is this a scary video ??

brass neck said:
These people need to realise the genetic up of society is fluid and continuously evolving. Our Endogenous population is a mixture of Anglo Saxon, Norse Vikings, French Vikings (normans) celt Roman etc etc. Things move on!
French vikings is incorrect.

They are either just Vikings (which I'd prefer) or Britain Vikings.

France wasn't about at the time.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
mcmanus said:
Ducado said:
That's nothing in Cambodia you were executed by the forces of Pol Pot if you wore glasses, it was all in the name of a supposed workers utopia all inspired by some German bloke with a beard

Please, please tell me what that has anything to do with ridiculing religious folk?

Nothing whatsoever, but Ducado could shoehorn his obsessions with hating communism, defending God botherers, and some vague reference to Mexican drug gangs into a 'What's Your Favourite Flavour Of Crisps?' thread on a good day.
However, if anyone else dares stray even remotely off topic and onto the grass, then he's the parkie with the cattle prod.
Especially if someone mentions Israel.
Even if it's on an Israel thread.
I'm even scared to post that Silkman was shit anymore.
My favourite super hero ever.
SWP's back said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
mcmanus said:
Please, please tell me what that has anything to do with ridiculing religious folk?

Nothing whatsoever, but Ducado could shoehorn his obsessions with hating communism, defending God botherers, and some vague reference to Mexican drug gangs into a 'What's Your Favourite Flavour Of Crisps?' thread on a good day.
However, if anyone else dares stray even remotely off topic and onto the grass, then he's the parkie with the cattle prod.
Especially if someone mentions Israel.
Even if it's on an Israel thread.
I'm even scared to post that Silkman was shit anymore.
My favourite super hero ever.
Boy he was a smooth one.
smeeagain said:
SkyBlueFlux said:
mcmanus said:
Don't get you?

I find it scary that some people will form opinions off the back of nothing more than a spurious and poorly edited 6-7 minute YouTube video.

so are you disputing any of the facts or figures presented ??

That's not really the point I'm making.

As I'm not the one making any claims the onus is not on me to provide evidence for them. The video cites no sources, it cites no evidence it just throws out random figures and tells you to accept them as fact. Anybody who has a burden of proof that low is believing in things with no proper justification.

As it is there are several parts of the video which even a quick Google search will tell you are just out and out bollocks. In fact the very first words that come out of his mouth are wrong.

"Based on 'studies' [note he's not citing which studies] for a culture to maintain itself for more than 25 years the fertility rate must be above 2.11."

Japan last had a fertility rate above 2.11 in 1973. That was... yep you guessed it... more than 25 years ago. Believe it or not the Japanese are still around. As are the Germans who haven't had a fertility rate above 2.11 since the late 60s.

Fertility Rates

So as his initial premise is incorrect, why should I go any further? I've proven the video to be unreliable, everything he says here-on-in could be a lie.

That said, for sake of argument (because it's fun to dismantle such a poorly constructed piece of work), let's continue onto the bit where he claims that by 2050 Germany will be a Muslim state. Apparently said by Radermacher the Vice President of the Federal Statistics Office.

Except again, a quick search (and I can't get across how much this is really really basic stuff) will tell you that in fact he never said that. He never said anything even resembling it:

BBC said:
the video doesn't just rely on statistics, it also uses an official Government statement. It quotes it as saying: "The fall in German population can no longer be stopped. Its downward spiral is no longer reversible. It will be a Muslim state by the year 2050."
The statement in question was made by then vice-president of the Federal Statistics Office, Walter Radermacher, who is now chief statistician of the European Union. He says that while it is true he said Germany's population was in decline, the last part of the quote [in italics] is just an invention. He said nothing about Germany becoming a Muslim state.
"The quotation which reads as if the German government believed that Germany will become a Muslim state is simply not true," he says. "There is no source which can be quoted that the German government has published such an expression or opinion."

SOURCE: BBC News (which actually goes on to debunk the whole video)

I don't even want to go into the science of population statistics which leads them to come to the conclusion that Muslims will be a majority by 2050. This is a lot more complicated, but know that in this country the best estimates we have are that the Islamic inhabitants of the UK will make up about 8% of the population by 2030. Then it is likely to stabilise as birth rates of ethnic minorities tend to fall back in line with the national average within two generations.

Without boring everybody to death, I'm going to stop now because I think I've proven my point.

The real question is not "am I disputing the figures" smee, the question is why would anybody blindly believe what somebody tells you on a 7 minute video and not do ANY of these very basic checks before believing it? This is the kind of laziness (and yes I'm calling it laziness) which leads to ignorance, racial tension, intolerance and ultimately a world full of "us and them" advocates.
SkyBlueFlux said:
smeeagain said:
SkyBlueFlux said:
I find it scary that some people will form opinions off the back of nothing more than a spurious and poorly edited 6-7 minute YouTube video.

so are you disputing any of the facts or figures presented ??

That's not really the point I'm making.

As I'm not the one making any claims the onus is not on me to provide evidence for them. The video cites no sources, it cites no evidence it just throws out random figures and tells you to accept them as fact. Anybody who has a burden of proof that low is believing in things with no proper justification.

As it is there are several parts of the video which even a quick Google search will tell you are just out and out bollocks. In fact the very first words that come out of his mouth are wrong.

"Based on 'studies' [note he's not citing which studies] for a culture to maintain itself for more than 25 years the fertility rate must be above 2.11."

Japan last had a fertility rate above 2.11 in 1973. That was... yep you guessed it... more than 25 years ago. Believe it or not the Japanese are still around. As are the Germans who haven't had a fertility rate above 2.11 since the late 60s.

Fertility Rates

So as his initial premise is incorrect, why should I go any further? I've proven the video to be unreliable, everything he says here-on-in could be a lie.

That said, for sake of argument (because it's fun to dismantle such a poorly constructed piece of work), let's continue onto the bit where he claims that by 2050 Germany will be a Muslim state. Apparently said by Radermacher the Vice President of the Federal Statistics Office.

Except again, a quick search (and I can't get across how much this is really really basic stuff) will tell you that in fact he never said that. He never said anything even resembling it:

BBC said:
the video doesn't just rely on statistics, it also uses an official Government statement. It quotes it as saying: "The fall in German population can no longer be stopped. Its downward spiral is no longer reversible. It will be a Muslim state by the year 2050."
The statement in question was made by then vice-president of the Federal Statistics Office, Walter Radermacher, who is now chief statistician of the European Union. He says that while it is true he said Germany's population was in decline, the last part of the quote [in italics] is just an invention. He said nothing about Germany becoming a Muslim state.
"The quotation which reads as if the German government believed that Germany will become a Muslim state is simply not true," he says. "There is no source which can be quoted that the German government has published such an expression or opinion."

SOURCE: BBC News (which actually goes on to debunk the whole video)

I don't even want to go into the science of population statistics which leads them to come to the conclusion that Muslims will be a majority by 2050. This is a lot more complicated, but know that in this country the best estimates we have are that the Islamic inhabitants of the UK will make up about 8% of the population by 2030. Then it is likely to stabilise as birth rates of ethnic minorities tend to fall back in line with the national average within two generations.

Without boring everybody to death, I'm going to stop now because I think I've proven my point.

The real question is not "am I disputing the figures" smee, the question is why would anybody blindly believe what somebody tells you on a 7 minute video and not do ANY of these very basic checks before believing it? This is the kind of laziness (and yes I'm calling it laziness) which leads to ignorance, racial tension, intolerance and ultimately a world full of "us and them" advocates.

thank you SBF , yes i am quite lazy
smeeagain said:
SkyBlueFlux said:
smeeagain said:
so are you disputing any of the facts or figures presented ??

That's not really the point I'm making.

As I'm not the one making any claims the onus is not on me to provide evidence for them. The video cites no sources, it cites no evidence it just throws out random figures and tells you to accept them as fact. Anybody who has a burden of proof that low is believing in things with no proper justification.

As it is there are several parts of the video which even a quick Google search will tell you are just out and out bollocks. In fact the very first words that come out of his mouth are wrong.

"Based on 'studies' [note he's not citing which studies] for a culture to maintain itself for more than 25 years the fertility rate must be above 2.11."

Japan last had a fertility rate above 2.11 in 1973. That was... yep you guessed it... more than 25 years ago. Believe it or not the Japanese are still around. As are the Germans who haven't had a fertility rate above 2.11 since the late 60s.

Fertility Rates

So as his initial premise is incorrect, why should I go any further? I've proven the video to be unreliable, everything he says here-on-in could be a lie.

That said, for sake of argument (because it's fun to dismantle such a poorly constructed piece of work), let's continue onto the bit where he claims that by 2050 Germany will be a Muslim state. Apparently said by Radermacher the Vice President of the Federal Statistics Office.

Except again, a quick search (and I can't get across how much this is really really basic stuff) will tell you that in fact he never said that. He never said anything even resembling it:

BBC said:
the video doesn't just rely on statistics, it also uses an official Government statement. It quotes it as saying: "The fall in German population can no longer be stopped. Its downward spiral is no longer reversible. It will be a Muslim state by the year 2050."
The statement in question was made by then vice-president of the Federal Statistics Office, Walter Radermacher, who is now chief statistician of the European Union. He says that while it is true he said Germany's population was in decline, the last part of the quote [in italics] is just an invention. He said nothing about Germany becoming a Muslim state.
"The quotation which reads as if the German government believed that Germany will become a Muslim state is simply not true," he says. "There is no source which can be quoted that the German government has published such an expression or opinion."

SOURCE: BBC News (which actually goes on to debunk the whole video)

I don't even want to go into the science of population statistics which leads them to come to the conclusion that Muslims will be a majority by 2050. This is a lot more complicated, but know that in this country the best estimates we have are that the Islamic inhabitants of the UK will make up about 8% of the population by 2030. Then it is likely to stabilise as birth rates of ethnic minorities tend to fall back in line with the national average within two generations.

Without boring everybody to death, I'm going to stop now because I think I've proven my point.

The real question is not "am I disputing the figures" smee, the question is why would anybody blindly believe what somebody tells you on a 7 minute video and not do ANY of these very basic checks before believing it? This is the kind of laziness (and yes I'm calling it laziness) which leads to ignorance, racial tension, intolerance and ultimately a world full of "us and them" advocates.

thank you SBF , yes i am quite lazy

Wasn't specifically directing that at you. At least you had the diligence to put it up on here and ask the question. Some would just close the browser and then go and inform their mates about the menace of Islam down at the local pub.
SkyBlueFlux said:
smeeagain said:
SkyBlueFlux said:
That's not really the point I'm making.

As I'm not the one making any claims the onus is not on me to provide evidence for them. The video cites no sources, it cites no evidence it just throws out random figures and tells you to accept them as fact. Anybody who has a burden of proof that low is believing in things with no proper justification.

As it is there are several parts of the video which even a quick Google search will tell you are just out and out bollocks. In fact the very first words that come out of his mouth are wrong.

"Based on 'studies' [note he's not citing which studies] for a culture to maintain itself for more than 25 years the fertility rate must be above 2.11."

Japan last had a fertility rate above 2.11 in 1973. That was... yep you guessed it... more than 25 years ago. Believe it or not the Japanese are still around. As are the Germans who haven't had a fertility rate above 2.11 since the late 60s.

Fertility Rates

So as his initial premise is incorrect, why should I go any further? I've proven the video to be unreliable, everything he says here-on-in could be a lie.

That said, for sake of argument (because it's fun to dismantle such a poorly constructed piece of work), let's continue onto the bit where he claims that by 2050 Germany will be a Muslim state. Apparently said by Radermacher the Vice President of the Federal Statistics Office.

Except again, a quick search (and I can't get across how much this is really really basic stuff) will tell you that in fact he never said that. He never said anything even resembling it:

SOURCE: BBC News (which actually goes on to debunk the whole video)

I don't even want to go into the science of population statistics which leads them to come to the conclusion that Muslims will be a majority by 2050. This is a lot more complicated, but know that in this country the best estimates we have are that the Islamic inhabitants of the UK will make up about 8% of the population by 2030. Then it is likely to stabilise as birth rates of ethnic minorities tend to fall back in line with the national average within two generations.

Without boring everybody to death, I'm going to stop now because I think I've proven my point.

The real question is not "am I disputing the figures" smee, the question is why would anybody blindly believe what somebody tells you on a 7 minute video and not do ANY of these very basic checks before believing it? This is the kind of laziness (and yes I'm calling it laziness) which leads to ignorance, racial tension, intolerance and ultimately a world full of "us and them" advocates.

thank you SBF , yes i am quite lazy

Wasn't specifically directing that at you. At least you had the diligence to put it up on here and ask the question. Some would just close the browser and then go and inform their mates about the menace of Islam down at the local pub.

i read the bbc link refuting the videos claims and largely accept the figures cannot be verified , but the clip does raise the point that it seems pretty certain that the world will become dominated by islam in a fairly short few decades, its just the timescale thats incorrect .

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