It's not about Tevez, Mancini, Me, You, the Fans..It's MCFC

Of course the alternative to all of that is for the whole stadium when he comes on is to turn their backs and do a fucking big poznam :-)
Balti said:
tijuana tev said:
chanceathefarpost said:
I have read with interest the whole reaction re the return of Tevez and whether he will or will not be welcomed back / booed etc...

It is my opinion that as a group of fans we cannot afford to express our dissatisfaction with him until the season is over.

We are in a unique position for MCFC; a real opportunity to win the league for the first time in many supporters' lives, yet if it goes wrong, Tevez is the media scapegoat - 'upset the applecart', 'Marsh all over again' etc...

We have got a media sniping at us from every angle, many believe there is also an agenda regarding officials being against us, impending implications from FFP etc... the one thing we cannot afford to have is a divided club - whether that is in the dressing room or on the stands. We therefore must show a collective front. The media will be watching and waiting for the first inclination of booing from the terrace, their fingers are on the keyboard, they can't wait to write the story that Tevez has blown us the title...Rooney has already started his tweet ready to post.... and then there's the utd fans ready to tell us they were right to get rid, despite the quality he possesses etc... We cannot afford this to happen. The title is in our hands - that includes everyone - the players, fans, board and we need to ensure that we remain together at all times.

It seems that the players have accepted him back - now I know that there may be some in the changing room looking at him thinking 'I've been busting my arse off for the last 3 months whilst you've been having a nice jolly etc...' but sensibly, these opinions are either being expressed in private, or being kept inside - For the time being - which is exactly the right course of action. Unwelcome distractions are unhelpful and divisive. Could you have imagined the frenzy if a player had come out and said 'I don't want him back...' That's what the media have been waiting for. They've got no change out of the players which now focuses the attention onto the fans. They want, almost need to write this story....

There is a well-known saying that no-one is bigger than the club - I completely agree. But I interpret this as you always need to do the best thing for the club. In my opinion the best thing for MCFC NOW is to have a fully motivated, match fit Tevez available to play with the backing of his manager, players and crowd. The first two seem to be in place. What are we going to do?

In the summer, I would gladly drive him to Milan or wherever, but being so so close to the ultimate glory, something we thought we'd never see, certainly in my lifetime, we as fans, also can play a huge part. We must continue to back whoever wears the blue shirt. This isn't about me, you, us, Mancini or Tevez.... It is about MCFC. It is about doing whatever we can all do collectively to ensure that come May, we are stood in the fountains in St Anne's square, dancing through Piccadilly and enjoying the moments we could only have dreamt about only 4 years ago. This is our time blues... let's do what is right for MCFC and leave the personal insults and negativity until the summer.

My thinking is that I'd introduce Tevez as a sub v Bolton next week. Hopefully we could be 2-3 goals up after 85 mins, get him on, no stress, done and dealt with at home, in a victory and move on to getting that trophy into Manchester for a change.

Even if we're playing down at Maine Road, Or if we play a million miles away, We'll always have our loyal fans behind us, To cheer us on our way....

If Tevez walks out at the ETIHAD to a normal reception and no Boo,s , i think he will tear the opposition apart with his endeavour to make amends with the players and fans . i agree with everything you say

There is no chance of that and he hasn't torn anyone apart since he made it so obvious he'd rather be anywhere else where his pet leech could get another big pay day.

All our strikers are on form and scoring. Twat features is not needed. Fuck him.

Yes they are all scoring but to say we don't need him is abit dim mate. We needed him during the back end of Dec through to end of Jan. So what happens if the goals dry up again at the end of the season? We won't need him again then ? Hmmmm. I think we will pal.
SuperKevinHorlock91 said:
Balti said:
tijuana tev said:
If Tevez walks out at the ETIHAD to a normal reception and no Boo,s , i think he will tear the opposition apart with his endeavour to make amends with the players and fans . i agree with everything you say

There is no chance of that and he hasn't torn anyone apart since he made it so obvious he'd rather be anywhere else where his pet leech could get another big pay day.

All our strikers are on form and scoring. Twat features is not needed. Fuck him.

Yes they are all scoring but to say we don't need him is abit dim mate. We needed him during the back end of Dec through to end of Jan. So what happens if the goals dry up again at the end of the season? We won't need him again then ? Hmmmm. I think we will pal.

What's dim pal is you saying that we need someone who detests our club and has been awol on an extended golfing holiday while we have earned the right to be top of the league in his absence.

What's dim is ignoring the fact that our 3 strikers who could be arsed honouring their contracts are amongst the top scorers in the league.

Premier League Top Scorers:

Van Persie Arsenal 23
Rooney Man Utd 17
Aguero Man City 16 Ba Newcastle 16
Dzeko Man City 13 Yakubu Blackburn 13
Adebayor Tottenham 11
Balotelli Man City 10

What's dim is thinking that we are struggling with only 67 goals in 26 games so far without him.

Fuck me how have we coped without the dim ****.
What I'm saying is yes they have done excellent when he went AWOL but tevez is someone who we needed and possibly could of got us those extra point when the goals from the others dried up.
Completely agree with the OP. Morally Tevez is in the gutter and I wouldn't give him the time of day, but he's an undisputed asset to our playing staff (when fit) employed by our great club to achieve success. Like any business - and I know some don't like that analogy - sometimes you have bad eggs who are bloody good at what they do; Tevez falls into that category.

Ultimately, Bobby and the club have played a blinder with their stance on CT. I trust RM to make decisions going forward this season that will maximise our opportunities of winning silverware; if that includes playing CT now and again, then I will support that decision to the hilt.

In the summer, CT will leave. Hopefully we'll be on could nine having enjoyed a wonderful denouement to our season. Come on City!
Balti said:
The Scarlet Pimpernel said:
de niro said:
whatever happens we MUST NOT boo tevez, no matter what.

Agreed, should sing Mancini if he scores or comes on lol, I really hope everyone sings Mancini, that would be fantastic instead of boring and predictable booing, come on blues we are better then boos!

-- Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:53 pm --

Balti said:
what like when they constantly took the piss out of us for example

who gives a fuck what rag twats think

City fans were (still are) renowned nation wide and in the media for being a great bunch of supporters before we got rich, hardly ever got slagged off.......???

what's with the 'before we got rich' repetition?

and what does this have to do with the greedy toxic little ****?

Just making the point that I have always regarded our fans as something special (great sense of humour etc...) and still do but if we boo him on mass then we are just like Arsenal fans. Singing Mancini or something similar as people have suggested would be great and the right kind of reaction......never boo a blue is something that I ve always heard and strongly agree with! - He's still a blue and yes he has done wrong but so do family members, friends and ourselves, most people break laws and do bad things - in my youth I ve done things that are worse then CT's lack of loyalty. Whilst I am not saying we should all forgive and forget instantly, we shouldn't boo him. He was AMAZING for us last season and that should not be forgotten and there were times when he was the only one on the pitch who was giving it 110%. His goals got us in the champs league and attracted Sergio and Nasri and now we are challenging for the title without him, its great that we are able to do that. Could manu be where they are without Rooney? - No.....they needed Scholes to beat Norwich who they dragged out of retirement.
Its asking the impossible to expect every City fan to pretend nothing has happened and not voice their displeasure.

But booing him will just have a poisonous effect, it would be detremental to the team.

So lets have the Mancini chants, make it like Blackburn away again.

And if thats not enough then, instead of booing, a few choruses of "Who let the dogs out", complete with barking.

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