Is Cook leaving?

I think that once he realised he shouldn't be anywhere near a microphone then Cookie has done a good job. Believe me, anyone who had any serious dealings with his lying, two-faced predecessor Mackintosh will know what a vast improvement he's been.

He's a down-to-earth, approachable guy who I think really cares about us, the fans and that's half the battle as far as I'm concerned.

The English independent eductation sector is by far and away the best in the world so I don't see why education should be a factor but, if he does go, a gentleman with the initials PK, who is a blue, would be only too happy to step into his shoes.
Kenyon is one of the best in the business. Wouldn't be disappointed if he came in to replace Cook.
The Journo who wrote this story is a massive United fan ,and every week in the People he will write a negative story about City and a positive story about Utd.Ferguson loves him and always make sure he gets exclusive interviews with his players .
I bet he has got loads of signed shirts on his wall.
bluemanc said:
BiBaBo said:
Dubai Blue said:
Yeah, fancy trying to broaden children's horizons and open their minds up a bit to other cultures. After all, the previous approach worked wonders for the country, helping to develop fine well-rounded members of the community such as yourself who describe a religion that more than a quarter of the world's population follows as 'horse shit'.

With all due respect, your whole post is a load of bollocks.

Like it or not, Britain is multi-cultural and has been for over 2,000 years. I'd much prefer my kids be taught why their classmates may dress differently or be a different colour rather than have them conditioned to be future bigots or right-wing extremists.
That's not what he means & why do you assume the bigots & extremists are resticted to one side of the coin.
I'm afraid,like it or not you have just put yourself in the camp of the people you say you despise.
I'd much prefer my kids be taught why their classmates may dress differently or be a different colour
PMSL,so you don't believe in the school uniform eh!
Sorry but your post just shows your ignorance about schooling in England & particularly the Manchester are.

Don't know where you live mate but there's life after school finishes for the day here in Manchester and the black, brown, chinese kids don't all disappear somewhere secret.


"That's not what he means & why do you assume the bigots & extremists are resticted to one side of the coin."

Where exactly did I suggest that?

I don't
Prestwich_Blue said:
He's a down-to-earth, approachable guy who I think really cares about us, the fans and that's half the battle as far as I'm concerned.

Sometimes he seems more concerned in being our mate than he does doing his job. He should be speaking to the Press etc.

Hughes' dismissal was appaulingly handled and he was 100% responsible.
Fucking hell , Mancini gets his man.

The 'in 12 months' thing is intriguing. Sounds like Abu dhabi have been frantically doing deals, making compromises and building bridges for the last three weeks.

Bigger news than it seems this. If it's
True of course
Didsbury Dave said:
Fucking hell , Mancini gets his man.

The 'in 12 months' thing is intriguing. Sounds like Abu dhabi have been frantically doing deals, making compromises and building bridges for the last three weeks.

Bigger news than it seems this. If it's
True of course

Don't get the first bit, could you elaborate for me?
Kenyon is an odious, slimy little creep, a moral vacuum that if I ever had reason to shake his hand, I would have to take a long shower using anti-bacterial soap afterwards.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending which way you look at it), these 'qualities' make him a consumate 21st century football executive.
Like him or loathe him, it cannot be denied he is a very shrewd, canny political operator at the highest levels of European football from his time with the rags and Chelsea. He has also been on a long-term sabbatical, almost as if he has been in waiting for us to achieve Champions League football and 'Phase 2'.
Whether he is right for us only time will tell. If you think Cook was a divisive figure for the fans, then Kenyon would be even more so.
A blue? Dunno about that, when he was at the swamp, didn't he always describe himself as 'just a United fan who works for the club' or something similar?
Would it even matter if he does his job effectively?
Lots of questions, but if Cooky goes, then it is with the best wishes of myself and many blues.
He and Kenyon have very similar backgrounds by the way, Cook with Nike, Kenyon with Umbro.
LongsightM13 said:
Kenyon is an odious, slimy little creep, a moral vacuum that if I ever had reason to shake his hand, I would have to take a long shower using anti-bacterial soap afterwards.
Unfortunately (or fortunately, depending which way you look at it), these 'qualities' make him a consumate 21st century football executive.
Like him or loathe him, it cannot be denied he is a very shrewd, canny political operator at the highest levels of European football from his time with the rags and Chelsea. He has also been on a long-term sabbatical, almost as if he has been in waiting for us to achieve Champions League football and 'Phase 2'.
Whether he is right for us only time will tell. If you think Cook was a divisive figure for the fans, then Kenyon would be even more so.
A blue? Dunno about that, when he was at the swamp, didn't he always describe himself as 'just a United fan who works for the club' or something similar?
Would it even matter if he does his job effectively?
Lots of questions, but if Cooky goes, then it is with the best wishes of myself and many blues.
He and Kenyon have very similar backgrounds by the way, Cook with Nike, Kenyon with Umbro.

So we all agree that IF Cook is leaving Kenyon is a good replacement then?
This story has been doing the rounds for the last few months. Mischief making by somebody somewhere I assume because Cook's got possibly the best job in football running City for Sheikh Mansour and Khaldoun. It was only a month back that Khaldoun singled him out for strong praise, and you could see he meant it.

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