not sure what you mean by "most aliens" who are the others? if there are any at allAs I said some pages before, the idea that we as humans will travel to other systems is spoiled. It won't happen. It's the same for most aliens as far as we know. That doesn't mean, that you can't send probes and drones to do the job. "Scouts" can be very small in scale and can be advanced by laser and solar sails easily. This way they could reach e.g. Proxima Centaury in about 20 to 50 years dependent on the weight of the probe. Those are able toi make fotos and send them back to earth. We can do that in the next few decades and probably will.
Bigger drones like those watched by the US Navy could've been sent literally millions of years ago. A civilization that is not directly threatend by astronomical events and have tamed their destructive culture aspects just could plan in completely other scales of time.
If you send probes like that to hundreds other systems the signals maybe need thousands of years or more to return but if that point is reached, there will be a sustained stream of informations coming in. It's as I said a matter of scale of thinking, nothing more. But again, the idea that we a living persons will travel the universe is somehow spoiled. We currently send probes ourselves through our own system instead of piloting them with human beings. For a reason.
and even to reach proxima with this future tech is still a life time and that's the nearest
but i get you point once you start reaching the stars and there are limitless ones to go at, the stream of information will be endless