving?

Chicken Kiev said:
I don't think Cooky is all that bad but you can't blame his Mrs for wanting the kids to have an American education over an English one. In fact, you couldn't blame her if She wanted her children educated in outer Mongolia rather than in England. Lets face it the English education system is shit, it always has been shit and it always will be shit.

I would never have my kids educated in the UK. I would never allow them to have religion, political correctness and all that brainwashing shit forced down the throats of my kids.

Where I live its still not considered normal to be gay and it is certainly NOT considered normal for two gay guys to adopt a kid. How can this be normal in any society and whats worse is England forces these issues on to kids and brainwashes them into believing it, Its so, so wrong!!! And nor would I ever allow my kids to have to learn the teachings of Islam, Ala and all that horse shit. Its a disgrace that all this and things like this are being forced down the throats of young impressionable kids by Idiotic bleeding heart liberals and their bullshit beliefs.

Mrs Cook I really don't blame you at all. You really are doing the right thing for your kids.

Jesus Christ, I think I've just logged in to the 1970's.

You fucking's a shame that people like this have the internet as a platform to air their shit.

Utter neanderthal.
Didsbury Dave said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Chicken Kiev said:
I don't think Cooky is all that bad but you can't blame his Mrs for wanting the kids to have an American education over an English one. In fact, you couldn't blame her if She wanted her children educated in outer Mongolia rather than in England. Lets face it the English education system is shit, it always has been shit and it always will be shit.

I would never have my kids educated in the UK. I would never allow them to have religion, political correctness and all that brainwashing shit forced down the throats of my kids.

Where I live its still not considered normal to be gay and it is certainly NOT considered normal for two gay guys to adopt a kid. How can this be normal in any society and whats worse is England forces these issues on to kids and brainwashes them into believing it, Its so, so wrong!!! And nor would I ever allow my kids to have to learn the teachings of Islam, Ala and all that horse shit. Its a disgrace that all this and things like this are being forced down the throats of young impressionable kids by Idiotic bleeding heart liberals and their bullshit beliefs.

Mrs Cook I really don't blame you at all. You really are doing the right thing for your kids.

Very rarely,but occasionally, I stumble across a post on Bluemoon that is so comprehensively lacking in anything remotely resembling common sense that it renders any attempt at a rational response impossible.
The above is one such post.
That this utter buffoon has access to a computer I find worrying.
That he supports the same football club as myself I find depressing beyond reason.

I hadn't noticed that before but I've just read it.

It contains pretty much every bigotted, small minded "opinion" which I detest. The problem is he isn't alone, or the Daily Mail wouldn't exist.

what's wrong with the daily mail? it's a good paper

it does smack of hypocrisy that he supports a club in a country he hates, though.
<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... ath--.html</a>

Everything that's wrong with that paper in one article.

I've got to admit I'd like to know where Kiev actually does live (unless it's the obvious)

Nazi Germany by the sounds of it.
Didsbury Dave said:

Everything that's wrong with that paper in one article.

I've got to admit I'd like to know where Kiev actually does live (unless it's the obvious)

Nazi Germany by the sounds of it.

I didn't know Steven Gately was dead til I read that.

I'm going for a sit down.
Didsbury Dave said:

Everything that's wrong with that paper in one article.

I've got to admit I'd like to know where Kiev actually does live (unless it's the obvious)

Nazi Germany by the sounds of it.

do you read every article in the newspaper you buy?

the football coverage is brilliantly written, informative, and in depth

i'd flick over a story about gately wherever it was written.
SWP's back said:
Didsbury Dave said:

Everything that's wrong with that paper in one article.

I've got to admit I'd like to know where Kiev actually does live (unless it's the obvious)

Nazi Germany by the sounds of it.

I didn't know Steven Gately was dead til I read that.

I'm going for a sit down.
He's dead because he's gay of course
Didsbury Dave said:

Everything that's wrong with that paper in one article.

I've got to admit I'd like to know where Kiev actually does live (unless it's the obvious)

Nazi Germany by the sounds of it.

I think aphex was being ironic Dave,although he is from Oldham so its hard to tell.
I was thinking more M33 myself,as it sounds uncannily like BB2...
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Didsbury Dave said:

Everything that's wrong with that paper in one article.

I've got to admit I'd like to know where Kiev actually does live (unless it's the obvious)

Nazi Germany by the sounds of it.

I think aphex was being ironic Dave,although he is from Oldham so its hard to tell.
I was thinking more M33 myself,as it sounds uncannily like BB2...

i wasn't actually

i don't read pap culture, so i couldn't care less about a homophobic article about a mildly talent boyband member

are you saying i'm racist because i'm from oldham?
aphex said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Didsbury Dave said:

Everything that's wrong with that paper in one article.

I've got to admit I'd like to know where Kiev actually does live (unless it's the obvious)

Nazi Germany by the sounds of it.

I think aphex was being ironic Dave,although he is from Oldham so its hard to tell.
I was thinking more M33 myself,as it sounds uncannily like BB2...

i wasn't actually

i don't read pap culture, so i couldn't care less about a homophobic article about a mildly talent boyband member

are you saying i'm racist because i'm from oldham?

Nobody,least of all me,has suggested that you are racist.
So we can put that insinuation to bed straight away.
I would,however,suggest that if you think the Daily Fail is a quality newspaper you may well be mad.

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