It's Quiet 18 - Wanna ring the bell?

I disagree...He stated he wanted out because he was struggling to adapt to a different culture in the North of Europe

If you truly were struggling to adjust to Machester you aren't going to run off to the Middle East. In essence he was feeding us a line and wanted out for other reasons if he is comfortable heading to the middle east.
To be fair, £200m over 2 years at 28 years old is quite the incentive for anyone... \0/
Find me that quote from him then I’ll believe you at the Moment you making it up!
Doesn't matter if he is or he isn't, as you've said yourself, things change and Bernie is a grown man who can make his own decisions. A Blue getting all moral over Saudi is a hypocrite.
I assume this is nonsesnse? I mean we wouldn't bid if we thought he was dead set on joining Arsenal.
Wouldn’t be in for him if he didn’t want to come. Money talks at the end of the day we will have the money to give to West Ham, not being second best to a club who were literally second best to us.
United have won 1 Carabobbins cup in 7 seasons.

Rice has already stated he wants to win everything in football.

He won't win everything at United. The past decade is proof of that.

He comes to City, he's absolutely guarenteed to win things, the biggest prizes.

I get he's Mount's mate, but surely his individual achievements means more to him than playing alongside his best mate.

Either way, he'd be in the same City as him.

Also... If City wanted Mount, I'm pretty sure Mount would favour a move to us also.
He can still be Mounts best mate in leafy Cheshire if Mount goes to the rags & he comes ere, it’s a lot closer than east-west Landon

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