Its Joe's turn now...! (MERGED)

Re: Hart is a Ledge

SWP's back said:
blue_bird said:
Again, nice of you to sterotype someone you don't know. Just because you've knocked around with the fur coat no knickers type doesn't mean they're all like that!
That's a bit mean to your friends!!What I say may be a stereotype but there are reasons stereotypes exist you know. I personally hate the panacea, circle etc etc birds. Bunch of wannabe slags. Kim may be different but you can't blame me for having a starting view that says she was probably similar to all the others.

You're the one who thought of my friend not me!! Ha ha!!

Don't really see her anymore, she didn't really like me going to football so much - we might as well have been married!
The question is ..... what if he'd fallen off that bar , and broke his ankle or somethin'?

That's what Capello will be thinking .. and no doubt Mancini too if he sees it!
Re: Hart is a Ledge

blue_bird said:
SWP's back said:
That's a bit mean to your friends!!What I say may be a stereotype but there are reasons stereotypes exist you know. I personally hate the panacea, circle etc etc birds. Bunch of wannabe slags. Kim may be different but you can't blame me for having a starting view that says she was probably similar to all the others.

You're the one who thought of my friend not me!! Ha ha!!

Don't really see her anymore, she didn't really like me going to football so much - we might as well have been married!
Haha, bless her, her chest and all that sailed in her.
peacefrog said:
Palerider said:
I'm going to go against the grain on this one. Joe Hart is a professional footballer and gets paid a great deal of money to do so. Part of that deal should be that he prepares properly for matches. I know at the level of football we ( as fans ) play that a few drinks will not matter but at the top level you are talking about very small fraction of percentages between being a winner and an also ran. If you are a professional athlete you should not smoke or drink, it's detrimental to your performance. I'm pretty certain you would not get Usain Bolt or Seb Coe getting drunk a few days before a big race. They know it does have an impact but because football is a team game fotballers think they can get away with it. Developing a winning attitude is not easy and means preparing properly it also means players giving up certain things. It's no good a player saying he gives 100 per cent every match if that 100 per cent is compromised by poor preparation. Sorry Joe, but If I was Mancini I'd be handing out a bollocking never mind Capello.

I agree.

I know he wasn't on manchester city duty, but I don't think that matters. I believe he still has an obligation to represent city in the best and most professional manner at all times, which means with decorum. City should leave him in no doubt they expect better in future.

At the end of the day, he's 23 years old and we've to remember that.
He's also a professional footballer earning millions. And has the honour of minding both the City and English jersey.

But he can't be both, he can't be like a normal 23 year old going out on the piss and a professional player, going out on an apparent 2 day bender, 3 days before a bloody important game for England. Even if it's just England.

We are told to stay off the drink for the week if we've a championship game, and that's just an amateur club game, but we take it seriously and we are expected to take it seriously. And if a few decide to go for a few it's not going to be down in the local for all the place to see.

And you're right, why is it every other athlete it seems in every other sport can behave themselves, and ours look like twats treating the game with no respect, all over the papers.

What they do in their personal life is just that, and while it's none of our bisness and I fully believe that, when they but he is being paid too much to piss around and go on the lash before a big game.
Be a 23 year old kid or be a professional football player. He needs to grow up and learn that he's not a kid any more.

We're laughing it off now, but if that was 3 days before a City game I'd have hoped he'd have a bit more respect for the club than that. And if it was 3 days before a City game I don't think a lot on here would be laughing so hard.
We're lauging at it, but I can't see Capello being too thrilled, stupidity from Terry, Crouch, Rooney, now the golden boy Hart. God love the boy if he has a bad game.
He's lucky people like him, if it was Rooney or Terry..etc we'd be absolutely ripping him one.

He's young, but it's no excuse, but yet again, it's yet another "learning curve" for Hart.
Rahart said:
And you're right, why is it every other athlete it seems in every other sport can behave themselves, and ours look like twats treating the game with no respect, all over the papers.

This wouldn't be in the papers if it wasn't for the fact that he played football for City and England. If he played tennis for example it would make the papers.

We're laughing it off now, but if that was 3 days before a City game I'd have hoped he'd have a bit more respect for the club than that. And if it was 3 days before a City game I don't think a lot on here would be laughing so hard.

They do all go out before City games, they were out after the Chelsea game for example and they had Juve midweek. It's really nothing to worry about, I'm more concerned for the sad bastard who actually thought it was news worthy and sent in the video.
dannybcity said:
Rahart said:
And you're right, why is it every other athlete it seems in every other sport can behave themselves, and ours look like twats treating the game with no respect, all over the papers.

This wouldn't be in the papers if it wasn't for the fact that he played football for City and England. If he played tennis for example it would make the papers.

We're laughing it off now, but if that was 3 days before a City game I'd have hoped he'd have a bit more respect for the club than that. And if it was 3 days before a City game I don't think a lot on here would be laughing so hard.

They do all go out before City games, they were out after the Chelsea game for example and they had Juve midweek. It's really nothing to worry about, I'm more concerned for the sad bastard who actually thought it was news worthy and sent in the video.

You really can't see that there's something wrong with it. Other sports have massive fan bases, like it was mentioned before, you wouldn't see Usain Bolt or Nadal, or Paul O Connell or Joe Rokocoko, being caught out like he was.

I don't believe that they're out every week, and if they are, I'm sure it's not on the lock the way we were shown Hart to be. If they are, well you're going back to pre Jack Irish football, to 5/10 years ago in GAA, to back 10/20 years in England.
For the sad bastard, well, to be fair if you were a RAG and you saw Rooney doing what Hart did, I don't think you'd pass up the opportunity to do what he did.
Rahart said:
You really can't see that there's something wrong with it. Other sports have massive fan bases, like it was mentioned before, you wouldn't see Usain Bolt or Nadal, or Paul O Connell or Joe Rokocoko, being caught out like he was.

I don't believe that they're out every week, and if they are, I'm sure it's not on the lock the way we were shown Hart to be. If they are, well you're going back to pre Jack Irish football, to 5/10 years ago in GAA, to back 10/20 years in England.
For the sad bastard, well, to be fair if you were a RAG and you saw Rooney doing what Hart did, I don't think you'd pass up the opportunity to do what he did.

I honestly can't mate, it's his week off and he's on a stag do. Here's an article about Usain Bolt getting drunk;

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ...</a>

It's only newsworthy because it's England and City and they've decided to put a negative spin upon it. They could easily have gone with "Hart let's his hair down" or some reference to him being caught dancing on film (again). But England had a crap world cup and people being negative about England sells . He's obviously abit of a character and enjoys being the centre of attention, remember this?;

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

It's a nothing story and you shouldn't worry, he'll be back to top form against Blackpool no doubt and hopefully putting in another match winning performance. As for the Rooney question, if I'm that bored on a night out that I feel the need to film a rag dancing on a table on my phone then it's time to go home.

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