It's Quiet 18 - Wanna ring the bell?

...and so it starts again...the thin skin and paranoia. Next will come the accusing other posters of racism.

Gus, you have interesting stuff to say, but the way you say it - as though your view is the only possible one in town - invites others to challenge your views and call you out. Then you get all pissy and threaten to take your ball away. We've done this dance before.

Relax and remember it's a forum where people are gonna disagree and challenge each others views.


Me thinks you haven't visited the politics thread where one has to be part of the cult!!
Id Love to know why people have such a negative opinion of Sam Lee. He seems to write well researched article consistently.

By recollection, sentiment seemed to turn against him when he publicly stated he was talking to the client journalists who work for United and Liverpool - hacks for hire like Delaney, Harris, Panja, etc - to understand their ‘expert opinions’ on the whole UEFA charges/CAS situation.

At around that time he did start leaning into some of their more unpalatable tropes and in particular the more egregious, ill-informed and agenda-driven lies about our Club that client journalists like them work so hard to propagate, from which point a lot of City fans stopped trusting him and saw his as part of the anti-City agenda. The team he supports didn’t exactly help him out here either!

Up til then, even though people knew he was a United fan they seemed willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.

From that point on - he became the enemy in the eyes of a lot of City fans.
Sam lee saying city saw Bernardo as the ideal Candidate to slot into midfield with kovacic as gundogan replacements, but mahrez leaving would complicate this- they can’t have Bernardo as both winger and midfield cover. So, continue with plan to move Bernardo to midfield and get a winger to replace mahrez rather than use Bernardo there (Bernardo can still be cover for the new RW). Makes sense to me I must admit.

Quick list, the one for me… Goncalves.
Lots of the same names being mentioned, but I really think Take Kubo should be on these lists. Sociedad player of the season, over the likes of David Silva, Zubimendi and Mikel Merino. Stylistically looks like a mix of David Silva and Mahrez. Only 22yo and got 18 G&A last season in all comps. As a Japanese he could boost our fan base in Asia

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