Is it time for a mini-rebuild?

Whether its called a rebuild or not some questions have to be asked about a few players and i also hope we dont have a season left in limbo if it is peps last one.

Also, some players, like nunez, wont be easily moved on at decent fees because of other clubs financial restraints.

KDB must be kept for one last season with pep , his legs have gone i know but he still has big games in him.

Walker needs to go. No questions really. He shouldve gone last summer. And his words after the final werent great

Johnny stones is the puzzle for me. Skill wise i call him world class, but his injuries make him too unreliable which i think is why in the back end of this season pep looked over his head.

Phillips, cancelo will obviously go but again with FFP who could take them at any reasonable fee? Gomez would be cheap enough for someone to snap up.

Kova hasnt really worked for me. I like the guy but was hoping he would replace gundo , which he is a million miles away.

Dont know whats gone on with grealish. Its like peps fell out with him. He was a guaranteed starter last season but with a few injuries this season its just not happened, similar to stones maybe. Got to keep him though and maybe move him more centrally.

Do we have another summer of bernardo and will he/wont he? Again, we need a sizeable fee if hes moving on.

So for me, yes a bit of a rebuild is on the cards.
If peps off i hope the new guy is already worded up and he will be putting his shopping list in asap, just like when we knew pep was coming and we bought his players for pellers last season
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mini?....Its time for a rebuild ,as we all see in the FA Cup final.....
We're a club that is constantly rebuilding and regenerating the squad. I think we have learnt from the time when we let the team under Pellegrini all grow old together. But let's not forget that this team has just amassed 91 points by regularly sticking four on teams in the last nine games. We have Lewis, Bobb and Doku who are all improving. This summer will not see wholesale changes and nor should it. Cancelo, Phillips and Gomez will move on, and so will a host of academy products. I fancy we may also see Walker depart. But that will likely be it. I'm increasingly confident that Bernardo will stay. Savio is already on the way in, and I can perhaps see three more joining him.

All of the above represents a good summer. We don't need to throw the baby out with the bath water just because we lost on Saturday.
Wow - last week it was difficult to see how the team could improve -- this week everybody out!!
Some on here need to think more before adopting their shitting whippet stance.

A drop in intensity and an unexpected loss and wow. Obviously many are rags, but some should know better by now.
In fairness more reflective commentary regarding this matter has been about for some time. As always who leaves dictates to a large extent who comes in. So if Bernardo, Stones and Walker all stay clearly less activity in the market takes place.
My own personal view is that our main issues next season involve understudies.
We really need a better backup for Rodri and it is evident to all that Kev is slowing down and cannot play the same amount of high intensity games as previously. Cover for Kev can perhaps be arranged from within current staff, a long term replacement is another issue entirely, but the evidence from last season is that nobody present can handle the Rodri role.
In conclusion, I suggest modest incremental change rather than anything radical is the preferred option.
What did he say?
He said it was good for his mates and for all the hard work they put in over the season.

It was clumsy and has annoyed people. I personally think he's not that bright and didn't know how to articulate 'congratulations to them'.

I think Rodri would've called em out for throwing the manager under the bus all season and then delivering in a final!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We don't rebuild. We don't need to. Christ, we just won the league! Look across the city for an example of needing a rebuild. Yes they won the fa cup, but the petulance, work-shy ethics of their highest earners is an embarrassment.

What City do is plan, and evolve. There won't be another walker or de bruyne. You don't just replace hat experience. Whatever comes next will be something new, but it will only be 2-3 moves at a time.

Integration with our demands and requirements, whilst honouring the players that served us well by helping them with the next move in their career.

Who ever thoughts we'd replace Yaya, David Silva, Company, Aguero? Yet we did, not the same but still successful year after year.

I don't see any real need to let anyone go. But if they do then the core of replacing it is already here, just with the addition of one or two more top talents. The right players, again look at the rag scruffs as an example of not what to do.
I do wonder all the talk of Pep potentially leaving next summer and how that will impact our ability to recruit. Pep is a huge pull to top players and knowing he is potentially leaving next summer will surely have some impact on their decisions.

I do think this team is at a crossroads. Kev, Walker, Bernardo, Ederson, Grealish, Stones have all been absolute cornerstones of our success, but over the next 2 years i think all could well be gone. What we can't do this summer is another transfer window of getting 2nd / 3rd choice signings in. We need absolute quality and as we know from experience, that's never an easy task. This summer and next will be critical to get the right players in to move on from that core group coming to an end.

We've done it before, i just hope we can do it again if Pep isn't staying longer than next summer.
What restrictions?
Basically from next summer, the 2025/26 season, you can only spend 70% of your income on purchases and wages it is currently set around 90%. It affects us more than most as we haven't much debt.
Basically this is the last summer window where we can spend 90% of revenue on the squad - next summer it is 70%
Basically, we can spend big this summer - but not next.
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