It's Quiet 18 - Wanna ring the bell?

If we don't spend big this summer bring in 3/4 players and next season these new PSR rules they've been talking about get voted in it will mean we can only spend around 50/75m even if we sell 300m of players it wouldn't make any difference!
Both keepers won't be going. If Eddy goes Ortega is number 1 and sure he signs a new deal then. If Eddy stays its still 50/50 Ortega stays and signs a new deal as he openly talked about how much he has enjoyed Manchester and his football whilst at City. Personally I think they both stay. We have always said a player can go if they want but have also been very firm on value so Saudi need to pay up if they want Eddy.

Chelsea coming in for Ortega as well so we will want to know what the situation is asap, thankfully Ortega isn't at the euros so no delay with that.

Carson already resigned as 3rd choice and general banter man.

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