It's Quiet 18 - Wanna ring the bell?

Eddie leaving would be annoying.
Understandable from his view point though.
Not convinced Ortega is the number one replacement.
Guess we'll see how he does over a full season, but playing at the end of last season he left me with concerns.
Kev leaving wouldn't bother me too much as long as we get an half decent fee for him.
Let's be honest he's looking his age and I'd say at best he's got another 12 months with us.
Obviously I'll still be gutted to see him go but I've built myself up to this moment, if not now, it's coming..
Gomez going plus a few others and let the rebuild begin.
We've looked liked we needed a refresh last season, so as long as the replacements are quality I'll be happy.
Hopefully an exciting window to come and who knows with a big refresh in the squad it may rejuvenate Pep.
We’d need Musiala to throw his toys out the pram which I can’t see happening
He hasn't signed that extension yet. Also seem to remember his agent talking publicly about wanting to know the future of the club in regards to the manager. Get the impression he's not 100% there.
Tolmie said something about Txiki negotiating a 120m Musiala deal in the comments section under one of the posts.
If Germany were to lose tomorrow, Kimmich & Musiala deals could accelerate.
Musiala, Kimmich, Savio & Bruno Guimaraes would be an absolute dream summer.

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