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No one knows.Is vaping any safer than cigs ? Genuine question
Seems to fuck the lungs up but differently.
No one knows.Is vaping any safer than cigs ? Genuine question
Fruit and veg doesn’t make you fat unless you’re rolling them in sugar first.
Take fruits (sugars) and high carb veg (root veg / tubers like spuds & beetroot etc.) out of your diet and you‘re then left eating a ketogenic diet.
It's the healthy stuff that's being rationed, we're all going to end up as fat as Rats by the time we get some more veg in.
1) You seem to have forgotten entirely the existence of grains and pulses, which make up the majority of the world's diet.
2) Why are you even bothering arguing that fruit and veg makes you fat? No one is getting Type 2 diabetes because they overdosed on beetroot.
I hope you know that you have just started a fridge shortage :)I suppose the idiots that stocked up on bog roll and pasta will now be out buying extra fridges to keep their lettuce and peppers in.
You’re not up to speed on this topic are you?
still believing the stuff put out by the British Heart Foundation . . That’s sponsored by the grain industry (most famously Kellogg’s) I guess?
The fact is that high grain diets are directly associated with fat people and type 2 diabetes.
You get fat from eating spuds and beetroot etc because of the sugars they contain.
And as for your assertion that eating beetroot couldn’t cause type 2 diabetes you should first understand that beetroot is high in sugar . . Try it, it tastes sweet and that’s a giveaway.
I've was on a Keto diet from 2014-2017, I would put my knowledge of it up against yours in heartbeat.
You are the one who forgot to mention grains and pulses in your rant about how fresh fruit and vegetables make people fat.
No one in this country is getting fat off spuds and beetroot.
Again, I didn't say Beetroot has no sugar, I said no one on this planet has T2 diabetes because of their beetroot consumption.
But hey, if you really want to argue the toss about whether rationing makes people fat, why don't you go and look at some data from the 1940s to 1950s and tell us how many obese people there were while rationing was in place?