Is fascism back with us?

I'm attending a demo on Sunday which is to protest against the new policing bill. This bill all but kills lawful protesting on the whim of a police officer.

Along with the migration bill giving the government the right to send people back to their where their genes are classed to have come from. They may well be indigenous UK citizens.

Partygate, Ukraine are distracting us from this and other legislation that is leading down the path of fascism.
I'm attending a demo on Sunday which is to protest against the new policing bill. This bill all but kills lawful protesting on the whim of a police officer.

Along with the migration bill giving the government the right to send people back to their where their genes are classed to have come from. They may well be indigenous UK citizens.

Partygate, Ukraine are distracting us from this and other legislation that is leading down the path of fascism.

Are the Canadians and French also fascist states given their responses to protests this week?

I’ve no issue in your cause here mat but the constant labelling of the UK as a fascist state is a bit silly imo.
Are the Canadians and French also fascist states given their responses to protests this week?

I’ve no issue in your cause here mat but the constant labelling of the UK as a fascist state is a bit silly imo.
I don't think anyone is labelling this country as fascist but it's undeniable that this government have tried and are still trying to bring in legislation that could only be described as authoritarian, and have tried to circumvent the normal checks and balances. So far they've not been particularly successful but we certainly need to be on our guard.
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I don't think anyone is labelling this country as fascist but it's undeniable that this government have tried and are still trying to bring in legislation that could only be described as authoritarian, and have tried to circumvent the normal checks and balances. So far they've not been particularly successful but we certainly need to be on our guard.

Authoritarian is masks, lockdowns but there are reasons behind such policy. Breaking up protests that are breaking laws like we have seen in Canada, Paris, Australia and here with the Insulate Britain protests is necessary I’m afraid and it does not in my opinion mean we are heading down the road to being a fascist state.

It’s hyperbole. This government is useless and needs fucking off but it isn’t fascist.
Authoritarian is masks, lockdowns but there are reasons behind such policy. Breaking up protests that are breaking laws like we have seen in Canada, Paris, Australia and here with the Insulate Britain protests is necessary I’m afraid and it does not in my opinion mean we are heading down the road to being a fascist state.

It’s hyperbole. This government is useless and needs fucking off but it isn’t fascist.
I've already said this country isn't fascist. However this government is trying to do things that authoritarian governments do like severely restricting the right to protest, trying to change rules to get their mates off the hook for unlawful activity, trying to introduce legislation to get round international law regarding treatment of migrants and laws related to the GFA, trying to prorogue parliament, introducing laws for the people that they have no intention of applying to themselves etc. They're the ones I can immediately think of but I'm sure there's more. I'm not talking about masks and lockdowns.
As I said, they've not got away with most of it but the fact they're trying is worrying and it's not hyperbole to say we need to be on our guard as a country because as soon as they get away with one thing, more will follow and it will be the start of a slippery slope.
The people decide, it is democratic. It is democratic though from bottom up rather than top down. Hence Communes, which would be a form of localism. For example my street could vote on how resources allocated to my street would be distributed. We could vote at a village level how resources were allocated to each street, we could vote at town level how resources were allocated to each village and so on. Every citizen will make his particular contribution to the activities of the community according to there capacity, talents and age; it is on this basis that duties will be determined, in conformity with the distributive decisions. Say a Doctor would be allocated a larger dwelling as the Doctor would need extra room for surgeries. A family with 5 children would be allocated according to their needs. All available Labour would be used in such a way that benefits each level of distributive concern.

Of course there will always be detractors , but if resources are allocated fairly that would quell dissent. Freedoms would not be affected, but it would be majoritarian rule. Choice, it depends on whether you want to play a part in society, you have the choice not too of course, but then you don't get the allocation of resources. As nothing in society is owned by anyone, all a person has to sell is there labour. If you choose not to sell your labour then do not expect anything in return.

This is vastly oversimplified of course and i would have to write more than the site bandwidth to explain in full detail.

Its why i have issues with the Horseshoe theory, Fascism is vastly different, it creates an extremely nationalistic, authoritarian state usually led by one person at the head of one party. No democratic election of representatives. No free market. No individualism . The State controls of the press and all other media. The individual is considered meaningless; they must submit to the decisions of the leadership.
ding dong, far right moisturiser . " We are not fascists, anyone caught saying we are will get the Peterloo treatment".
A declining birth rate is terrible for the economy and will result in other issues you get with an shining population like care etc.

and if it happens right across western civilisation and other areas of the world continue to grow, then western culture will slide.
People who ignore demographics end up in Japan wondering what the fuck happened!

Hans Rosling (Multiple You Tube Ted Talks videos) has incredibly interesting statistics and dynamic graphing to help explain demographics, population growth/decline and wealth.
I see that “economic fascist,” Elon Musk gave $5.7B (£4.5B) to charity in November, rather than “donate” it to the US government.
Also, communist China banned 2 children households didn’t they? Maybe that’s what these loons on Twitter want, banning having children coz it’s fascism hahahaha
The 'one child policy' was real in China. There were reasons for introducing it and the intention behind it was ultimately meant to be of benefit to the Chinese nation as a whole.
The blanket 'one child policy' has been modified for various reasons e.g. labour shortages and the imbalance of men to women in their society.
As much as China is criticised for this policy, the situation is that behind almost every young person in todays China there is the combined wealth of a mother and father and two sets of grandparents supporting that child. This has led to many Chinese coming over to the west to study, which has benefitted our university coffers and businesses such as the ubiquitous fast food chains.
So like it or not we need the Chinese cash and trade to help support our economy, moreso since the misguided and disruptive brexit has taken place.
(On a side note, the Chinese think that brexit is an act of crass stupidity on the part of the UK).
You’ve already made a hysterical straw man.

If anyone from any other part of the world had a problem with declining birth rates on the horizon and said we need more children to ensure our culture carries on, you’d say fair enough.

Edit: in fact that point has been made in Japan and nobody has accused them of fascism.

There’s some laughable opinions on this website XD

I can envisage the anti fascist march outside a maternity ward hahaha
Are anti abortionists, fascists..?

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