Is Money everything?

As Bob Dylan said 'money doesn't talk, it swears.' It's a powerful thing, some people have too much of it to ever know what to do with, others hardly have any and some people can never have enough.

What is undeniable is that the more you have the more options you have available to you in life. That isn't necessarily going to make someone happy though. Good health, self fulfilment, love, friendships, interests etc are all more likely to make someone happy but adding a reasonable amount of money to the mix can certainly make life easier.
I agree with this. There are some people I have known who would always say that money doesn't mean anything to them even though they were the ones who complained about not having enough to feed their family. I feel like it matters a lot less than what gold diggers think but it also matters way more than what some idealists want to believe.
Health, love, family and real friends ?
Health- In America, good luck going for treatments if god forbid something happens.
Love- I believe the only true love that exists is between parents and children. All other forms are temporary. But I have never been married so won't know.
Real friends- This is one thing that money can't buy I agree.
Health- In America, good luck going for treatments if god forbid something happens.
Love- I believe the only true love that exists is between parents and children. All other forms are temporary. But I have never been married so won't know.
Real friends- This is one thing that money can't buy I agree.

1. That's illness , not health.
2. Cannot agree.
3. Fair enough.
Income being above expenditure is all that matters in life, either when working or in retirement. Some people have much simpler lives than others.

When younger it was all about image for me, designer Clothes, flash car etc etc. As I get older my priorities have changed. Having more time is more important than money now.

I do like nice hotels on holiday though. I don’t think that will ever change.
Money brings you freedom. You are only truly free in this world if you are filthy rich.

It doesn’t necessarily bring you happiness. Love and good health are the two most important factors. And good friends too.
Not everything, but you can't really live without it. It's useful for temporary fix-ups when the relationship / friendship / health / state of the world thing is a bit desolate.

No friends around? In a bit of a rut? Lacking confidence? Raid the emergency fund, buy some fucking trainers and a video game. At least, that's how today went for me, and I'm quite satisfied.
Health- In America, good luck going for treatments if god forbid something happens.
Love- I believe the only true love that exists is between parents and children. All other forms are temporary. But I have never been married so won't know.
Real friends- This is one thing that money can't buy I agree.

Steve Jobs was pretty wealthy. Had access to the best healthcare... didn’t save him?

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