Is it Mancini's brand of football that gets fans backs up?

Bluemoon115 said:
RE: Adam Johnson.

5 months ago he wasn't getting games, and the Mancini defenders said this was because he didn't offer enough, and wasn't good enough to start.

Now he's injured, and we are playing badly, he's currently the answer to our prayers, and his absence is the only reason we're not playing at our best.

Top-Down thinking indeed.

I believe he was getting a good amount of starts before he got injured.
Bluemoon115 said:
RE: Adam Johnson.

5 months ago he wasn't getting games, and the Mancini defenders said this was because he didn't offer enough, and wasn't good enough to start.

Now he's injured, and we are playing badly, he's currently the answer to our prayers, and his absence is the only reason we're not playing at our best.

Top-Down thinking indeed.

Agreed. Bobby made it very clear he wasn't all that impressed with AJ and he had all his eggs in the basket called Boateng/Kolarov!

-- Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:15 pm --

Bulldoglikeapproach said:
Bluemoon115 said:
RE: Adam Johnson.

5 months ago he wasn't getting games, and the Mancini defenders said this was because he didn't offer enough, and wasn't good enough to start.

Now he's injured, and we are playing badly, he's currently the answer to our prayers, and his absence is the only reason we're not playing at our best.

Top-Down thinking indeed.

I believe he was getting a good amount of starts before he got injured.

22 appearances with 14 as sub in the league this season doesn't make him the lynch pin Bobby relied on in my book.

9 appearances with 1 as sub in cups would suggest he was seen as a fringe player.
blueinsa said:
Bluemoon115 said:
RE: Adam Johnson.

5 months ago he wasn't getting games, and the Mancini defenders said this was because he didn't offer enough, and wasn't good enough to start.

Now he's injured, and we are playing badly, he's currently the answer to our prayers, and his absence is the only reason we're not playing at our best.

Top-Down thinking indeed.

Agreed. Bobby made it very clear he wasn't all that impressed with AJ and he had all his eggs in the basket called Boateng/Kolarov!

-- Sat Mar 12, 2011 12:15 pm --

Bulldoglikeapproach said:
I believe he was getting a good amount of starts before he got injured.

22 appearances with 14 as sub in the league this season doesn't make him the lynch pin Bobby relied on in my book.

9 appearances with 1 as sub in cups would suggest he was seen as a fringe player.
Cheers, I was gonna dig that stat up.

I guess for many on here Mancini is right before he's even made a decision.
Bluemoon115 said:
RE: Adam Johnson.

5 months ago he wasn't getting games, and the Mancini defenders said this was because he didn't offer enough, and wasn't good enough to start.

Now he's injured, and we are playing badly, he's currently the answer to our prayers, and his absence is the only reason we're not playing at our best.

Top-Down thinking indeed.
Maybe it's different people saying these things?

IMO he's improved his overall contribution though still not a starter for every game, it depends on the opposition. He's obviously a useful option to have available though, even from the bench, so it's not really a contradiction to say he's missed even though he shouldn't start every game.

Prestwich_Blue said:
mancunial said:
i miss bellers? thats all ?
Yes but our "born winner" of a manager can't handle a real born winner.
I think the history books indicate you've made the wrong call on who is the 'real born' winner of the two.
ST Coleridge said:
If we're talking purely about style, then no.

We look to keep possession and strangle games, relying on a talented bit of interplay from a very talented front four (with the fullbacks providing width where appropriate). It's a sound approach.

If you're asking whether he and the players have perfected it yet, then they obviously haven't. But I wouldn't swap it for the tactical approach of Harry 'Mr. Entertainment' Redknapp - Spurs did nothing but launch the ball to Crouch on Wednesday, and look for nod-downs.

This. There's nothing wrong with our approach, we just need to get it nailed down with the whole squad, and not looking like we're going to shit everytime we pick up injuries. The Spurs match was sodding painful.

Question: Has anyone re-watched the Keiv match with a level head, free of the match day emotions, and made a rational call as to how we performed? Because honestly 2-0 down really isn't the scoreline I think we should have seen. Just one of those days!
So what exactly IS our style of play? It's not counter-attack because we haven't got the pace in the side for it.It's not possesion and pressure because the likes of Barry,Yaya and Viera get caught on the ball too often.It's not 442 with crosses fired in to the forwards because half the time,Dzeko is putting in crosses HE should be on the end of. It's not the Dutch style total football because,apart from the odd occasion,there is a lack of communication between the players. I hate criticising anything about City or calling Mancini's judgement or abilities because I want stability and long awaited success.for us.
Just read this thread again.

Made me realise how far we've come.

One for the pessimists too, if they're still lingering.

Believe it or not, this bump is to cheer people up!

(actually, the pic on page one did that for me!)

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