Israel-Palestine Conflict

Interesting opinion. One which I have a degree of sympathy with.

Democracy in any place at any time isn't always the answer. Don't get me wrong, democracy is the best form of government when you have a largely homogenous population, (reasonably) well -educated and able to understand the various issues at play (this plays into your press comments). That's a pretty small demographic actually.
I was once talking to a guy from the middle East (mainly about Syria if I remember) and I said democracies don't seem to work there, but he replied that in his opinion the biggest problem was the poverty and lack of any legitimate way of earning a living which I guess is similar to what you're saying
It does bother me, but Hamas are intent on genocide of the WHOLE Jewish population of Palestine.
I find it incredible that people can't see that, I really do.
What are they going to do that with? A few Kalashnikovs and rocket propelled grenades? There are a few Israeli political parties that would like to expel all Palestinians and Arabs it's not going to happen despite the rhetoric, you seem to misunderstand rhetoric with reality
I was once talking to a guy from the middle East (mainly about Syria if I remember) and I said democracies don't seem to work there, but he replied that in his opinion the biggest problem was the poverty and lack of any legitimate way of earning a living which I guess is similar to what you're saying
It's a massive issue away from the Gulf states who are awash with money

You can't just transplant democracy and hope it works, you have to build civil society as well, which includes, education health care and economic prosperity, given all that democracy will flourish

The world has a massive opportunity to help the Palestinians build a democratic nation state that would be a shining beacon across the Middle East
Very well put. I still hold out hope that this massive escalation in the conflict will finally bring people to their senses both in the area as well as the wider world.
Once upon a time it seemed Northern Ireland and South Africa were intractable problems.
South Africa now has blacks and whites representing them at cricket and rugby with great success.
Is it too much to hope for something similar in Israel/Palestine?
South Africa was not driven by religion but bigotry, if you can find a way of getting rid of religion it would be a start
A few points from speeches and news conferences today

Nasrallah's speech contained nothing new lots of flowery language, but they are a well armed and trained army probably the strongest the Israelis have ever faced, and equipped with enough arms to inflict major damage, but I see them as more of Iran's trump card in all this, they are certainly going to keep the Northern front busy for a while and distract the IDF, which he more or less admitted was the strategy, is anyone on either side willing to trigger a major escalation, I doubt it, not quite mutual destruction but highly damaging to both.

A change of language from the Israeli war cabinet, mo ceasefire until the hostages are released, it may have been lost in translation but if not it's a massive change of direction a ceasefire would be the ending of this conflict and might even ensure meaningful peace talks

We live in hope
A few points from speeches and news conferences today

Nasrallah's speech contained nothing new lots of flowery language, but they are a well armed and trained army probably the strongest the Israelis have ever faced, and equipped with enough arms to inflict major damage, but I see them as more of Iran's trump card in all this, they are certainly going to keep the Northern front busy for a while and distract the IDF, which he more or less admitted was the strategy, is anyone on either side willing to trigger a major escalation, I doubt it, not quite mutual destruction but highly damaging to both.

A change of language from the Israeli war cabinet, mo ceasefire until the hostages are released, it may have been lost in translation but if not it's a massive change of direction a ceasefire would be the ending of this conflict and might even ensure meaningful peace talks

We live in hope
Thanks for the summary , the hostages are probably dead if israel have been bombing the tunnels where i suspect they are being held . That could be the stumbling block to a ceasefire if they are not alive to give back

Are the americans changing their tune at all today ?
Thanks for the summary , the hostages are probably dead if israel have been bombing the tunnels where i suspect they are being held . That could be the stumbling block to a ceasefire if they are not alive to give back

Are the americans changing their tune at all today ?
I can guarantee if Israel had bombed the hostages all the world would know

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