It's Sn(eye)der not Scchhneider

Lucky Toma said:
Balti said:
julian lescott would not be happy

A lad sent me an e-mail recently saying he would like to write for the Cutter.

Took an instant dislike to him because of his cocky nature - basically telling me I needed someone with his knowledge and how he would improve the site.

I asked for an example of his work and he said he'd write a piece from scratch about England.

In the first paragraph - 'Julian Lescott....'


It wasn't Chris Coleman?
bellbuzzer said:
manseenee is terrible, vanson kompanee sounds too smarty-pants, micker richards is totally wrong, awheroo ? clichay? zabayetta? too many to worry about, lots of others to HONE in on

But Vanson is the correct (French) pronunciation of our captain's first name.

And as far as I'm aware, VK is French Belgian.
call him "zero-point-man". he will understand.
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