It's Quiet 18 - Wanna ring the bell?

Kovacic was included as he’s purchased for the same central position so has to be factored in to the signing on fee an costs. I like Kovacic but if your aim is to be best team in the world he’s not in that starting 11. Would’ve been fantastic squad purchase hadn’t we thrown away Cole Palmer
Palmer wanted to go and we got a very very good price for him at that time. It’s got nothing to do with throwing him away. He just simply wanted more first team football and Pep couldn’t guarantee that. We can’t keep them all and sign whoever we want.
Kovacic is a proven player, a winner, and a top international, bought for peanuts.
Palmer did not want to stay without guaranteed game time. There is no guarantee that he would have been as successful for us, and he did not wish to stay, much as I would have liked him to. His success reflects well on our academy.
Nunes has not yet played enough to be properly judged.
We won the league title for the fourth time in a row.
I was talking to my cousin who's got contacts out there and they said they'll pay whatever it takes to bring in Premier League 'superstars'.
He's a Wolves season ticket holder so saw Ruben Neves leave last summer.

I asked about the £70/80m transfer fees and he said ' you just don't understand, this is absolute pennies to them'.
Salah would be a major superstar for the league (even bigger than fake ronaldo) and a massive coup for them as they'd get him from Liverpool.

That would show 'their weight' in the transfer market.

So people say.

Nothing there to back that at all. The transfer fees have been restrictained if not sensible, bar one or two on players not past their peak. Nothing crazier than transfers yiu see in europe, like anything chelsea would do, or arsenal or liverpool or even at times ourselves.

They didn't hesitate to negotiate over 'pennies' for Mahrez and Laporte which were just as big a coup, and get themselves a great deal.

And the wages are rumoured, and for the beat part made up.

There is always some degree of truth to clichés of course, but so far that is just that, a cliché.

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