Its the wum speaking here............

Barry Conlons wig said:
not my fault! said:
This could be scary..... If all the players rumoured sign!


M. Richards...............K. Toure...............J. Terry...............J. Lescott

G. Barry...................S. Ireland...............Robinho...................?.....

..................................E. Adebayor............................................

............................................C. Tevez.......................................

Poss Petrov or Toure in midfield with Bridge moving into his normal possition and Lescott moving more into the middle? Either way I think we will show we mean business.

since when did Barry play right midfield?????

hahaha... and since when did Adebayor play as a second striker?
Barry Conlons wig said:
not my fault! said:
This could be scary..... If all the players rumoured sign!


M. Richards...............K. Toure...............J. Terry...............J. Lescott

G. Barry...................S. Ireland...............Robinho...................?.....

..................................E. Adebayor............................................

............................................C. Tevez.......................................

Poss Petrov or Toure in midfield with Bridge moving into his normal possition and Lescott moving more into the middle? Either way I think we will show we mean business.

since when did Barry play right midfield?????

Since I put him there... I'm fucking manager and he will play where I fucking tell him. He'll collect his £120k a week and be happy about it too! Suggest De Jong as the missing player and a little re-shuffle. As for Barry if you look at his CV he can play anywhere in midfield (by his own reconing so....).
not my fault! said:
Barry Conlons wig said:
since when did Barry play right midfield?????

Since I put him there... I'm fucking manager and he will play where I fucking tell him. He'll collect his £120k a week and be happy about it too! Suggest De Jong as the missing player and a little re-shuffle. As for Barry if you look at his CV he can play anywhere in midfield (by his own reconing so....).

You missed a trick. Lescott in the centre, Toure RB. Then you can stick Petrov at left back.
Biamp said:
Barry Conlons wig said:
since when did Barry play right midfield?????

hahaha... and since when did Adebayor play as a second striker?

So were buying player who cant adapt now? Well that wont work will it.... I'm sure at some point someone said "the moon? You'll never see a man on the moon" But we did and it was blue! Sooooooo

chorleybloo123 said:
I think Robinho would be a great, combative CM.

not my fault! has the greatest football brain, imo.

Cheers dude, although your constant playing of champ manager every waking hour almost certainly makes you a god like figure.
Jesus mate that is shockin management skills - easy


Micah/Zab ---- Terry/Nedum - Lescot/Vinny --- Bridge

-------De jong -------- Barry------

----- Tevez/SWP----- Stevie/Ela ----Robby/Rigsby-------

-------------Ade / RSC-------------

I live in the Smog [yes there are a far few oldish school Blues down 'ere] and Arse fans are boring wankpots, no threat and will be ez to kick out tha way for our Elite annihalation session we are about to embark on.... has Zin found his bike yet? Every thread seems to have him scarpering around with him looking for it, rather funny, it's probably been piped up by now by some Alty rag sweat scall tbh...
not my fault! said:
Barry Conlons wig said:
since when did Barry play right midfield?????

Since I put him there... I'm fucking manager and he will play where I fucking tell him. He'll collect his £120k a week and be happy about it too! Suggest De Jong as the missing player and a little re-shuffle. As for Barry if you look at his CV he can play anywhere in midfield (by his own reconing so....).

thank fuck your not manager then ;P
why do people carry on putting bridge out of there team. i thought he was class tonight. get him fit and he will be one of the best left backs in the league.


------Ireland---De Jong---Barry


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