Istanbul | It’s been a blast - Thank You!

Got back 4am this morning.

All my pre-conceived opinions of Turks and their country disappeared after spending 4 days and nights in Istanbul. Chaotic place, totally mad, but the people we encountered were welcoming, warm and loved having us in their city.

We made an early decision to pick one bar, the Ottoman lounge, in the old city part of Fatih as our base. Yes, we spent a lot in there, so it was initially cash driven, but after 4 days eating their food and drinking insane amounts of beer, we now consider them as friends for life. The trick is simple - show respect and you get bucket loads back.

They opened up late after the game to allow us to get back, and we left there about 7am, just before they had to get breakfast under way. They put up with our pissed up antics, usual spillages, certain liberties taken when under the influence, but kept smiling throughout.

When we left yesterday the staff, their families & friends serenaded us as we walked away for the last time. All now adopted Mancunians who have a loving, positive affection for our club and where we come from.

Top, top people who I will remember for the rest of my life.
Only one issue to moan about and that was the bus situation after the match. Made a quick decision and went by the metro

Everything else ok in the city, hotel, bars etc

Turkish airlines can piss off but that’s another tale and no reflection on who I met, the match, what I experienced in the place
I really don’t know where to start with Istanbul, incredible city to experience, absolutely huge, welcoming in most ways, random people just offering to help with routes etc, really hospitable in the bars etc. You can see why the atmosphere for matches over there are mental, singing on the metro and the streets, the locals loved it and just wanted to get involved and join in. Some absolutely beautiful areas from the parts I saw, some not so nice. The Ataturk itself is ill equipped and poorly located for a match of that importance, but I’d say that’s UEFA’s problem.

You have to keep your guard about you though, I didn’t briefly after the match and ended up losing my wallet, which I think at the time had about 3000 lira in it. On the other hand, my mates daughter lost her phone on the tram to Blue Mosque, immediately assumed that she’d been pickpocketed, went to police for a crime reference number and got a call back to say it had been handed to a different officer, they brought it to the station and all was good. The officer at the station pointed out that there were a huge influx of refugees without low income and their children do a lot of pickpocketing.

Then getting a taxi to the airport, we had a few random guys generously offering to help again, but they couldn’t get there quick enough. Spoke to another guy who tried to get us a lift for 2000 lira, we said no and he called us back, got us a car which we ended up paying 800 lira for. Their culture is different, they are used to bartering etc, but you just have to be wise to it. Saying that when I got back to Manchester the black cab driver charged me £47 for an 11 mile drive, if it had been as far out as SAW that would have been over £100.
The taxi drivers were the only downside for me (apart from $$$$$$ UEFA of course)

We booked an Uber for 7 to take us to the stadium, quoted 750 lira. When we got about 10mins from Fatih he told us to cancel Uber, he's not now Uber. He then stated he wanted 4000 lira or $200 dollars. Special day, special price blah blah. He said if police ask, he's Uber, which we didn't think much of at the time. We had no choice, so haggled him to 3500 lira. When we got to the taxi drop off point he then said cash only when we offered a card. Managed to scrape 2600 lira together, which wiped out our cash. Offered him that, and 900 on card, take it or leave it. He was getting irate and was muttering away. He suggested he drive my mrs to an atm to get cash out, which was never happening. Eventually a copper became interested in the argument and asked what was going on. He sided with the driver and said you owe him, a deal is a deal. We then showed him the Uber booking and asked him what about this deal then? The copper took great interest in this and after a few words between them told the taxi to fuck off, which he duly did. Uber took the money from the original booking so having a conversation with Uber now about these guys using the Uber platform to rip people off.
I really don’t know where to start with Istanbul, incredible city to experience, absolutely huge, welcoming in most ways, random people just offering to help with routes etc, really hospitable in the bars etc. You can see why the atmosphere for matches over there are mental, singing on the metro and the streets, the locals loved it and just wanted to get involved and join in. Some absolutely beautiful areas from the parts I saw, some not so nice. The Ataturk itself is ill equipped and poorly located for a match of that importance, but I’d say that’s UEFA’s problem.

You have to keep your guard about you though, I didn’t briefly after the match and ended up losing my wallet, which I think at the time had about 3000 lira in it. On the other hand, my mates daughter lost her phone on the tram to Blue Mosque, immediately assumed that she’d been pickpocketed, went to police for a crime reference number and got a call back to say it had been handed to a different officer, they brought it to the station and all was good. The officer at the station pointed out that there were a huge influx of refugees without low income and their children do a lot of pickpocketing.

Then getting a taxi to the airport, we had a few random guys generously offering to help again, but they couldn’t get there quick enough. Spoke to another guy who tried to get us a lift for 2000 lira, we said no and he called us back, got us a car which we ended up paying 800 lira for. Their culture is different, they are used to bartering etc, but you just have to be wise to it. Saying that when I got back to Manchester the black cab driver charged me £47 for an 11 mile drive, if it had been as far out as SAW that would have been over £100.
My cabbie on the way back to the airport was brilliant. My hotel sorted it as they said you can’t trust yellow taxi drivers and they sorted the price. He took me on the Car Ferry which I was made up with as I hadn’t found the time to do a boat trip. Sat with him for 25 mins on the viewing deck and he bought me a coke. The fare was 650 Lira but I gave him 900. It was a great end to the trip.

Edit - just googled that someone on a salary of £143 a month is in the top 10% in Turkey! Is that right? If so some of them taxi drivers must be pinching themselves!

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Still here , back to Perth tomorrow.
What a trip! 9.5/10 …. In no order…
-Those couple of night on Nevizade , James Joyce Pub , Edinboro Pub , mental.
-Turkish people generally fantastic , only the odd taxi driver doing their stuff.
-Istanbul … what a vast , vibrant and generally great city.
-Inter Milan fans …brilliant. No problems , polite and friendly.
-City fans … well what can I add … the best!
-Cheapest beer I found 60 lira , dearest 250 lira ( got stung) , usually 130 lira.
-Food good , kebab shops everywhere , some better than others.
-2.5 cats / square metre.
- Mens barbers every second shop … couldn’t work that out?
- Stayed in Taksim , but Kadikoy next time , if there is a next time.

Overall one of the most memorable weeks of my longish life. Catching up with
old mates from back in Chaddy to meeting loads of new blues who are now mates. Anyway , home for a rest and recovery.

Champions of Europe!
Its still not sunk in properly.
Only one issue to moan about and that was the bus situation after the match. Made a quick decision and went by the metro

Everything else ok in the city, hotel, bars etc

Turkish airlines can piss off but that’s another tale and no reflection on who I met, the match, what I experienced in the place
Heard someone at Warwick Services last night said you had an issue at the boarding gate?
Sat on a ferry from Athens going to a Greek Island for a well deserved rest and pure reflection on the fantastic season we've had. It really doesn't get better than this as a fan of a football club.

Overall, I loved Istanbul but there has had to be a lot of turning the other cheek in order to remain positive about the place if I'm being honest.

You walk a few streets away from any of the nicer areas and it's a total dump that's scary. I'm really surprised to not be reading about more muggings or assaults on drunk supporters that were on Nevizade Street as the surrounding area was proper rough. When we left that area we were getting on a bus to get back to our hotel and I desperately needed a slash. I wandered down some crumbling steps to an area that looked suitable and I quickly thought better of it as the were eyes everywhere. Groups of 3-4 dodgy looking blokes on every corner.

Got ripped off for a kebab on the 1st night (380 lira) and paid 500 lira for a beer and a bacardi and coke on Nevizade Street. Had to continuously bargain and haggle for a fair price on pretty much everything and keep an eye on our valuables at all times. Nearly got pickpocketed on a packed tram by 3 blokes and luckily that situation went my way once I outed them on the tram. It could have easily gone sour looking back on it!!

However, we've done loads of stuff, all at cheap prices too. We visited Basilica Cistern, Galata Tower and did stadium tours of Galatasaray, Besiktas and Fenerbache (all of which were about £4 do do). Did a Bosphorus river tour and eat some really good food. Kebab we had in Besiktas was the best kebab we've ever had, a mint little takeaway place that has been there since the 70's. Bar opposite was happy for us to sit there and have a beer with food coming over from the kebab place. Packed with locals.

Then we got to know the Asian side a little. Kadikoy was so different to Taksim and the areas around there. Relaxed, chic and not much haggling. Happy hour beers at 50 lira and there's a direct metro line to Sabiha Gökcen airport for less than 10 lira. If we were to go back we'd stay in or close to kadikoy without a doubt.

It's a huge, fucking hectic city with a lot to watch our for so I can see why some might not have enjoyed it. Personally, I thought it was brilliant.

I actually lost my wife on the Friday night. (Both a bit drunk). We were on Nevizade Street and she ended up getting a taxi back to the hotel on her own!!! Taxi driver was brilliant and she felt safe and didn't get ripped off. 60 lira he charged when it was a prime opportunity to hike that price right up. So they weren't all complete cunts where moneyss was concerned.

A trip where the memories will last us a lifetime.
I stayed in Kadikoy amazing place and you get to see the grandeur of the city on the ferrys over and back worth a night trip amazing panorama + it's cats are far less mangey than the taksin sq variety

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