Is it time to panic yet?

You're right, but we've had 4+ years to plan and prepare for Pep's arrival, and yet we haven't addressed the squad's shortcomings. I'd imagine Pep is quietly disgruntled with just how poor parts of the squad he's inherited are, and annoyed at the lack of action before him to put that right.

Yet he is advocating contract extensions for
some of the old guard! It's unbelievable
There's more days like this to come this season. Not only are we now struggling to get wins against teams in the top half, we are actually struggling to not be on the end of embarrassing scorelines. It's a huge problem with this group of players and has been evident as far back as the 4-1 away to Spurs last season. All that Bravo and Stones have done is add to the chaos.

Off the top of my head we have been 3 or 4 down against the following over the last 15 months....

Liverpool - should have been 6 really
Leicester x2

Let that sink in.
The place is full of it today. We do need to move some of the old guard on, but that's not something Guardiola can do straight away, especially if we don't have replacements. We're probably not far off where I thought we'd be, I reckoned 10 points behind the leaders at the start of January. That said, I am definitely concerned about our defence - it's shite.

I think there could be some questions asked about the signings which for £150m we have certainly not had anything like value for money so far. Surely we should have been buying better than this for the cash spent. I can't believe someone with his Pedigree wouldn't know just how crap clichy and Kolorov are as left backs for example. I can't understand why we haven't brought a defender in on 1 Jan. Does he really think these are good enough? There must be someone out there who could do a job.
...they are pressing around the half way line and winning the ball back while our midfield and full backs are too busy thinking about pushing forward and then making simple passes into the yawning gapping gaps left there....simple passes...nothing eye of a needle...really simple......
This is it for me. I can't really remember a particularly brilliant goal scored against us this season (I'm sure there have been some), but the number of supremely easy goals given away has been shameful. Hell, even against West Ham, which was probably our best performance this season, we gave them an open goal at 1-0. Had that gone in, it could have been very different.
Saying that the players are old is deflecting from he real problem though......we can play better than this and be more slid with the players we have....btu Pep is getting it horribly wrong at present.....not with the players he is picking but with what he is asking them to do...they simply cannot do it .......ottomendi, stones, clichy cant defend one one ones all the time, yaya has no defensive awareness (especially behind him) and never has had.....kdb cant defend from the front...he is appalling at it, Kun is no good dropping negates any goal threat he has........and the bravo experiment needs to be absolute cluster fuck by Pep that one.....He may be good with distribution but the way teams are playing against us it doesn't matter....we don't need a keeper who is good with his feet as very few if any teams are really pressing that high...they are pressing around the half way line and winning the ball back while our midfield and full backs are too busy thinking about pushing forward and then making simple passes into the yawning gapping gaps left there....simple passes...nothing eye of a needle...really simple......

Couldn't agree more. How simple were the goals they scored.
Just wait till after the Spuds dick us. They were the first team who figured out how to beat us and ended our unbeaten run at the start of the season. They are playing twice as good now, I'm expecting a cricket score.
Back of an envelope but we have to beat Spurs to stay where we are, I can't see Arsenal being turned over by Burnley at the Emirates and with our dreadful goal difference a win against Spurs will see us no better than fifth.

When was the last time we scored as few goals as we are doing now? Not helped of course by shipping them out the back, but even in Pellers final dog days we were scoring more than this.
Bit of time to reflect and it's hard to take anything positive out of that. We dominated that first half and if Silva or Sterling takes their chances then it's a very different game. However, this feels like the same thing we are saying over and over again, it's like they are told not to shoot when near the goal. It pains me to say it, but I think this is silvas last season. He is wonderful when we are playing well and winning, but for me he should be scoring so many more and it's hurting us big time. KDB is an absolute luxury and for me crumbled in that game, needs to earn his crust more when things aren't going well.

Everyone will state the goalie and back 4 which is the obvious problems, but for me it's a problem throughout the team. Chelsea, Everton home, middlesborough, Everton away all lost / drawn partly due to our inability to take chances.
Of course it's time to panic. Especially when the manager is sat on tv saying. I'd like to know also. He hasn't a scooby

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