Israel-Palestine Conflict

China (occupying Tibet, threatening Taiwan and committing cultural genocide against its own Muslim population) and Russia (massacring Ukrainian civilians) also voted for a ceasefire as members of the same Security Council that hasn't once mentioned the October 7th massacres.

The Security Council chaired by Ecuador, which has a questionable human rights record, and also has the UAE as a non-permanent member, which bombed Yemen to fuck along with the Saudis. Great to see those countries practicing what they preach, and that they're fully on your side Vic.
That's not what I was responding to, which was about what "western" nations think.

The general assembly would undoubtedly have voted for a ceasefire. And here you can see who voted for and against an amendment to condemn the Hamas attacks in the previous GA resolution for a ceasefire - not enough for a two thirds majority.

Not sure if you’re mistaking me for someone who defends the settler movement or thinks that their actions are in any way justifiable.
No. But it's hard and getting harder to separate (a) Israelis who want peace from (b) Israelis who think all Palestinians are subhumans who want to kill all Jews while also thinking Israel will be free not just from the river to the sea but from a long way into Egypt to a long way into Iraq.
That's not what I was responding to, which was about what "western" nations think.

The general assembly would undoubtedly have voted for a ceasefire. And here you can see who voted for and against an amendment to condemn the Hamas attacks in the previous GA resolution for a ceasefire - not enough for a two thirds majority.

View attachment 100886
So one third of the UN General Assembly think it's OK to massacre innocent people then, or that they don't feel the need to uphold "legal and humanitarian obligations".

I'm not sure the UN should be your moral yardstick in matters of morality.
So one third of the UN General Assembly think it's OK to massacre innocent people then, or that they don't feel the need to uphold "legal and humanitarian obligations".

I'm not sure the UN should be your moral yardstick in matters of morality.
I always regard UN votes as being a bit like the judging in the Eurovision song contest
ne So one third of the UN General Assembly think it's OK to massacre innocent people then, or that they don't feel the need to uphold "legal and humanitarian obligations".

I'm not sure the UN should be your moral yardstick in matters of morality.
It's all we've got. And no-one voted to say it's OK to massacre innocent people.

The US and UK wouldn't have voted for the resolution, even if it had included explicit reference to 7th October. And it seems obvious (whatever moral yardsticks are applied) that a lot of nations (mostly with Muslim majority populations) were unwilling to be specific about 7th October as a "cause" (after 75 years of causes of causes).

For the record, the unamended resolution, "Condemning all acts of violence aimed at Palestinian and Israeli civilians, including all acts of terrorism and indiscriminate attacks, as well as all acts of provocation, incitement and destruction", called for "the immediate and unconditional release of all civilians who are being illegally held captive, demanding their safety, well-being and humane treatment in compliance with international law". (That's just the bits that obviously applied to 7th October without being specific about that attack.)
No. But it's hard and getting harder to separate (a) Israelis who want peace from (b) Israelis who think all Palestinians are subhumans who want to kill all Jews while also thinking Israel will be free not just from the river to the sea but from a long way into Egypt to a long way into Iraq.
Not quite sure why that’s the case. We are regularly told about the difference between Hamas and the general Palestinian population. Israel’s no different insomuch as there’s a majority that want to get on with their lives in peace and a vocal extreme minority who want to kill Palestinians and steal their land. Sadly their democracy is as flawed as ours and it can lead to an extremist government that only a quarter of the population voted for in the same way that we’ve ended up with a bunch of corrupt nutters running our country. Remember that the vocal minorities are the ones that make the most noise but they aren’t by any means representative of the population as a whole, and latching on to tweets by individuals saying abhorrent things is like looking at Braverman’s or 30p’s Twitter and making out they represent the UK.
Reasonable to conclude in who's opinion?
If you don't see any evidence than you just come to a reasonable conclusion, i e, make it up and throw it out there
You keep inferring, assuming and concluding to support your false relativism but you never hear Palestinians referring to Jews as sub human but on the other hand you constantly hear members of the Israeli government referring to the Palestinians as subhuman which you never condemn but rather glibly "reasonably conclude" that the other side must be thinking the same.
The Palestinians, and Muslims in general, were always quite happy to give the Jews refuge in their countries for centuries right from the times of the Spanish inquisition and even before that when they were fleeing persecution at the hands of the Europeans, who have historically been the biggest persecutors and murderers of Jews. They were giving them refuge when the Americans were turning away shipfulls of Jewish refugees during WW2 and returning them to Germany to face the concentration camps and gas chambers ( it's all documented fact) and the British were trying to keep out the Jews by using the Aliens Act of 1919 and the Germans, Poles, Ukrainians, Russians and other assorted Europeans were busy pogroming them.

If ever there was an example of the saying that "a good deed never goes unpunished", this is it.

How's this for an example of shameless ingratitude and treachery.

You don’t go killing unarmed people if you value life. It’s not a difficult concept. Not sure why anyone would not grasp it.

You’re showing yourself to be rather blinkered here fella. Not a good look if you want to be taken seriously

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