Istanbul CL Final chaos | City Matters statement (p 133)

What still puzzles me is why they had it there at that ground when nothing appears to have changed since the team down the East Lancs had similar problems many years ago when their final was there?

Maybe, if our club are talking to UEFA about it, they could ask that question?
A building site covered in rubble was what they said they had to walk over and our fans are saying the same over 20 yrs later.
Thanks. I was just about to share on here. If anyone on here doesn’t have Twitter or doesn’t want to email, feel free to send me a private message or reply to this. I’ll also be going back over this thread to save people replying twice.
Hi Alex I along with a group of 9 attended the final I have written a day by day account of our adventure with notable references to the eufa controlled parts of it. I can send it to you via what's app if i can have a number to send it to?
I'm sure it's been raised by other fans attending
1 why have our water bottles confiscated prior to our bus journey
2 Why did uefa deter fans from taking cash and then give us the options of paying by card or in Euros??
3 The main sponsor (Mastercard) didn't provide enough card machines ? Many fans debit cards wouldn't be accepted ?
4 why was the price lists on the kiosks in Euros, and the exchange into Turkish lira was not made clear ,thus I was overcharged for food and drink.
I truly hope you get a positive resolution from the points raised
Regards Paul Green ( 6110647 supporters number ) tel 07966175206
I had Google maps up and it was saying like 30 minutes left. Would go back on about 15 minutes later assuming it'd have gone down and we'd be near and it'd have gone back up to like 52 minutes. Really was

It didn't sell out. They stopped serving at 7pm
The email from uefa said they would stop serving at 8 they might have sold out but I couldn't drink any more of that crap anyway there's no way that was proper 5% Heineken
1 why have our water bottles confiscated prior to our bus journey
2 Why did uefa deter fans from taking cash and then give us the options of paying by card or in Euros??

There can only be one possible reason why, imagine taking someones water off them in that heat?

Nobody should be forced to give up their basic human rights to watch a football match.
It didn't sell out. They stopped serving at 7pm

It did sell out in all but 1 tent. Everyone piled into the tent I was in to get a beer. It was chaos. In the tent the bar staff were saying no beer unless you tipped them first. Then they got the beer. There were hundreds queuing at the bar. They stopped serving food even though there were loads of burgers and hot dogs left, which could have been bought.
Imagine how quick the beer would’ve ran out if we all got to the fanzone for 1pm

It did sell out in all but 1 tent. Everyone piled into the tent I was in to get a beer. It was chaos. In the tent the bar staff were saying no beer unless you tipped them first. Then they got the beer. There were hundreds queuing at the bar. They stopped serving food even though there were loads of burgers and hot dogs left, which could have been bought.
Our tent in the middle was nowhere near selling out. But stopped serving at 7. Cases of the stuff left. But could get it on the sly still.
The email from uefa said they would stop serving at 8 they might have sold out but I couldn't drink any more of that crap anyway there's no way that was proper 5% Heineken

I hadn't drunk anything at all since about 6:30am. Heineken isn't my favourite tipple by any stretch of the imagination but by 4:30pm a pint of tar would have tasted quite refreshing.
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What still puzzles me is why they had it there at that ground when nothing appears to have changed since the team down the East Lancs had similar problems many years ago when their final was there?

Maybe, if our club are talking to UEFA about it, they could ask that question?
A building site covered in rubble was what they said they had to walk over and our fans are saying the same over 20 yrs later.
Oh they did have proper car parks, they were just being used by the hospitality lot! Had they wanted to, they could easily have put Shuttle buses on from there (particularly for those with mobility issues) and held the Corporates back for a bit more Caviar and Moet. They just chose not to and then compounded the problem by only opening the road for the Corporate lot too!
Hi Alex I along with a group of 9 attended the final I have written a day by day account of our adventure with notable references to the eufa controlled parts of it. I can send it to you via what's app if i can have a number to send it to?
I'm sure it's been raised by other fans attending
1 why have our water bottles confiscated prior to our bus journey
2 Why did uefa deter fans from taking cash and then give us the options of paying by card or in Euros??
3 The main sponsor (Mastercard) didn't provide enough card machines ? Many fans debit cards wouldn't be accepted ?
4 why was the price lists on the kiosks in Euros, and the exchange into Turkish lira was not made clear ,thus I was overcharged for food and drink.
I truly hope you get a positive resolution from the points raised
Regards Paul Green ( 6110647 supporters number ) tel 07966175206

I was told at half time the card machines wasn’t working. Ending up paying 800 lira in cash for 8 of those small waters.

As I was walking away from there, people was paying by card.

Our tent in the middle was nowhere near selling out. But stopped serving at 7. Cases of the stuff left. But could get it on the sly still.
It sold out in the tent I was in. Legged it over to another and none left. Made it to a third tent and ended up getting the last 14 cans. I paid on my card after about the 10th one was poured and they appeared to run out on number 13. Said I’d paid for 14 so they better sort me out. The girl behind the bar managed to get 2 near enough half cans and poured me those.
Some time later a kid behind the bar beckoned me over and lo and behold another can appeared - but only for cash. Cost me 100TL which was a lot cheaper than the official price!

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