This “joke” was completely uncalled for as I hadn’t posted anything that met your definition of myself. I am not humorless, it’s quite the opposite: my tone gets mistaken for a number of things as I am not a natural English speaker and can’t make my comments sound maybe lighter. I once joked I should add “mate” at the end of my posts to be more “likable”; I could never do that as I avoid inauthenticity. But when you hit that Ignore button, never again will you see my so-called aloofness or “cocksure style”. And from your pedestal you won’t need to tell me to “chill” as if I’m supposed to take lightly mean-spirited jokes or, like you now just did very objectively, bizarre characterizations.
And you can join the idiots who make highly prejudiced comments (that are allowed to stand, unlike some harmless stuff I have posted in the past, interestingly...) and accuse those who call them out on it as “snowflakes”