It’s on days like this you truly appreciate posts like this. Imagine if we had to get our news from Sly Sports. Thank you @tolmie's hairdoo
you are a gentleman and a scholar.
Gentleman maybe - but scholar is pushing the envelope a little too far
It’s on days like this you truly appreciate posts like this. Imagine if we had to get our news from Sly Sports. Thank you @tolmie's hairdoo
you are a gentleman and a scholar.
Once his legal team does that how quick is the process from here in regards to Messi being a City player?Messi's legal team are lodging papers with FIFA today. They want their man on a plane to Manchester by Friday.
Thanks TH, any idea if that's indicating his wish to invoke Article 17 or to ask FIFA to rule that he's a free agent under the terms of the contract?
That’s the move!Messi's legal team are lodging papers with FIFA today. They want their man on a plane to Manchester by Friday.
Very good newsMessi's legal team are lodging papers with FIFA today. They want their man on a plane to Manchester by Friday.
I'm only getting the drip of very broad strokes from someone connected that I have known for a long time. As far as Messi is concerned, he doesn't want City giving Barca a damn penny.
It takes it out of his own!
Gentleman maybe - but scholar is pushing the envelope a little too far