It's started already

KEEP CALM, its not like we've never had to suffer the rags winning the title before is it? We've had years of listening to them go on and on and on about it, so this season isn't going to be any different. The difference is, they are not going to take it from us with the last kick of the season when we think we've won it, are they? It isn't like we thought, we'd won it, only to have it cruelly snatched away from us anyway. I don't care if we win nothing for another 20 years I will still be BLUE, I will still be proud and I will still be here.
samharris said:
squirtyflower said:
Fuck em

Metaphorically not literally

I would... with a 12 inch rusty iron John holmes lookalike dildo.

-- Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:12 pm --

Vienna_70 said:
I just caught one of two decent rags at work saying, "...if Wigan beat them. It will be funnier than when Wimbledon beat Liverpool."

Then he asked me, "Are you celebrating already?"

"No," I replied, " We've had 30 years of shit, so I'm not taking anything for granted".

God, it's still really hurting them.

And it's fucking hilarious!

we can handle it,they cant..
Some of us can. You only have to read a number of threads on this forum to see there are a few who can't handle it whatsoever.
imbluethruandthru said:
KEEP CALM, its not like we've never had to suffer the rags winning the title before is it? We've had years of listening to them go on and on and on about it, so this season isn't going to be any different. The difference is, they are not going to take it from us with the last kick of the season when we think we've won it, are they? It isn't like we thought, we'd won it, only to have it cruelly snatched away from us anyway. I don't care if we win nothing for another 20 years I will still be BLUE, I will still be proud and I will still be here.
100% correct. Plus we have an FA cup final at wembley to look forward to having already won two trophies in the past two seasons. Another crack at Europe next season as well. Could be much much worse.
davymcfc said:
imbluethruandthru said:
KEEP CALM, its not like we've never had to suffer the rags winning the title before is it? We've had years of listening to them go on and on and on about it, so this season isn't going to be any different. The difference is, they are not going to take it from us with the last kick of the season when we think we've won it, are they? It isn't like we thought, we'd won it, only to have it cruelly snatched away from us anyway. I don't care if we win nothing for another 20 years I will still be BLUE, I will still be proud and I will still be here.
100% correct. Plus we have an FA cup final at wembley to look forward to having already won two trophies in the past two seasons. Another crack at Europe next season as well. Could be much much worse.

Bring it on!! :-)
robinhood CITY said:
Vienna_70 said:
I just caught one of two decent rags at work saying, "...if Wigan beat them. It will be funnier than when Wimbledon beat Liverpool."

Then he asked me, "Are you celebrating already?"

"No," I replied, " We've had 30 years of shit, so I'm not taking anything for granted".

God, it's still really hurting them.

And it's fucking hilarious!
Not as funny as when Southampton beat them

And lets not forget 2nd Division Sheffield Wednesday doing them in the League Cup Final as well.

Two time Bottlers against lower Division sides at Wembley.
It's different from all those previous years.

We just beat them at their place - again.
We've got the FA Cup final to look forward to.
We'll be expecting to welcome the PL trophy back to Manchester next season.
The balance of power has changed and is still shifting.

Much better than being the poor kids looking through the window.
The difference is that nobody cares that theyve won it apart from them and the press toadying to them, they have won it playing shockingly bad and dull football, been handed games on plates by poor refereeing and basically whinged and moaned through the whole season but the aguero moment will forever hurt them. Its the mindset of united fans winning is never enough for them they have to rub it in someone else face to enjoy it and the fact that they had the biggest bitchslap ever suffered in football at the expense of their rivals will resonate with them forever despite their continued denials
Hardly anybody at work has said anything until today, and he was on annual leave last week.

Anyway, he asked, did you enjoy your day at Wembley, then?

And I replied that I did, which was actually the truth.

Even though we were beaten, even though we got drenched on the way back to the tube station and even though the car broke down about 100 miles from home and we didn't arrive back until 3:10, I really enjoyed the day.

It was my first FA CUP final, so to experience the marching band, Abide with Me and everything else that goes with the day at first hand, when up until five years ago, it was something we could only dream of, was absolutely fantastic.

And it is something I hope, want and expect to experience many times in the next few years.

I love this club.

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