Is now the time to consider Mancini's tenure at the club

Blue Heaven said:
ChicagoBlue said:
Frank De Boer, who might not be the most objective observer ever, may have said it best:

The Dutch boss defended Mancini after criticism that he had given his players conflicting or confusing instructions, instead choosing to attack the intelligence of the players in question. De Boer also made a point of questioning the work rate of several of City's biggest stars.

"If you are the top level and your manager tells you two things, you have to be able to do it," said De Boer.

"There are always moments when Mario Balotelli, Sergio Aguero and Samir Nasri go to sleep.

"They do not chase the full back, as they do not believe it is necessary."

When we play 4-4-2, the outside 2 of 4 in midfield are responsible for defensive duties. When we play 4-2-3-1, the outside 2 in the 3 are responsible.

FAR TOO OFTEN, our 3 appear to believe they are ATTACKERS and ONLY attackers, with only the middle guy (Yaya) dropping back.....and that usually only occurs in the first half!!

Time for the boys to get their finger out and start ACTING like the world beaters they can be.

de Boer may be correct in his assesment, but who the Hell is he to publicly call out our players by name in the world media after his team's victory? Arrogant little twat with no manners. I hope we humiliate him and his squad in the return fixture. I didn't appreciate the ugly banner displaying a crude caricature of an Arab sheik, either.

-- Thu Oct 25, 2012 6:31 pm --

Paul11/12 said:
The last 2 years we've been in the group of death, last year almost got to the knockout stages, this year unlikely. I for 1 don't blame Bobby at all and think our expectations are way to high. We are new to this level of football as a club and as a group of players. Yes I know wev'e spent so much and have so many great players, but on our day over 2 legs we will give any team in Europe a good game( we just need a bit of luck in the draw and get a couple of teams that no1 as ever heard of). Most of the top teams have played these type of games for 20 years, we haven't! But we will be in it again next year, so who knows?

We will now be in Pot 4 for next season's CL draw, so don't expect a group that is much easier than our current one.

Explain please.
I just registered to say my opinion about this topic.

It is madness to ask for Mancini's removal now.
2-3 year has to be given to any decent coach to see can he build something or not is he going in the right direction or not.

Mancini won big trophies for City so that has to make it 3-4 years from 2-3 years. But he got a big fat 5 year contract like 2-3 months ago?
It is like asking to fire Pardew after his 8 year contract in December lol...

Why would he get a 5 year contract if the owners think they will fire him unless he wins the league at least which is already a big challenge on its own.
Then a 2-3 year contract would more than enough.

On the other side Mancini is no fucking genius. He is a very decent coach not in that small elite but still a decent coach who can do the job with these heavy ego players and win cups with them. Not in Europe that is true. That is his weak point.
Getting the hardest team from that fucking Pot4 last year (Napoli) and this year too (Dortmund) is so unlucky I cant even say...
From all the bad CL matches this Ajax one was the worst as Ajax really not even on the level of Dortmund/Napoli, they will struggle this year in Dutch league. This was a bigger disaster loss then any other CL loss so far.
Mancini took the blame what else he can do.

One thing is sure we are not ready to this level. We have to work more, lot more and change a lot in mentality, in workrate.

We have Mancini, we gave him a 5 year contract, sending him on exile island end of the year if he wins nothing would send out a big message to the new manager. Fuck it up too and you wont be here for next year. We could easily become another Chelsea that way and making the players decide who they want.

There are extreme things and if they happened I would fire Mancini right that moments.
Like not finishing in CL place in the league.

Apart from these things he has to stay, has to get his chance, he is failing two times out of two and one group is harder than the other was before dso we are unlucky too, but give him a third run. With a 5 year contract it is probably the logical thing.

Then if he fails to get out of the group 3 times in a row then the 4th time shouldnt be with him. That is where my patience would end. But still it could change depending on the league position this year.

This season a good fight for the title and a good EL run wouldnt be the worst thing as we need coefficient points big time. Without those points we never get a joke group like Arsenal/Unted does every year.
And somewhere we better practice this high pressure knockout matches before finally doing in CL for the big jackpot money/trophy.

We have a lot to work and practice so a good EL run only has positive consequences for future games.
OABAAB said:
To the "MANCINI OUT" squad on here..... You are a disgrace to the club and to the loyal fans of this club. You are the reason we are mocked by supporters of other clubs.I wonder how many of you fickle fuckers would have been wanting Bobby out at 93:20 on the last day of the season. Go and give your heads a wobble and come back when you are ready to SUPPORT the club!!!!!! FORZA MANCINI...

People saying Mancini our are not the reason we are mocked, that is just a big pile of crap for a statement in all honesty.
Saying Mancini is fucking abysmal in Europe is a reality it doesn't mean I dont support the team or want him gone but his hugely unimpressive European football will probably cost him his job. that is the reality of football unless you are Arsenal. The owners want to be a global brand, losing constantly in Europe effects that
Let's see if he is big enough to admit his mistakes and start again with a settled policy of team selection & tactics. It's clear that he is getting it wrong in CL. Because we critcise him doesn't mean we want him fired.
It's no good saying "Remember where we were in 1998", or "Remember Cup Final & League wins". That was then. This is now. To fail to recognise failings is the first step to putting them right. Like alcoholism, to say "It's all OK", or "Not a problem" is the wrong approach. Admit it and do something about it. Of course we support RM, but burying our heads in the sand is ignoring reality.
There's no way Mancini's tenure will be looked at until the end of the season.

Another European flop is a black mark on his record of course. I'd say that the pressure is on him to win the league now. If he doesn't do that he may be on thin ice, depending how the rest of the season goes with regards to cohesion, performances etc.
Let's concentrate on getting a CL place for next season before we start worrying about the draw..................
mancini's tenure was considered a couple of months ago and he was given another 5 years

this year's CL has been grim so far but hands up who thought we would actually win it

i fully expect plenty of support for mancini at the match tomorrow (assuming we don't go 2 down early on)

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