It's Sn(eye)der not Scchhneider

sjsctid said:
This seriously annoys the hell out of me!!

If it was a daily conversation between an average joe, then fine. .but when commentators get it wrong it is just a joke. Surely a part of there JOB is to pronounce the name correctly, when millions of people are tuning in, listening. It is pure laziness, because it is so easily researched!

The Latest one is Casillas, pronouncing it as CASS I ASS. Come on, how long has he been about now, sort it out.

Sorry, but ll is pronounced like that in Spanish
Pride_In_Battle said:
sjsctid said:
This seriously annoys the hell out of me!!

If it was a daily conversation between an average joe, then fine. .but when commentators get it wrong it is just a joke. Surely a part of there JOB is to pronounce the name correctly, when millions of people are tuning in, listening. It is pure laziness, because it is so easily researched!

The Latest one is Casillas, pronouncing it as CASS I ASS. Come on, how long has he been about now, sort it out.

At the risk of being clarkied, that's the correct Spanish pronunciation of his name...

Noooo not sure where you get this from? The correct pronunciation is CA SIYAS.
Holland v Portugal and Tyldesley is finally getting the proununciation of Sneider correct but his co-host Andy Townsend persists in the Sccchhhhneider version. There's hope yet.
i♥city! said:
danburge82 said:
Blue>Red said:
but veeya is right, the spanish way of saying it, if your going to say david villa with the L's then you may as well say david as in david beckham not david as in david silva
It's Beeya.

V's in Spanish are B's. Double L's are Y's.

Our Dave's surname should be pronounced Silba.

So its Bictor Baldes and not Victor Valdes ??
Bictor Balthes

With the 'th' not quite pronounced like a Spanish Z but not quite like a D.
They have been pronouncing Jakub Błaszczykowski (Poland captain) almost correct.

In Polish a "ł" is our "w".

So it's Bwatzszikovski.<br /><br />-- Sun Jun 17, 2012 8:25 pm --<br /><br />
kenster197 said:
Blue>Red said:
i♥city! said:
So its Bictor Baldes and not Victor Valdes ??
yeah i knew that, but thats because they dont have a 'v' sound at all, we'd sound like dicks if we said bictor baldes is getting a transfer to balenthia.

i think the most accepted way should just be used, im now contradicting myself......meh

I'm still laughing at that. :)
Glad he didn't say Valladolid (Bayadolith)
Or Roy Hodgson signing Ricky van Wolfswinkel when he was a club manager.
Balti said:
julian lescott would not be happy

A lad sent me an e-mail recently saying he would like to write for the Cutter.

Took an instant dislike to him because of his cocky nature - basically telling me I needed someone with his knowledge and how he would improve the site.

I asked for an example of his work and he said he'd write a piece from scratch about England.

In the first paragraph - 'Julian Lescott....'


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