Is Cook leaving?

Dubai Blue said:
Chicken Kiev said:
And nor would I ever allow my kids to have to learn the teachings of Islam, Ala and all that horse shit. Its a disgrace that all this and things like this are being forced down the throats of young impressionable kids by Idiotic bleeding heart liberals and their bullshit beliefs.
Yeah, fancy trying to broaden children's horizons and open their minds up a bit to other cultures. After all, the previous approach worked wonders for the country, helping to develop fine well-rounded members of the community such as yourself who describe a religion that more than a quarter of the world's population follows as 'horse shit'.

With all due respect, your whole post is a load of bollocks.

No its not a load of bollocks, it is his opinion which he is allowed to have, the fact that it is right or wrong is irrelevent.
Dubai Blue said:
Chicken Kiev said:
And nor would I ever allow my kids to have to learn the teachings of Islam, Ala and all that horse shit. Its a disgrace that all this and things like this are being forced down the throats of young impressionable kids by Idiotic bleeding heart liberals and their bullshit beliefs.
Yeah, fancy trying to broaden children's horizons and open their minds up a bit to other cultures. After all, the previous approach worked wonders for the country, helping to develop fine well-rounded members of the community such as yourself who describe a religion that more than a quarter of the world's population follows as 'horse shit'.

With all due respect, your whole post is a load of bollocks.

I agree with every word you say, Dubai.

As to Mr Cook, I have never been a big fan and the way he handled Mancini's introductory press conference was nothing short of embarrassing. I wont be sorry to see him go.

And has already been said, the right calibre of person is out there and would jump at the chance to work for this wonderful clu, I'm sure.
Noticed he was everywhere for a while. In interviews, in press conferences, in public showpieces.. mostly talking shit and looking out of his depth! I heard he was doing a fairly good job behind the scenes promoting the club, but me you or any other half-intelegent blue could do that job as well.

There would be literally hundreds of candidates who could do the job he does so no need to panic if he is leaving. He was just a marketing bloke for Nike Air Jordan before he cane to us, he wasn't this sports and business guru that LOADS of people - especially on Bluemoon for some reason - made him out to be for a few years.<br /><br />-- Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:19 am --<br /><br />
Dubai Blue said:
Chicken Kiev said:
And nor would I ever allow my kids to have to learn the teachings of Islam, Ala and all that horse shit. Its a disgrace that all this and things like this are being forced down the throats of young impressionable kids by Idiotic bleeding heart liberals and their bullshit beliefs.
Yeah, fancy trying to broaden children's horizons and open their minds up a bit to other cultures. After all, the previous approach worked wonders for the country, helping to develop fine well-rounded members of the community such as yourself who describe a religion that more than a quarter of the world's population follows as 'horse shit'.

With all due respect, your whole post is a load of bollocks.
Every single religion on the planet is pretty much horse shit! The basics of all religions have good intentions but were mostly made up bollocks to stop people being naughty boys and girls before police forces and laws were in place - scaring people into behaving properly basically!

Common sense is the best religion to follow! I can learn about other cultures on National Geagraphic, History channel, Discovery, Reading books, going on holiday...
danburge82 said:
Every single religion on the planet is pretty much horse shit! The basics of all religions have good intentions but were mostly made up bollocks to stop people being naughty boys and girls before police forces and laws were in place - scaring people into behaving properly basically!

Common sense is the best religion to follow! I can learn about other cultures on National Geagraphic, History channel, Discovery, Reading books, going on holiday...
I don't have a religious bone in my body, so I agree with you. But as abolishing all forms of religion is never going to happen, I'd say that trying to enlighten children on other cultures rather than keeping them in the dark is a pretty sensible thing to do.

Bigg Bigg Blue said:
No its not a load of bollocks, it is his opinion which he is allowed to have, the fact that it is right or wrong is irrelevent.
Ergo I am perfectly entitled to my opinion that his opinion is a load of bollocks. He has every right to post his opinion (I would never suggest otherwise), and other posters have every right to either agree or disagree with it. What's the point of a discussion forum if the perceived rights and wrongs of certain opinions aren't ever addressed?
There have been rumours about Cook sort of starting up CITC in the USA at our behest and a new acting chairman coming in to replace him..But that was about two years ago and I haven´t heard anything since.

So we can just guess..
danburge82 said:
Common sense is the best religion to follow! I can learn about other cultures on National Geagraphic, History channel, Discovery, Reading books, going on holiday...
Nowadays most people die of a sort of creeping common sense, and discover when it is too late that the only things one never regrets are one's mistakes
Oscar Wilde
Being CEO of a privately owned football club must be one of the most frustrating jobs going for anyone with Cook's background. The job title's basically meaningless, any power is shared with the manager, chairmam, director of football etc. He's essential a glorified Marketing Director
Bigg Bigg Blue said:
Dubai Blue said:
Chicken Kiev said:
And nor would I ever allow my kids to have to learn the teachings of Islam, Ala and all that horse shit. Its a disgrace that all this and things like this are being forced down the throats of young impressionable kids by Idiotic bleeding heart liberals and their bullshit beliefs.
Yeah, fancy trying to broaden children's horizons and open their minds up a bit to other cultures. After all, the previous approach worked wonders for the country, helping to develop fine well-rounded members of the community such as yourself who describe a religion that more than a quarter of the world's population follows as 'horse shit'.

With all due respect, your whole post is a load of bollocks.

No its not a load of bollocks, it is his opinion which he is allowed to have, the fact that it is right or wrong is irrelevent.

Hardly - if its 'wrong' it shouldn't be stated as fact, should it?<br /><br />-- Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:41 am --<br /><br />
LoveCity said:
I thought the rumours of him quitting to go back to the USA were crap but it has popped up again in tomorrow's People paper. Anyone think this will happen and who would we be looking at to replace him? Can anyone name any candidates as this seems to be a role made business men instead of ex-footballers.

Here's the story:

MANCHESTER CITY supremo Garry Cook is ready to quit to live in the USA.

Cook’s American wife Wendy and their three children are leaving their Cheshire base and moving back to the family home in Portland – and Cook will rejoin them when next season is over.

Wendy has not settled in Manchester and is believed to favour a US education for their children.

Cook, 51, was appointed by former City owner Thaksin Shinawatra in 2008 after 12 years at Nike.

City’s Abu Dhabi hierarchy believe their CEO has done a sound job restructuring the club and building a new commercial and marketing platform.

But his fragile relationship with manager Roberto Mancini and star player Carlos Tevez, as well as several public gaffes which forced the Arab owners to gag him from public speaking, has not gone down well with billionaire boss Sheikh Mansour.

It emerged recently that Tevez and agent Kia Joorabchian no longer speak to Cook after a fall-out and the Argentinian star now deals directly with Sheikh Mansour.

Cook’s relationship with boss Mancini came under the spotlight at the end of last season amid reports that the Italian had clashed with him and football director Brian Marwood over team signings.

Cook and Marwood flew to Abu Dhabi at the end of the season for a summit meeting with chairman Mubarak Al Khaldoon and Mancini to discuss the club’s achievements and summer transfer targets.

Mancini made it clear he wanted at least four players to bolster his squad.

But that could now become six if Tevez jumps ship to either Real Madrid or Inter Milan and 22-year-old German defender Jerome Boateng gets his wish to join Bayern Munich.

Mancini has already passed a lengthy list of stars he fancies to Marwood – and Cook now faces a busy summer trying to build bridges with the Italian.

A good news story at last!
Chicken Kiev said:
...Lets face it the English education system is shit, it always has been shit and it always will be shit.

I would never have my kids educated in the UK. I would never allow them to have religion, political correctness and all that brainwashing shit forced down the throats of my kids.

Hi Chicken Kiev.
I'm a teacher and my partner is a teacher and I'd like to point out that everything you've just said is wrong. I would advise doing a little research (beyond reading the Daily Mail) before you decide where you send your kids.

Chicken Kiev said:
Where I live its still not considered normal to be gay and it is certainly NOT considered normal for two gay guys to adopt a kid. How can this be normal in any society and whats worse is England forces these issues on to kids and brainwashes them into believing it, Its so, so wrong!!! And nor would I ever allow my kids to have to learn the teachings of Islam, Ala and all that horse shit. Its a disgrace that all this and things like this are being forced down the throats of young impressionable kids by Idiotic bleeding heart liberals and their bullshit beliefs.

I can't figure out what you're trying to say here. Are you saying that it's wrong for gay guys to adopt, or it's wrong that it isn't considered normal?
Kiev could always move to Moscow and give gays a good kicking in Red Square if he so desires or is this attitude still prevelent throughout Eastern Europe?
Membership of the EU? You´re avin a laaarrfff!

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