Is there anything the tories won't sell?

glen quagmire said:
The policy of privatisation has been called "a crucial ingredient of Thatcherism

I know, she publicly stated that she didn't want to touch BR, but it didn't stop her researching it initially. IMO, it was her 'resistance' that fuelled major's insistence.
Your quote, unreferenced as it is, is not specific to rail privatisation, nor Thatcher herself remarkably.

I can't believe that research is your entire argument. Many things have been researched and not done. I am capable of believing should would have privatised the railways despite previous misgivings, including telling Ridley that "Railway privatisation will be the Waterloo of this government. Please never mention the railways to me again." and that it would be "a privatisation too far", but the fact remains that she didn't, it was Major who did it. Much as I dislike Thatcher, she shouldn't get the credit or blame, blame according to most, for rail privatisation. It was Major's baby.

On a related point, it concerns me that so few people seem to remember Major. There seems to be a disconnect, likely a disconnect of convenience, but whenever New Labour were being criticised for this or that statistic being worse than under Thatcher, Major was somehow forgotten. Problem is that many of those social indicators, particularly inequality, rose far more quickly under Major than Thatcher. Comparing New Labour to Thatcher without mentioning Major is a massive gaping hole of an argument but it was a very common one in the media. As I said, I don't think it's accidental. Forgetting Major is very convenient for the Conservatives. It allows them the political capital to peddle very damning falsehoods, I'll call them lies actually, even when taking into account New Labour's scant achievements.
Swales lives said:
brooklandsblue2.0 said:
Once again our own little revolutionary has spoken without engaging brain. Maby if Gordon (the moron) hadn't sold our gold this would not have had to happen.

Hold on now. I have "spoken without engaging my brain?"
Didn't you make an arse of yourself in your first post on this thread? So Gordon Brown sells our gold far too cheaply, yes he did. Does that mean mean that Cameron has to sell British forests - our green and pleasant land to his his friends (and probably himself)? Do you blindly just follow anything that the Tories come up with?

Sometimes BB2.0 you can be fairly amusing (ie the favourite gun thread), but you know absolutely zero about this subject as your first post clearly showed.
You make yourself look a complete fucking ignoramus most of the time on here. Just google a few articles from the Torygraph and come back as if you are the oracle like you usually do, you fucking berk.

Okay BB2.0 so you've made yourself look a fucking tool as usual. So instead of answering any points or backing up your Tory rhetoric for reasons why you think it's a good idea to sell our forest parks, you start a new thread about 'Socialism/Liberalism being a mental illness' and your well constructed idea is a copy and paste job of a long winded article which nobody will fucking read anyway. Your dickheadedness knows no bounds, you brainless oaf.
Selling the railways was a brainless idea. Has anyone ever seriously suggested selling the roads off ? (other than John Redwood maybe)

It's part of our national infrastructure that is much better administered if it is in central control. I mean what can a private company do with the track that the state can't?

This is entirely different from, for example, BT, which requires the extra innovation and risk taking which is much more innate to private enterprises in order to compete internationally and come up with new ideas and technologies. The railways do not require those characteristics to operate effectively.

a Major fuck up
Fishnet tights or bowler hats. Can't see them selling either, really, though I can see a number of ministers trying on one, the other, or both, in a spare moment.

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