Yes. This Govt like all govts eventually do has run its course. At the start in the coalition although the LD Party are perceived as having been weak it can be seen that they did act as something of a brake on the worst Tory excesses. Back then the papers shit their pants over Call Me Dave's "hug a hoodie" pronouncements and his trips to see some penguins. It all seems quite tame now looking back.
The referendum and post ref times allowed the loonies like the ERG come to the fore and hold far too much sway on their party. Then Johnson gets in wins and election and in "cleansing" his Party his 2019 intake brought in a lot of swivel eyed fanatics and know nowts who would simply vote whichever way he told them.
They will fight and fight dirty because they need to stay in power. Not only for the usual needs but for fear of what will be exposed in the various enquiries and investigations that are to come. They have already tried and failed to get the Johnson Liegate enquiry quashed.
So for now be it Labour or LD or a coalition is to come out in the wash - we just need this corrupt greedy self serving group of alleged Conservatives out of power - away for some time. People within that Party need to take that time to wrest control back and denounce the loonies that were given control because although I have never and would never vote Tory politics in this country will need all parties to work for the good of the country and its citizens not just a tiny cabal of morally bankrupt individuals.