Yes whining, thought it was a bit pathetic really. He said how can someone who does not see him play football, does not see him train etc see if he is good enough. That has literally fuck all to do with it. The Home Office makes decisions based on tangible indicators like international caps. Not stuff that can't be measured like 'he is well good at football' because that would be a stupid policy and open to criticism / accusations of bias. The exceptional talent rule might be a bit more nebulous a concept but still requires actual evidence as it should, otherwise every club in the land could get work permits for every player just by deciding they were pretty good. Whether that system is right or wrong is irrelevant, it is fair and applies to every single team in the country - and frankly are far nicer to young footballers than other young foreign men coming here for a job.
The fact of the matter is Douglas Luiz could walk on water and score 90 yard headers, if he doesn't meet their criteria he isn't going to get a permit and Pep moaning about "the system" in press conferences is beneath him and the kind of thing managers like Mourinho do.