Istanbul CL Final chaos | City Matters statement (p 133)

even that Kaveh on sky sports has reported how bad it it has been noticed
Still silence from the club. Normally they are very quick at sending out their surveys asking about the fan experience, not a peep this time. Spent an absolute fortune for a club trip that dumped me in a shit hotel, suffered horrendous journeys to and from the match and then to top it all the plane home was delayed by 2.5 hours and we waited two hours for the luggage. What did they ask UEFA about security for fans, health and safety etc. The organisation by UEFA was effectively a dereliction of duty yet nothing will happen. How was that ground awarded the final, how many bungs were given. Utter joke
My experience of Istanbul.

Set off early on Friday with my niece Mel Lane for the drive to Stansted. Went to check in and found that Pegasus Airlines had not actioned my request for assistance, however they managed to sort new seats and arrange everything without too much hassle. Very impressed with this airline, everything was easy and the staff were excellent. Arrived Friday evening and met our driver who took us to the hotel. I’ve already posted about the hotel and I’ll add some photos at the end.

Got up Saturday, quick brunch and decide to head to the Fan Festival in Yenikapi. It’s not far away, but the pavements are uneven, badly maintained and the kerbs are too high for a wheelchair. So we decide to flag a taxi, who tells us “it is close and traffic is bad”, we insist as we cannot go on foot. He asks for €30, but we say Lira, he wants 500 lira (£20). Within 5 minutes we’re there, the real fare would have been 100 lira, but we couldn’t be arsed arguing. Had a long walk to the entrance in searing heat, the festival was a waste of time, so we decide to get the shuttle bus as soon as they start running. This was the easy bit, got on the 2nd to depart, but they filled it to the maximum, about 20-30 people stood up in the aisle for a journey that took over 2 hours.

Once the bus arrived at the coach/car park, we were told to get off and proceed to the fan park, which necessitated crossing a huge field which had been covered with what looked like builders rubble, but not properly levelled/compacted. It was obvious that this rubble had only just been deposited there as we could see all the diggers, excavators and dumper trucks on the far side of the ‘car park’. It was a nightmare for carers pushing wheelchairs as the front wheels kept getting stuck, it was better to be dragged backwards.

The fan park was ok, seemed well organised apart from over priced beer and horrendous queues for food. Around 7pm we decided to head to the stadium, when we got to the fan park exit, the steward told us to to back to the ‘entrance’ as there is a disabled ‘exit’ there and we should get the disabled shuttle to the stadium. This was a nightmare, by this time the queues to get into the fan park had blocked the disabled exit and the stewards wouldn’t let us out. Cue me getting angry and frustrated at them, eventually they decide to clear an area for us to squeeze through. Again we have to cross the field of rubble and there we meet Pat Godfrey & Barry Foy along with other wheelchair users, however shuttle buses were nowhere to be seen. An ‘accessibility’ steward is spotted and somebody forces her to go and find out where the buses are. After about 30 mins, one turns up, but can only carry 2 wheelchairs. We were lucky and managed to get on it. The driver dropped us off and told us to congregate ‘here’ after the game to be transported back to the car park for shuttles back to Yenikapi or the airports.

The entry into the stadium was easy enough, but the lack of food/drink outlets was shocking. Those available had huge queues and no way was I joining that. Then I spotted a disabled sign at the side of the counter, so we went there. I wish I hadn’t, €35 for 2 cold hot dogs and €10 for half a bottle of Pepsi and a coffee.

As you saw the match wasn’t great, City saved their worst performance of the season for their biggest game; however we were too good even then and we got over the line in the end.

Now the fun really started.
We made our way to the supposed ‘pick up’ location for the disabled shuttle back to the ‘car park’. Shuttles nowhere to be seen, apart from one that was just parked up as the driver was missing. After waiting about an hour, a couple of them turn up, other City fans waiting kindly let us get on the first shuttle as we had to get straight to the airport for a 7am flight. The time was now 1:45am. We got back to the rubble car park, which was in darkness, the only lights came from,other vehicles trying to get away. We joined the queue for buses to SAW airport (there were 2 queues the other being for IST airport), when we got to the front, all hell broke loose, there were no coaches waiting, everybody made a made dash across the field of rubble to find coaches.

There were hundreds blocked in at the back, but all shown the destination as ‘Yenikapi’, couldn’t see any for SAW. Mel had to drag me backwards across, between and behind the path of buses trying to depart. By now it was 2:30am. I then saw a bus destined for SAW but it was already moving, but slowly across the rubble. I noticed the driver had his door open, so I shouted and Mel dragged me backwards at lightning speed across the car park to this coach. Thankfully the driver stopped and helped us on. There were FOUR lanes of coaches all jockeying for position to get into the single file exit. Absolute mayhem. I reckon we spent almost 3 hours before we got off that car park and onto the road. We were very lucky to make our flight, I’m sure many didn’t.

All in all it was a complete shambles of a trip, the preparation and organisation was none existent. The planning for disabled supporters was disgraceful. The only plus points of the trip were City, Rodri in particular and Pegasus Airlines. Istanbul is a sham of a city. Mel, Pat Godfrey and other carers deserve the highest praise. Manchester City and UEFA need to be made aware of the issues raised. A totally unsuitable venue for an event of this nature.
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Still silence from the club. Normally they are very quick at sending out their surveys asking about the fan experience, not a peep this time. Spent an absolute fortune for a club trip that dumped me in a shit hotel, suffered horrendous journeys to and from the match and then to top it all the plane home was delayed by 2.5 hours and we waited two hours for the luggage. What did they ask UEFA about security for fans, health and safety etc. The organisation by UEFA was effectively a dereliction of duty yet nothing will happen. How was that ground awarded the final, how many bungs were given. Utter joke
Real chance for the club to make a stand on this - what are UEFA going to do? Hate us more? Strip us of the trophy?
My experience of Istanbul.

Set off early on Friday with my niece Mel Lane for the drive to Stansted. Went to check in and found that Pegasus Airlines had not actioned my request for assistance, however they managed to sort new seats and arrange everything without too much hassle. Very impressed with this airline, everything was easy and the staff were excellent. Arrived Friday evening and met our driver who took us to the hotel. I’ve already posted about the hotel and I’ll add some photos at the end.

Got up Saturday, quick brunch and decide to head to the Fan Festival in Yenikapi. It’s not far away, but the pavements are uneven, badly maintained and the kerbs are too high for a wheelchair. So we decide to flag a taxi, who tells us “it is close and traffic is bad”, we insist as we cannot go on foot. He asks for €30, but we say Lira, he wants 500 lira (£20). Within 5 minutes were there, the real fare would have been 100 lira, but we couldn’t be arsed arguing. Had a long walk to the entrance in searing heat, the festival was a waste of time, so we decide to get the shuttle bus as soon as they start running. This was the easy bit, got on the 2nd to depart, but they filled it to the maximum, about 20-30 people stood up in the aisle for a journey that took over 2 hours.

Once the bus arrived at the clack park, we were told to get off and proceed to the fan park, which necessitated crossing a huge field which had been covered with what looked like builders rubble, but not properly levelled/compacted. It was obvious that this rubble had only just been deposited there as we could see all the diggers, excavators and dumper trucks on the far side of the ‘car park’. It was a nightmare for carers pushing wheelchairs as the front wheels kept getting stuck, it was better to be dragged backwards.

The fan park was ok, seemed well organised apart from over priced beer and horrendous queues for food. Around 7pm we decided to head to the stadium, when we got to the fan park exit, the steward told us to to back to the ‘entrance’ as there is a disabled ‘exit’ there and we should get the disabled shuttle to the stadium. This was a nightmare, by this time the queues to get into the fan park had blocked the disabled exit and the stewards wouldn’t let us out. Cue me getting angry and frustrated at them, eventually they decide to clear an area for us to squeeze through. Again we have to cross the field of rubble and there we meet Pat Godfrey & Barry Foy along with other wheelchair users, however shuttle buses were nowhere to be seen. An ‘accessibility’ steward is spotted and somebody forces her to go and find out where the buses are. After about 30 mins, one turns up, but can only carry 2 wheelchairs. We were lucky and managed to get on it. The driver told us to congregate ‘here’ after the game to be transported back to the car park for shuttles back to Yenikapi or the airports.

The entry into the stadium was easy enough, but the lack of food/drink outlets was shocking. Those available had huge queues and no way was I joining that. Then I spotted a disabled sign at the side of the counter, so we went there. I wish I hadn’t, €35 for 2 cold hot dogs and €10 for half a bottle of Pepsi and a coffee.

As you saw the match wasn’t great, City saved their worst performance of the season for their biggest game; however we were too good even then and we got over the line in the end.

Now the fun really started.
We made our way to the supposed ‘pick up’ location for the disabled shuttle back to the ‘car park’. Shuttles nowhere to be seen, apart from one that was just parked up as the driver was missing. After waiting about an hour, a couple of them turn up, other City fans waiting kindly let us get on the first shuttle as we had to get straight to the airport for a 7am flight. The time was now 1:45am. We got back to the rubble car park, which was in darkness, the only lights came from,other vehicles trying to get away. We joined the queue for buses to SAW airport (there were 2 queues the other being for IST airport), when we got to the front, all hell broke loose, there were no coaches waiting, everybody made a made dash across the field of rubble to find coaches.

There were hundreds blocked in at the back, but all shown the destination as ‘Yenikapi’, couldn’t see any for SAW. Mel had to drag me backwards across, between and behind the path of buses trying to depart. By now it was 2:30am. I then saw a bus destined for SAW but it was already moving, but slowly across the rubble. I noticed the driver had his door open, so I shouted and Mel dragged me backwards at lightning speed across the car park to this coach. Thankfully the driver stopped and helped us on. There were FOUR lanes of coaches all jockeying for position to get into the single file exit. Absolute mayhem. I reckon we spent almost 3 hours before we got off that car park and onto the road. We were very lucky to make our flight, I’m sure many didn’t.

All in all it was a complete shambles of a trip, the preparation and organisation was none existent. The planning for disabled supporters was disgraceful. The only plus points of the trip were City, Rodri in particular and Pegasus Airlines. Istanbul is a sham of a city. Mel, Pat Godfrey and other carers deserve the highest praise. Manchester City and UEFA need to be made aware of the issues raised. A totally unsuitable venue for an event of this nature.

Thanks for sharing this along with names, and glad to hear you got home safe and on time.

Manchester City, do the right thing by taking this on board and escalate it with UEFA. Your loyal fans deserve far better than this and you know it.
My experience of Istanbul.

Set off early on Friday with my niece Mel Lane for the drive to Stansted. Went to check in and found that Pegasus Airlines had not actioned my request for assistance, however they managed to sort new seats and arrange everything without too much hassle. Very impressed with this airline, everything was easy and the staff were excellent. Arrived Friday evening and met our driver who took us to the hotel. I’ve already posted about the hotel and I’ll add some photos at the end.

Got up Saturday, quick brunch and decide to head to the Fan Festival in Yenikapi. It’s not far away, but the pavements are uneven, badly maintained and the kerbs are too high for a wheelchair. So we decide to flag a taxi, who tells us “it is close and traffic is bad”, we insist as we cannot go on foot. He asks for €30, but we say Lira, he wants 500 lira (£20). Within 5 minutes were there, the real fare would have been 100 lira, but we couldn’t be arsed arguing. Had a long walk to the entrance in searing heat, the festival was a waste of time, so we decide to get the shuttle bus as soon as they start running. This was the easy bit, got on the 2nd to depart, but they filled it to the maximum, about 20-30 people stood up in the aisle for a journey that took over 2 hours.

Once the bus arrived at the clack park, we were told to get off and proceed to the fan park, which necessitated crossing a huge field which had been covered with what looked like builders rubble, but not properly levelled/compacted. It was obvious that this rubble had only just been deposited there as we could see all the diggers, excavators and dumper trucks on the far side of the ‘car park’. It was a nightmare for carers pushing wheelchairs as the front wheels kept getting stuck, it was better to be dragged backwards.

The fan park was ok, seemed well organised apart from over priced beer and horrendous queues for food. Around 7pm we decided to head to the stadium, when we got to the fan park exit, the steward told us to to back to the ‘entrance’ as there is a disabled ‘exit’ there and we should get the disabled shuttle to the stadium. This was a nightmare, by this time the queues to get into the fan park had blocked the disabled exit and the stewards wouldn’t let us out. Cue me getting angry and frustrated at them, eventually they decide to clear an area for us to squeeze through. Again we have to cross the field of rubble and there we meet Pat Godfrey & Barry Foy along with other wheelchair users, however shuttle buses were nowhere to be seen. An ‘accessibility’ steward is spotted and somebody forces her to go and find out where the buses are. After about 30 mins, one turns up, but can only carry 2 wheelchairs. We were lucky and managed to get on it. The driver told us to congregate ‘here’ after the game to be transported back to the car park for shuttles back to Yenikapi or the airports.

The entry into the stadium was easy enough, but the lack of food/drink outlets was shocking. Those available had huge queues and no way was I joining that. Then I spotted a disabled sign at the side of the counter, so we went there. I wish I hadn’t, €35 for 2 cold hot dogs and €10 for half a bottle of Pepsi and a coffee.

As you saw the match wasn’t great, City saved their worst performance of the season for their biggest game; however we were too good even then and we got over the line in the end.

Now the fun really started.
We made our way to the supposed ‘pick up’ location for the disabled shuttle back to the ‘car park’. Shuttles nowhere to be seen, apart from one that was just parked up as the driver was missing. After waiting about an hour, a couple of them turn up, other City fans waiting kindly let us get on the first shuttle as we had to get straight to the airport for a 7am flight. The time was now 1:45am. We got back to the rubble car park, which was in darkness, the only lights came from,other vehicles trying to get away. We joined the queue for buses to SAW airport (there were 2 queues the other being for IST airport), when we got to the front, all hell broke loose, there were no coaches waiting, everybody made a made dash across the field of rubble to find coaches.

There were hundreds blocked in at the back, but all shown the destination as ‘Yenikapi’, couldn’t see any for SAW. Mel had to drag me backwards across, between and behind the path of buses trying to depart. By now it was 2:30am. I then saw a bus destined for SAW but it was already moving, but slowly across the rubble. I noticed the driver had his door open, so I shouted and Mel dragged me backwards at lightning speed across the car park to this coach. Thankfully the driver stopped and helped us on. There were FOUR lanes of coaches all jockeying for position to get into the single file exit. Absolute mayhem. I reckon we spent almost 3 hours before we got off that car park and onto the road. We were very lucky to make our flight, I’m sure many didn’t.

All in all it was a complete shambles of a trip, the preparation and organisation was none existent. The planning for disabled supporters was disgraceful. The only plus points of the trip were City, Rodri in particular and Pegasus Airlines. Istanbul is a sham of a city. Mel, Pat Godfrey and other carers deserve the highest praise. Manchester City and UEFA need to be made aware of the issues raised. A totally unsuitable venue for an event of this nature.
Didn’t “like“ your post, but liked it for highlighting what a disgraceful situation you were put in, you should email it to Danny Wilson.

As should everyone else who has taken time to post their experience.
MIght be worth filling this in if you were there. Doubt it will lead to anything but the more exposure the better.

& a direct link for those that can't see the tweet:

FSE Fans Survey

@JRockBlues I've done the survey but any chance you could make a new thread where the link is shown. To me, every Blue on this site who experienced the shite we did should do that survey. A separate thread is the only way to make sure we all see it.
Thank you for posting
My experience of Istanbul.

Set off early on Friday with my niece Mel Lane for the drive to Stansted. Went to check in and found that Pegasus Airlines had not actioned my request for assistance, however they managed to sort new seats and arrange everything without too much hassle. Very impressed with this airline, everything was easy and the staff were excellent. Arrived Friday evening and met our driver who took us to the hotel. I’ve already posted about the hotel and I’ll add some photos at the end.

Got up Saturday, quick brunch and decide to head to the Fan Festival in Yenikapi. It’s not far away, but the pavements are uneven, badly maintained and the kerbs are too high for a wheelchair. So we decide to flag a taxi, who tells us “it is close and traffic is bad”, we insist as we cannot go on foot. He asks for €30, but we say Lira, he wants 500 lira (£20). Within 5 minutes were there, the real fare would have been 100 lira, but we couldn’t be arsed arguing. Had a long walk to the entrance in searing heat, the festival was a waste of time, so we decide to get the shuttle bus as soon as they start running. This was the easy bit, got on the 2nd to depart, but they filled it to the maximum, about 20-30 people stood up in the aisle for a journey that took over 2 hours.

Once the bus arrived at the clack park, we were told to get off and proceed to the fan park, which necessitated crossing a huge field which had been covered with what looked like builders rubble, but not properly levelled/compacted. It was obvious that this rubble had only just been deposited there as we could see all the diggers, excavators and dumper trucks on the far side of the ‘car park’. It was a nightmare for carers pushing wheelchairs as the front wheels kept getting stuck, it was better to be dragged backwards.

The fan park was ok, seemed well organised apart from over priced beer and horrendous queues for food. Around 7pm we decided to head to the stadium, when we got to the fan park exit, the steward told us to to back to the ‘entrance’ as there is a disabled ‘exit’ there and we should get the disabled shuttle to the stadium. This was a nightmare, by this time the queues to get into the fan park had blocked the disabled exit and the stewards wouldn’t let us out. Cue me getting angry and frustrated at them, eventually they decide to clear an area for us to squeeze through. Again we have to cross the field of rubble and there we meet Pat Godfrey & Barry Foy along with other wheelchair users, however shuttle buses were nowhere to be seen. An ‘accessibility’ steward is spotted and somebody forces her to go and find out where the buses are. After about 30 mins, one turns up, but can only carry 2 wheelchairs. We were lucky and managed to get on it. The driver told us to congregate ‘here’ after the game to be transported back to the car park for shuttles back to Yenikapi or the airports.

The entry into the stadium was easy enough, but the lack of food/drink outlets was shocking. Those available had huge queues and no way was I joining that. Then I spotted a disabled sign at the side of the counter, so we went there. I wish I hadn’t, €35 for 2 cold hot dogs and €10 for half a bottle of Pepsi and a coffee.

As you saw the match wasn’t great, City saved their worst performance of the season for their biggest game; however we were too good even then and we got over the line in the end.

Now the fun really started.
We made our way to the supposed ‘pick up’ location for the disabled shuttle back to the ‘car park’. Shuttles nowhere to be seen, apart from one that was just parked up as the driver was missing. After waiting about an hour, a couple of them turn up, other City fans waiting kindly let us get on the first shuttle as we had to get straight to the airport for a 7am flight. The time was now 1:45am. We got back to the rubble car park, which was in darkness, the only lights came from,other vehicles trying to get away. We joined the queue for buses to SAW airport (there were 2 queues the other being for IST airport), when we got to the front, all hell broke loose, there were no coaches waiting, everybody made a made dash across the field of rubble to find coaches.

There were hundreds blocked in at the back, but all shown the destination as ‘Yenikapi’, couldn’t see any for SAW. Mel had to drag me backwards across, between and behind the path of buses trying to depart. By now it was 2:30am. I then saw a bus destined for SAW but it was already moving, but slowly across the rubble. I noticed the driver had his door open, so I shouted and Mel dragged me backwards at lightning speed across the car park to this coach. Thankfully the driver stopped and helped us on. There were FOUR lanes of coaches all jockeying for position to get into the single file exit. Absolute mayhem. I reckon we spent almost 3 hours before we got off that car park and onto the road. We were very lucky to make our flight, I’m sure many didn’t.

All in all it was a complete shambles of a trip, the preparation and organisation was none existent. The planning for disabled supporters was disgraceful. The only plus points of the trip were City, Rodri in particular and Pegasus Airlines. Istanbul is a sham of a city. Mel, Pat Godfrey and other carers deserve the highest praise. Manchester City and UEFA need to be made aware of the issues raised. A totally unsuitable venue for an event of this nature.
It’s really sad to read stories like this. It was bad enough for those able to walk miles so I can only imagine what your experience was like. Uefa should be ashamed of their part in this but they won’t be.
Having read a few of the posts on here it seems I got fairly lucky. We got the metro down from Taksim to yenakapi at about 11 am, pass didn’t work on the tube but got let through, then later in the day got the notification that you didn’t need to use the pass, just show ticket (presumably when they realised the pass didn’t work). Walked to the fanzone from the tube, fortunately had done it the day before so knew roughly where to go, but didn’t see any signs etc. Got on bus to stadium about 13:45, took about 90 mins. One of the early ones there so grabbed a beer and queued for a photo with the trophies, found out whilst in the queue that there was food available in one of the tents.

Went to grab some food, what a poor system, no information about what to do, but joined a short queue, ordered and got the paper tickets then had to queue for close to an hour for the one guy cooking burgers.

Set off to the stadium at about 18:45, to be fair didn’t have any problems and was in seats by 19:15.

After game headed out back towards the fanzone as instructed, nearly got mowed down by the minibuses carrying VIP’s, back through the fanzone and to the chaos of the car park where the buses were supposed to be, saw one steward who advised to walk round to the left and down, followed the advice and ended up walking right down to the main road past all of the taxis.

Then decided to try and find a metro stop, after walking for about an hour ended up in the middle of nowhere, no one around at a metro station that was closed, fortunately a taxi driver pulled up wanting 1500 lira to take us to Taksim square, managed to get him down to 500 and jumped in.

Passed a couple of buses going back to yenakapi and knowing the metro was shut was glad I hadn’t ended up back there.

Got back to taksim just before 3, grabbed a kebab and a beer and relaxed!
If any City Matters reps were there and suffered like the rest of us then perhaps they could raise our concerns with the club.
Then the club can either ignore our concerns or pass them to UEFA and they will ignore them.
I said on the tickets thread a few weeks ago: The stadium capacity, airport capacity and hotel accommodation capacity are the only things considered when deciding where to stage major finals.
They might also consider how recently the city has staged one, but that's another that doesn't involve fan concerns.
We need more finals in western Europe as that is where around 95% of recent finalists have come from. It might indicate a degree of arrogance but it will also reduce miles travelled and hence reduce atmospheric pollution.
London may have issues and we know escaping from the car parks can be a nightmare, but there are several train and tube stations in the area and lots of parking via various web sites. Attaturk Stadium had nothing for miles around and only one Metro line. Chaos (for fans) was guaranteed.
A few of them, and a few former reps (me included) were there and we're talking about this. I'm also an FSA member and will be contacting them as well.

At the end of the day though, UEFA, like City, will do whatever they want and stuff us fans.

Perhaps when the UEFA bigwigs attend our next home game, we should put them up in Morecambe and tell them to make their own fucking way to the stadium. Or send a driver who only speaks an obscure Amazonian dialect and hasn't a clue where he's going.
Anyone know of a law firm that can take a collective claim to uefa for the miss-treatment, omuss management of the whole event?
Most of us suffered,some more than others. Has anyone read the Inter fans experience more power to your elbow if they report similar experiences.

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