IS this really a city forum?

blue moony said:
they may not be hard to spot.. but its slowing the forum down and its getting pathetic.....

while i accept that there are many rags on here incognito i also believe that there are some posters who are just thick as pigshit and know nothing about football whatsoever, what can we do about this? some of the posts after the game are beyond laughable and taint the rest of us
as soon as city loose or concede a goal alot of people get the knives out, then a couple of days it calms down until next time, just remember we did fook all last pre season in south africa, i think we only won pre season then, every 1 needs 2 calm down and enjoy it, that way the tension wont get onto the pitch when the season starts
as soon as city loose or concede a goal alot of people get the knives out, then a couple of days it calms down until next time, just remember we did fook all last pre season in south africa, i think we only won pre season then, every 1 needs 2 calm down and enjoy it, that way the tension wont get onto the pitch when the season starts
blue moony said:
I have been quiet lately but have been reading the forum daily......

some of the comments and the way people are reacting to certain things smell very strongly of the sort of arrogance that is bred at the swamp!!

Some of the comments after tonights Red Bulls game are just beyond belief....

im not saying this is true of everyone who has joined recently but the people that are coming out with absolute shite are those that seemed to have joined here after 2008???

just all smells a bit off to me........

the majority here remember where we have been, who we are, but some of the newcomers are a disgrace and at times i can not believe how much this forum has change since 2008......

foot stamping, toy throwing and crying over friendlies, etc etc........

how this forum has changed!

theres some great people on here but lately there are some absolute prize bellends! (and not colins)

Before I posted I made sure I read a good few dozens comments on other topics. After my intensive research ;-), I don't agree with what you're saying. There are a lot of posters who have been on this site since before the time you stated who regularly post absolute nonsense. Similarly there are a lot of 'new' members who do the same. Having looked over things I'd say there wasn't much in it.

I do agree 100% with the comment about toys and friendly games.
Having watched City play friendlies/testimonials against Bolton a couple of times, Horwich RMI and Oldham to name a few of the older ones, I said that I would not go to watch any more ever again. The highlight of the Oldham game was Colin Hendry hoofing the ball out of Boundary Park everytime he got the ball. Poor Roger Palmers fund must have been reduced by 50% to cover the cost of the missing balls! The Horwich game saw Reidy nearly crippled by some dick who thought he would impress the crowd by chopping down the pro footballer and bringing him down to HRMIs level.
In none of the dozen or so games I saw did any of the first team regulars put in much effort at all and certainly not go in for anything remotely like a 50/50. And who can blame them? Why risk an injury playing in a game that means nothing. If we win them - nice - if not so what? It really doesn't bother me in the slightest what the result is.
I'm guessing that Manchini treats it as nothing more than a training session with a bit of an atmosphere. A chance to try out new ideas, formations or see how players work together. Nothing more. Yet, as you say, people are kicking off like we'd just lost a cup final because of his poor choice of players and tactics.
I'd rather he did try things out in nothing tournaments like this than the real ones we are hoping to win.
I think that too many people are taking out years of frustration on anything that they can - managers, coaches, players, ticket office, Garry Cook, seating arrangements, ticket prices, food - anything that isn't 100% to their satisfaction gets ranted about on here. It doesn't help that our bitterest rivals have dominated the top flight for so long either.
I get the feeling that some people will never be happy even if we won the league, FA, Carling, CL and WCC every season. There would be people who found fault with out defensive style of play, our lack of flair or anything as long as the could moan about it!

Let them get on with it. I'm going to sit back and hopefully enjoy the new season as it unfolds.
I have often noticed over the years that quite often if we have a good pre-season we are shit in the league, and vice-versa. Bottom line is these friendly matches are just work outs and the results are neither here nor there.

By the way, people ought to check out our league record in the first few games of 1967/8. A lot of people on here would have had Joe Mercer sacked before the end of September.

It is far too early to panic! Develop some steel nerves, folks.
The results of pre-season friendlies are meaningless especially when the team that plays only includes two or three players that will play for us this season. However, the general mood in the team needs to be a bit more upbeat IMO and I'm looking for that when we play Thursday / Saturday - the main one of course then being when we return to play Valencia.

I agree with the poster about the fact we never really have a good pre-season and watching us play in the USA / South Africa is a long way, literally, from those games v Stockport, Macclesfield, Bury etc etc.

Anyone remember Mike Sweeney crocking Paul Walsh at Droylsden? Was that a pre-season game .......
This forum reminds me of shopping at TK Maxx. It's largely full of shit but if you look hard enough you will find something worthwhile. It has got worse since the takeover. Quanity does not equal quality.

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