It's Quiet 18 - Wanna ring the bell?

City didn’t massively trade down with Kovacic. All city’s current players that are “close to leaving” are 30+ years of age. Replacing them with players that are 3-6 years younger is very much refreshing and a good idea.

Kovacic is not a like for like Gundo replacement and we should see him play for City before concluding whether he is actually a lesser player (as opposed to different). Kova will be better as some things than Gundo. Think he may surprise a few.
Swapping Sane for mahrez makes perfect sense if Sane can be got for the right price. 5 years younger and will provide the numbers Mahrez does
We’ve heard this before, every year is “this one is for real”. In the case of a Lavia he may well be, but still didn’t cut it. Best case scenario for Bobb is Palmer does go and he takes that limited cameo role in the squad. But that’s basically a presence in training above anything bar early Carabao cup games. I suspect Lavia is now the model, they go for playing time and in a year all the big clubs will be wanting them.
Rico Lewis is for real...just sayin'...
So the club will tell Bernardo, oh you were just unlucky not to have made your mind up before your colleagues! Sounds plausible. Bernardo is probably the departure they were the most prepared for besides Gundogan.
Not who made up their mind first, who brought an acceptable offer first, yes I'll say that...

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