IS this really a city forum?

manchester blue said:
This forum reminds me of shopping at TK Maxx. It's largely full of shit but if you look hard enough you will find something worthwhile. It has got worse since the takeover. Quanity does not equal quality.

Though sometimes, i'd rather the 'quantity' be WITH US than AGAINST us'
This "new fans" shit is bollocks! I don't know, haven't met and don't think I've seen (it was the same old faces home and away last season yet again [and good!]) any new fans. Just because someone's only got 30 posts on here doesn't mean they are a new fan. And besides, there are teenagers who post on here who talk far more sense than some of the much more mature [in years!] posters!

I watched the game with me Dad last night, a man who went to Maine Road every other week from 1965-2003, a man in his 50's. But a man who is never happy with any performance we ever produce. He was moaning about this and that and anything, "Mancini isn't good enough if we play football like that", blahdiblah.... He's no new fan, far from it! I had to tell him to shut it cos it's nowt more than a training seassion that isn't even in the more serious phase of pre-season training yet!

I remember when we were a struggling team and there was a fair few blokes who sat near me who used to hate our own players. They sat there, never sang at all, and just slagged off our players, managers, club, other fans etc. And it's just the same fuckers who moan and groan at anything and everything because they dint seem to understand the realities of things and aren't able to put things into perspective!<br /><br />-- Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:14 am --<br /><br />
hilts said:
blue moony said:
they may not be hard to spot.. but its slowing the forum down and its getting pathetic.....

while i accept that there are many rags on here incognito i also believe that there are some posters who are just thick as pigshit and know nothing about football whatsoever, what can we do about this? some of the posts after the game are beyond laughable and taint the rest of us

You're right. I'd rather have some of the fair and constructive Rags post on here than the complete idiots who were moaning in the match thread lastnight. They were a disgrace to this forum and this club!
Do negative comments make you upset? I don't think you're cut out for the internet.
Old City grizzlies always criticise..... that is because we are wiser than whippersnappers who are children of the Premiership but know little about the spirit of the game...this thread is baby talk
themoment said:
Old City grizzlies always criticise..... that is because we are wiser than whippersnappers who are children of the Premiership but know little about the spirit of the game...this thread is baby talk

Old grizzlies need to be shot and stuffed if criticising is all they can do. I sit near one and he gets on my tits constantly moaning and complaining about the team and its players. He's never happy until he's unhappy.

It's about time these miserable old relics shut up and started getting behind the team instead of joining the rags and away fans slagging it off.

My first game was sat in the Platt Lane against Ipswich. The game where Mick Mills tried to barge Joe Corrigan over and flattened only himself. So I'm hardly a whippersnapper who knows little about the spirit of the game.
Abbeygoo said:
The results of pre-season friendlies are meaningless especially when the team that plays only includes two or three players that will play for us this season. However, the general mood in the team needs to be a bit more upbeat IMO and I'm looking for that when we play Thursday / Saturday - the main one of course then being when we return to play Valencia.

I agree with the poster about the fact we never really have a good pre-season and watching us play in the USA / South Africa is a long way, literally, from those games v Stockport, Macclesfield, Bury etc etc.

Anyone remember Mike Sweeney crocking Paul Walsh at Droylsden? Was that a pre-season game .......

I was there, I'm sure it was in November.<br /><br />-- Mon Jul 26, 2010 1:40 pm --<br /><br />I originally joined in 2007, when I first got broadband. I was called Trueblues but I can't reactivate for some reason. Anyway...

At the time it was very insular and clique-y, and it still is. All the ones who've been on here longest just slag off anyone new, accusing them of being 'rags'. It's like a closed shop and I realise now why I stopped coming on here for a year or so. Just because you've been on a forum the longest doesn't make you the most knowledgeable fan. My Dad's been watching city since the early 50's, and if he was to join now I know that he'd get slagged off just for being new, even though he's been to more matches than most of you put together.

Someone said on an unrelated thread that the culture that exists at city can't be the same one as the one there in '68. If that's true why haven't things changed on here in the last 3 years? Dominated by gobby individuals who can do nothing but snipe. Why can nobody be positive and welcoming? How about a stickied Welcome thread for newbies, like on a lot of other forums?

Anyhow, rant over. Go on. Slag me off, call me a rag.
not sure when Bluemoon was started here, whether it was here back in the days when we had no money under Pearce or down in Division Two or started in our recent wealth era .... but its natural as time goes on that a minority of fans will expect more from all aspects of the team.

myself, personally grew up with the word "inconsistency" as the best word that described City the best and that will always be no matter how much we spend and how much we may eventrually win. There's always something in the back of the mind, as a City fan, that something will go wrong and just want to it be ok.
ReVoRolla said:
not sure when Bluemoon was started here, whether it was here back in the days when we had no money under Pearce or down in Division Two or started in our recent wealth era .... but its natural as time goes on that a minority of fans will expect more from all aspects of the team.

myself, personally grew up with the word "inconsistency" as the best word that described City the best and that will always be no matter how much we spend and how much we may eventrually win. There's always something in the back of the mind, as a City fan, that something will go wrong and just want to it be ok.

I'm 23, I've grown up with exactly the same thing with us. Wont ever stop me supporting the club, nor giving my opinion on something about the club.

Some of the posts on here are crap no doubt, but they are also a member of the forum. They're free to say what they want as long as its within the board rules - whether we like it or not. As long as they aren't closet rags or talking like one then I don't have much of a problem with it. I never read match day threads, because I'm usually at the games, or watching them.

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