It's Quiet thread 14 - 'do one' edition

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you do wonder if he is taking a bit of a risk doing this. If Barca truly believe he is still under contract they could then do him for breach of that contract couldnt they?
At this point it makes sense for them to sell him and if he does stay it’ll be because of optics... If Barto doesn’t want to be seen as the guy who lets Messi go, then he sure as hell won’t want to be seen as the guy who takes him to court for breaching his contract
Is attending the test in his contract ?
One would imagine it’s part of his obligations as playing staff. Same with training Monday.

At the end of the day, there are lots of examples of players returning late to training after summer, fifa allows 2 weeks wages being docked afaia.
Koulabily left out last night of Napoli 1st team, played in Res apparently

Aoure has Covid so iso for him

Also reports say 1st bid rejected for Aoure £35m so maybe £43m + bonuses

Koulabily again reports say we have left the agent do the talking £60m + bonuses maybe £65m

No rush for both although it was said Koulabily would be signed start September so this time next week Koulabily & at least Lyon except our offer & once out of isolation we get the deal done for Aoure

Who knows Both & Messi could be the best tripple deal of all time

Fucking unbelievable I cant stop smiling
I think it would top the transfer window we got Benjani in tbh mate!
We have proposed a very innovative way of paying him through the CFG. FFP can't touch it, seemingly.

As a result, Messi will be paid very much in line with the rises the club also have in the pipe for Raz and Kev, so about £375k a week plus other bonuses.

Guardiola is now driving this bus. I'm so fucking happy, even sounds like Barca can get fucked on anything substantial in terms of cash.

Garcia, Gundo, Stones, Otamendi, Cancelo, Zinchenko and Angelino, they can have their pick, but we will not be sending any tier one their way.
The word is could be getting a piece (call it a share option) which can be cashed later (when he's probably doubled its value!!)

Two per cent is worth about £180m? Entirely legal, like many offers to employees from top companies. Doesn't touch FFP and means we can keep the squad wage bill down.

Some reports have stated CFG will pay his wages but that is incorrect, as that would be third-party ownership.

Awaits this appearing on Twitter and the media within 2 hours ;)
One would imagine it’s part of his obligations as playing staff. Same with training Monday.

At the end of the day, there are lots of examples of players returning late to training after summer, fifa allows 2 weeks wages being docked afaia.

I was wondering, seeing as covid is an unexpected event, whether it's possible there is nothing in the contract, which forces him to have the test & whether them fucking him over re his clause & taking advantage of covid, could work two ways: he refuses to be tested, so they can't use him.

Just a thought.
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