Israel-Palestine Conflict

It's remarkable how Israeli intelligence is able to locate, target and take out Hamas locations and even specific individuals throughout Gaza, yet those same Israeli intelligence services supposedly had absolutely no idea that a 3000 strong force of Hamas fighters were going to invade Israel.
There's a huge difference between knowing the capability of your opponents and knowing when that capability is to be used.
The planning for Oct 7 was totally off grid.
At the moment Hamas is using phone apps etc. More fool them as the IDF can work out where every end point is - even when you can't read the encrypted communications.
A salutory lesson in relying on your intelligence toys
That sort of capability is completely unprecedented. Have you seen their extensive military infrastructure throughout Gaza or the Hamas command HQ built below a hospital? Hamas has only really existed in Gaza militarily since 2006 but they're clearly no longer a relatively unthreatening Palestinian resistance movement. It is now a well equipped terrorist army that has its own aims that are far beyond the needs of the Palestinians.

Many people on here have ridiculous selective amnesia. Even if there is a ceasefire, are Hezbollah going to cease their attacks on the northern border? What about the Houthi's and recent attacks on Israel and US airbases? What about the rhetoric coming from an entire country such as Iran, thank christ we stopped them from getting nuclear weapons!

It's hard to understand how much the game against Israel has changed and escalated massively in just a month. Hamas probably wanted to provoke Israel and then use the response to get the likes of Hezbollah and Iran onboard which has clearly been extremely successful. What was the alternative for Israel though? Do nothing?

If anything, what Hamas did however was the biggest blow to the Palestinian movement ever and it will send them towards further pain and misery. It just proves that Hamas does nozt represent nor aim to do the best by the Palestinian people and so the only way forward is that they must be removed.

None of which has anything to do with my point about the lack of border security at the time, unless I missed it.
Israel wants Gaza, and no one can stop them. It's just that simple. Game over.
There's a huge difference between knowing the capability of your opponents and knowing when that capability is to be used.
The planning for Oct 7 was totally off grid.
At the moment Hamas is using phone apps etc. More fool them as you can work out where every end point is - even when you can't read the encrypted communications.

Whats your factual evidence?

Where did you get the statements of:

- The planning of Oct 7 was totally off grid
- Hamas is using phone apps
- The terms endpoints and encrypted communications.

Provide the evidence above, as one of the technologies I develop is Unified Endpoint Management Systems and Identity and Access Management System.

Go ahead
It's remarkable how Israeli intelligence is able to locate, target and take out Hamas locations and even specific individuals throughout Gaza, yet those same Israeli intelligence services supposedly had absolutely no idea that a 3000 strong force of Hamas fighters were going to invade Israel.
My thoughts exactly. Maybe it's an excuse for Netanyahu to march in and grab more land in the process? It's just an assumption, of course.

All appears like 9/11. None of it adds up. Call me a conspiracy theorist.
Gideon Levy telling some home truths:


There’s a difference between the ‘chosen people’ and equality of humanity.

Their Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was of equality of humanity and on level ground with Palestine PM Yasser Arafat. Progress was being made.

Whats your factual evidence?

Where did you get the statements of:

- The planning of Oct 7 was totally off grid
- Hamas is using phone apps
- The terms endpoints and encrypted communications.

Provide the evidence above, as one of the technologies I develop is Unified Endpoint Management Systems and Identity and Access Management System.

Go ahead
Well as you decided you know better, you ought to know that I work in IT and I used to work in Military IT.
You can also read a stack of articles on the web as to why Isreali intellegence failed to spot the attack coming on the 7th. The common factor is that Hamas planning was totally off grid.
Here is the story of how UK and US signals intellegence has evolved - the same applies now just with new implementation technologies and better processes that use these technologies.
Now read and learn and stop showing yourself up.

EDIT: This is a good article that gathers all elements together in one place:
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Well as you decided you know better, you ought to know that I work in IT and I used to work in Military IT.
You can also read a stack of articles on the web as to why Isreali intellegence failed to spot the attack coming on the 7th. The common factor is that Hamas planning was totally off grid.
Here is the story of how UK and US signals intellegence has evolved - the same applies now just with new implementation technologies and processes.
Now read and learn and stop showing yourself up.

Then you’re way behind your understanding then.

All mobile phones in Gaza and West Bank use +972, which is governed under Israeli telcomms.

Too bad your understanding is textbook.
Given this and the fact that there is a near full fixture list on Saturday leads one to doubt they have any allegiance to football at all ......

Strange how 'patriots' have such a piss poor command of the beautiful English tongue.

'country's' is spelt wrongly and numerous random capitalisations, as if they are affecting the style of an 18th-century girl in a love letter.

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